part four

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Steve's pov:

I got up at 5.30 today because I'm going for a run with Sam. I'm happy about that, I could barely talk to him yesterday, and we've been running together for a long time.

"Hey." Sam greets me as I walk downstairs.

"Good morning."

"How did you sleep?" he asks.

"Good, I was finally slept in my bed. It's another level of comfort." I smile and he laughs.

"Ready for a little morning run?" he amusently raises his eyebrows and I nods.

"Of course."

We start running, and I do a few warm up laps at Sam's pace and then start to accelerate and overtake always.

"On your left." I say to him when I get ahead of him again.

After two hours of running, I see Sam lying under a tree. I go over to him and help him stand up.

"Are you alright?" I asks and he tiredly nods.

"Yeah, but man...I think I need a biiiig breakfast." he says and I chuckle. "Hopefully Maddy made breakfast." As he says her name my smile dissappear and I roll my eyes.

"What?" Sam asks.

"Nothing." I annoyedly answers.

"No, really. Did I say something wrong?"

I shake my head. "No, it's just Madelyn."

"What's wrong with her?" he furrows his eyebrows.

"She's just...childish. I mean you saw her? The first time we met she was fully covered with flour so as Thor. She's a bad influence on him. And she isn't prepared for a mission. I saw her and Buck training yesterday and she lost."

"Don't take it personal, but I think you're wrong..." he starts and I raise my eyebrows, ready to talk him back, but he shakes his head.
"I mean, okay, she likes to play with the others, what you can call "childish" but she's definetly not a bad influence. She's the sweetest soul in the world, she doesn't want to hurt Thor or anyone else. And the fact that she lost to Bucky...Come on...He's Bucky. He was the Winter Soldier, he even beat down Natasha once and you too....She's training everyday, and Fury told us, that she beat down Noah."


"He's the most qualified S.H.I.E.L.D agent."

I nod and starts thinking about what he said. And...he's quite right? But I won't admit it. We didn't needed a new member, and what's more important we didn't needed her. Her presence is unnecessary here.

"Mhm, whatever, I still don't like her." I shrug.

"Well, she's really kind, funny and talented. You should gave her a chance." He tries to convice me.

"No, thanks." I coldly shake my head and starts walking back to the Tower. I can hear Sam sight and then he follows me.

"And besides....Bucky mostly train her and their goal is not for Maddy to defeat Bucky. Rather, Bucky gives her advice to be even better"

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