part two

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I woke up to a sharp rumble. I rubbed my eyes and checked my phone on my nightstand.

Half past five. The sound that woke me up only got stronger and stronger before I realized that someone was standing in front of my front door and knocking...or judging by the strength, trying to break in. Detail question.

"I'm going, I'm going..." I muttered and threw the blanket off me and started to shuffle out of my bedroom.

Using my phone's flash - living alone in the well-bred 21st century, it occurred to me sooner to use my phone's flashlight than, to turn on the lights - I set off to see who the hell was banging me at 5.30 in the morning. It's not fully six yet!

I opened the door squinting, with messy hair, crumpled pijamas and black circles under my eyes, so I wouldn't have been surprised if the person ran away in disgust as soon as it saw me.

"Finally!" Fury sighed in relief when he noticed that I had opened the door.
"Good morning Madelyn!"

"Morning?! More like dawn..." I muttered with a yawn.

"We have a trouble." he looked at me seriously, and my stomach jumped and all the sleepiness left my eyes. If Fury says we have a trouble, then we have a trouble.

"What happened?" I asked worriedly.

"Hydra. They're pushing harder and harder. I need you on the team. Now!" he raised his voice.

"What? But I don't...I..." I mumbled back. First of all, I was still half asleep and for a moment I wasn't even sure if I was awake at all, but Fury grabbed me by both shoulders and gently shook me.

"Don't you hear me? I need you. I sent the Captain and Romanoff to the base of Hydra, and they're more prepared than I thought. You have amazing fighting skills, and I need you on the team, right now." he looked at me seriously and I felt that I don't have a choice anymore. I'll be on the team whetever i like it or not.

"And that's the why you woke me up this early?!" I asks him angrily.

"It's important."

"Yeah, well, the Avengers will figure it out, It's not my bussiness." I stubbornly refuses.

"Please, Maddy, that's the only thing I want from you. You'll have you own room, and the Avengers aren't as bad as you think." he tries to convice me.

I think about it a little. He was always there for me after my parents death. Why I'm not helping him now? He clearly needs me if he even came to my home, and after all those years, what he spent with helping me, I want to refuse to help him? No, that wouldn't be right. Besides Adeleine is friends with the Avengers too, so maybe he's right and they aren't as bad as I think.
"Okay. I'm sorry. If you want this from me, then okay...I'm in." I sigh. I truly owe this and more to Fury.

"Thank you. Do you want me to help you with the packing? You only need pack your clothes, you'll have an own room with furnitures."  he looks at me more kindly and relieved.

"Uhm...No, thank you. I guess I want to be alone right now." I politely refuses his offer. He probably has more important things to do other than helping me pack some clothing.

"Alright. But if you need something, call me." He smiles at me a little.

"Okay, thank you." I nod and smile back, while I walk him to the door.

"Well, then. Bye Maddy. We'll meet later."

I nod. "Goodbye."

I watches him leave, and I shut the door after him.

I made a pot of coffe and I poured myself a cup. I thought of all the things what just happened, trying to process it.

"I'll be an Avenger..." I quietly whispers with doubt in my voice. I still can't really believe it and I can't decide that I'm happy or not because of this fact.

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