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You threw off the cover of your bed, and leapt out of the bed. Fukuzawa tried to stop you but you just walked through him.

You ran out of Anne's room and you were back at your house in flash. You scrambled around in search of a new note book that wasn't filled with theories and notes of the events. Due to some unfortunate events you couldn't remember, your memory was so shit you had to write things down to remember them.

You grabbed a pen and started writing down what you had just seen. The more you wrote, the more your brain started to think.

The 'family' was definitely suspicious, why did they give you this memory? and how was it related to you?

You jotted down what you could gather from the situation. Looking back, Fukuzawa was probably going to meet Mori, which meant that we were going to go fight the sewer rats now.

Only, you had one problem.

The virus had infected you too, and you didn't know where or who was the other person. It was a miracle that you were awake now, considering that you only had been out for a few hours.

And now then Fydor wanted something with you. You didn't know what it was but it was certainly nothing good.

Calculating the time, You probably had another day and a half. That was more than enough to glean answers.

 After putting all your notebooks back into the safe, you tied your jacket around your waist and left to go find Atsushi and trail him.

You found him pretty easily, the cats in the area certainly helped a lot, you could literally smell Fukuzawa's jealousy.

He must have sensed you because he kept looking around but stopped once Akutagawa told him to stop being so paranoid.

As they arrived at the location, you panted from your run. Since when did you start missing PE?

You looked around, making sure that no one was around before trailing after Atsushi. You walked around the greenery for a bit before finding the wall of the hideout and walking through it.

After walking around the hideout for a while, you started feeling dizzy. You couldn't afford too pass out here, Fydor might find you-

Those were your last thoughts before you blacked out. (Again. Can't catch a break, sorry)




Atsushi's pov

As Akutagawa dodged the attack from Pushkin, I rushed to tend to him.

As I looked back, I realised that the skill user had gotten away in a mine cart.

"Didn't your parents tell you to underestimate small cuts?" He yelled as he sped off.

I looked back in horror to see that Akutagawa had been infected by the virus. I heaved him into a mine cart before getting into it myself. The phone I used to contact Katai-san was now in Dazai-san's possesion.

"Atsushi-kun, are we finally connected? I heard that you are pursuing the virus skill user? The virus spreads from wounds, causing fever and dizziness. It makes standing up difficult you must avoid the slightest graze," Dazai ordered.

Just as he finished his sentence, Pushkin fired his gun again. I dodged down, using the mine cart as a barricade.

"You can leave Dostoyevsky to me.  Don't let the skill user get away." Dazai said before he disconnected. 

Hearing this, Akutagawa raised his head and activated Rashomon. Unfortunately, he couldn't reach him. Pushkin then said something and pressed a button on a controller we had failed to notice before.

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