part six

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Madelyn's pov

Wearily everyone dragged themselves back to the tower.

Thor whined that his leg hurt, Sam whined that his wing was injured, and Bruce whined that the clothes we brought him were too small so that he would have something to wear when he changed back from the Hulk.

Overall, everyone had something wrong, for example, I had wounds on my arms and thighs. They are not very deep, but it was not a pleasant feeling.

Adeleine's wounds were treated and she went home. I was a little sorry, because I would have stayed to talk with her.

I hobbled up to my room and took off my clothes. I got in the shower and started running the water on myself. I washed off the dirt stuck to me during the fights and got out of the shower. I wrapped my towel around myself and wiped the steam from the mirror, so I saw myself.

I looked better already, I thought, and I took care of the scratches on my face, then disinfected the wound on my arm and thigh, and bandaged it. I put on my pajamas and fell tiredly into my bed.

I took my phone from the bedside table and checked it. I received a message from an unknown number.

"Good evening, Madelyn.
It's me Rumlow.
Adeleine gave me your number,
and I just wanted to ask if
you'd like to come out to
dinner with me Tuesday

"Good evening, Rumlow.
I would love to go out on a
dinner with you."

*you changed unknown
to "Rumlow"*
"Great. I'll pick you up
at Tuesday, 7.00pm."

"Okay, thank you,
I can't wait!"

"Me neither.
Sleep well, gorgeous.
Good night!"

"Good night."

I dropped my phone back to the nightsand and  I covered myself with my blanket.

My eyes felt increasingly heavy and slowly closed as I fell asleep.

In my dream, I was again on the usual street where my parents' accident happened.

I could already see the disaster.
"No...I don't want to," I cried, but I couldn't wake up or stop the frames of my dream.

Suddenly, I felt a hand grab my arm, and this was the circumstance that managed to wake me up.

My hair stuck to my forehead with sweat and my breathing was heavy. Tears rolled down my face and a pair of blue eyes looked at me.

"Shh, hey, it's okay, it was just a bad dream, I'm here..."

"Steve?" I frowned, and because of the tiredness or the shock by the sudden wake up, but I didn't noticed that I called him Steve. This was the first time I called him by his first name.

"Yes, yes, it's me. I'm here, everything's fine," he whispered and gently wiped the tears from my face.

"W-what?" I confusedly asked.

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