part three

22 2 4

Madelyn's pov:

I've been living in the tower almost three weeks now, and I have to say, I'm surprisingly enjoying it.

I get along with everyone, especially with Wanda, Bucky and Thor. Wanda helped me with my things in the first place, but I like just baking and talking with her or having a movie night with her. With Bucky, we are training buddies. He's actually hilarious, especially when Sam is there too. And I'm cooking with Thor everyday. I mean, I'm cooking, and he's trying.

I get along with the others too. There was times when I went down to the lab to see what Tony and Bruce doing, but I couldn't understand a thing, so I gave up.

Clint started to teaching me archery. I wouldn't say that I'm good at it, but I'm trying, and Clint said he can see the development.

Vision usually tells me fun facts or recommend books for me. Once I went out with Vision and Wanda, and it was pretty fun too, I didn't felt like, I'm a third wheel, I was more like their child, so it was really funny.

My relationship is good with Pietro too. Sometimes he helps Thor and I bake, and since he is very fast, we are always ready by mixing the ingredients in record time.

Peter, the real kid, was a little bit anxious the first time we talked, but it turned out, I went to the same high school as him and now I help him a lot with his homework.

However, there are some bad things too, of course, because according to the law of balance, not everything can be good. We must receive equally from the good and the bad. So while I was with the others during the day, having fun, my nights were replaced by insomnia.

I couldn't sleep.
At the first days I thought it's only because of the new place, but It didn't got better, not even when, the ice broke with the others, and I've got comfortable with them.

I always going to sleep really early, and for first I fall asleep pretty fast. Then I'm having a nightmare, about my parents death, and I can't sleep back. It's about midnight time always and after that I'm up for hours.

I usually tries to fall asleep again, or if I hear Bucky having a nightmare, I goes to his room and helps him. Firstly, I helps him calming down then, I sit down to the floor, next to his bed, to be there if he has another nightmare. So normally, I sleep on his floor and about 4 in the morning, I'm going back to my room and sleep a little bit more in my own bed, if i can.

Then I'm waking up, at 5.30, have a breakfast, then I go down to the training room, for exercise and sparring with Bucky. After that I'm having a shower and doing the lunch with Thor, and after lunch I sometimes train a bit more, or paint, read, or I'm having a meeting with Adeleine. Then I goes to the cemetary to visit my parents grave, and after that I run at the nearly park. I ran for two hours and then goes back to the Tower, prepares dinner with Thor again, and then eating with the others and at the evening I watch a movie with Wanda, then I'm going to sleep. So usually this is how my day looks like.

We didn't got missions yet, because the Captain and Natasha is out there, but if I knows it right they'll come back soon.

I'm actually pretty excited about it because I hasn't met with any of them. Adeleine visit me a lot too and she told me about Natasha and the Captain too, and I think I'll get along with them too.

Today I couldn't sleep either, so I woken up at Bucky's floor. After that I went back to my room, but I couldn't sleep more, so I went downstairs.

I started to make breakfast, for everyone, and I heard some footsteps behind my back.

"Morning..." Bucky mumbled sleepily.

"Good morning Buck." I smile at him. "I made breakfast. Do you want some?"

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