part eight

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Madelyn's pov

The first things i liked about steve was that i felt so safe in his arms, and I didn't had nightmares when he slept with me. The second thing that he never pushed things. he never asked why i'm crying he probably figured out that i have nightmare problems but he never asked about the nightmare, he's waiting for me to take the first step and open up. and i'm really grateful for this

In the morning I woke up to someone loudly breaking into my room. It was Adeleine. I aknwledge that Steve left, probably at dawn time again, so I was alone now.

"Okay, Maddy, now tell me EVERYTHING. What happened? What were you two talking about? Was he polite? I recommend him to be polite because if he's not I'll kick his balls."

I rubbed my eyes tiredly. "What?"

"Rumlow. Last night. Date." She looked at me like I should know what she's talking about then my mind cleared and I nodded.

"Oh yeah right. Well it wasn't bad" I said with a yawn. I won't go to a second date anyway so It's unnecesarry to tell her everything. I actually didn't really enjoyed it because of my gut feeling and after the night discuss with Steve I wouldn't go on another date again.

"Wasn't bad? I thought you enjoyed it-." She frown.

"Yeah it was quite good." I answered, then grabbed my phone from my nightstand and checked the time. Quater past nine. Well I could've still sleep. I saw some notification and I looked at it. All was from Rumlow.

"Good morning!
I was wondering if you have time, and you want to, we could meet before your meeting with the Avengers. What do you think?"

I sighed at the text. I mean yeah, sure, Rumlow was kind and polite, and I kinda enjoyed my time with him, but something wasn't right about him, I knew it.  But I also knew it, I'll need to tell him to face to face that I don't want to continue dating with him, because everyone deserves to communicate our intentions to them personally.

"Good Morning!
Yeah, it sounds good, what about
we'll meet at 10.15?

The answer came almost immediately.

"Perfect. Meet me at the cafe.
I'll be waiting for you."

I nodded to myself and suddenly looked up, because I completely forgot about Adeleine. She was searching through my closet.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Choosing your outfit." she smirked.

"What? Why?"

"Because...I want to." She shrugged.

I shrugged and let it to her. If she insist....

Time skip
(1 hour later)

When Adeleine told me she wants to choose my outfit I thought she'll choose something normal and formal, because I'll have a meeting with the Avengers too, and I should wear something appropiate to it. But no, she needed to choose a summer dress, what's it provides a perfect view of my cleavage. I mean yeah, it's really my favourite summer dress, and It's already middle of june, but I don't think so it's the best option. Of course she choose it, when she heard I'll meet Rumlow at the cafe. Typical Addie. However, it's kinda my fault too, I didn't told her my intentions and the fact that I'll tell him I don't want another date. Whatever.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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