part one

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Madelyn's pov:

I head to the cemetery to visit my parents. I started to approach their grave and when I reached it I sat down in front of it.

- Hi mom... Hi dad... - I whisper to them as if they could hear me, then I placed a bouquet of flowers on their grave. "I'm sorry I didn't come earlier, but a lot happened..." I sighed and looked down at my lap.

I turned my gaze back to the grave.

-I received an important assignment from Fury. You know, Fury helped me a lot after you left... so um... I have a mission... damn... it's not even a mission...- I sighed again, I have no idea what to do. Fury is very important to me. He helped me a lot after my parents left. He gave me a home and a job, not to mention that he was the only one who genuinely cared about me.

He wants me to join the Avengers. I really have no idea why. There are much better agents than me, so why me...but he said that he wants me and not the other agents. Can you believe it? The Avengers...-I looked away and saw a couple. They were just bringing flowers to another grave, and I looked back at my parents'.

"He'll make me accept it. I know it. And I'm not really sure I want to be part of a bunch of fools in pajamas..I mean..really? Ahh I have no idea what to do..."I sighed again "I wish you were still here" I whispered. My parents would definitely know what to do.


I just got back from a mission with my best and only friend, Adeleine. Our goal was to capture a couple of Hydra agents, and we succeeded. Obviously, Adeleine is a killing machine, so whoever resisted was killed... Let's say our job was to capture them, not to kill them, but who's counting?

"Oh, Maddy, Hi! I was just looking for you." I heard Fury come up behind me as I walked down the hall.

"Um..hello. What's wrong?" I asked as I turned around. My relationship with Fury is very important. He was like a second dad to me, especially after my real one died. He tried everything to help me, so he is a real father figure to me.

"Come on. Let's talk in my office." he said while looking at me with a serious face. His voice was formal, not like usual, which made my stomach jump. I gave a small nod and he pointed to his door, indicating that I should go in. Taking a deep breath, I entered his sophistacated office. The walls were white, the door was a glass door. The window was open and a few plants were placed on the ledge. In the middle was his large black table, on which stacks of papers and pens were arranged in military order.
I don't like it when he talks to me so seriously, especially not when he does it in his office, because it always means one thing; he wants something from me.

"So...What?" I ask nervously.

He replied with a stern look, then sat down at his desk and pointed to the chair opposite, gesturing for me to sit down.

"I have an offer for you." he starts after I sit down.

"I'd like you to join the Avengers."

My eyes widened and I blinked a few times in disbelief.

"You're my favorite agent and I wish you the best. Ever since your parents died, you've become very withdrawn, which is obviously understandable, but I think you'd benefit from a change of scenery, not to mention that they could use a new team member as well. They really are a very good team and I think they'd be a good influence on you. And least you wouldn't have to fight with Adeleine all the time."

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