7. Mahi Bhai, eternally yours

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MS rushed out as fast as he could. It was 11 in the night when Priyanka called him. She was trying to appear calm but he could make out from her voice that she was panicking, and that alarmed him. The girl hardly ever lost her calm, she was young but so poised and intelligent. She didn't tell him much, only thing he knew was that Sonu slipped off in the washroom, got injured and is being taken to the hospital.

When he reached the hospital corridors, the first person he saw was Sakshi. She looked at MS and sighed. MS looked at her and raised his eyebrows ever so little. "He is okay" Sakshi told and Mahi had a sigh of relief.

"Kahaan lagi usko? "

"Right hand got fractured. Wrist fracture. A forehead injury"

"Where is he? I wanna see him"

Sakshi held his hand and took him to Sonu's room. He was sleeping because of sedation with his hand plastered and a bandage over his forehead. The twins were sleeping there on the couch. She wanted them to go home but that wasn't a real option when no one was there. With Priyanka she had to put her foot down, she had college in the morning and the girl was adamant to stay.

MS grabbed a stool and sat besides Sonu's bed, running his hand in his hair occasionally.

"How did this happen? " MS asked.

Sakshi took a deep breathe before she spoke. "This guy needs a good whooping Mahi. You are being too nice with him"

"What? Why? " MS rolled his eyes.

"Ask him how it happened once he gets up.  He scared that poor girl Priyanka, she found him lying there in blood in washroom. " Sakshi shook her head in disgust.

"One minute.. Sakshi. Was he.. Was he by any chance drunk? " MS asked rubbing his eyes.

"Of course. Did you leave your brain in Delhi? You should have got it by now" Sakshi said unimpressed.

MS shook his head ever so slightly. It was uncharacteristic of him but he was little too worried to think of how it could have happened. He was just focussed on the part that his Sonu had an accident.

"Will you have a cup of tea Mahi? Let's go to the canteen? "

MS shook his head in no. "Will you get me a cup here Saks? "

"Okay" Sakshi said and left. MS got up from the stool and went to the twins, made them lie properly. There was only a four seater couch, he placed a pillow beneath Bhuvi's head and made him sleep straight. He took Virat's head in his lap and made him lie parallel to Bhuvi.

Sakshi brought a cup of tea for Mahi and a cup of tea for herself. She gave the tea to Mahi and sat on the chair.

"He is alright Mahi. Take these two home. You need to rest too"

"Let him wake up once. I'll go once I talk to him. "

"It's 4 already. You take these two home as soon as they wake up" MS said looking at the time.

MS dosed off soon after he finished his tea. He was tired because of the day's events. The travel only drained him further.

Sonu opened his eyes groggily as the bright sun days fell from the window. "The fuck man.. someone close the curtains" , the young man winced as he tried putting his elbow over his eyes. He opened his eyes and looked at his hand and got reminded off the last night's events. His eyes fell to the surroundings and he quickly realised where he was. He sneaked a look at MS and sighed in relief, the man was asleep. He had to put in some brain work and think of something real good, the man would blast him alive otherwise.

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