Come to Cali

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"We will begin our descent into Los Angeles, California and will land in about 20 minutes. Thank you for flying with us today, we hope you enjoy your stay."  I heard a voice say over the loudspeaker. I looked over at Martin and smiled.

"I am so excited! This is my first rave." I exclaimed. He smiled and laughed at my excessive joy.

"Hey Bri," I heard Ryan whisper next to me. I turned to him and he leaned in.

"Shut the fuck up." He said. I made a disgusted face at him and he made one back. Why is my annoying ass twin brother with me, you may ask? Well my dear friend, as soon as he found out he came up with every reason I should give him my extra ticket. So my mother forced me to. I hate my family.

Just kidding.... for the most part.

"Listen, kid, I can take that ticket of yours away at any point in time so I suggest you keep your mouth shut." I threatened back. He looked at me blankly before turning to look out the window. Martin turned to me.

"You have quite the way with words." He said. I laughed and shook my head. I started to imagine what it would be like in Cali. What would I wear to Coachella? Will it be fun? Dangerous? A million and one questions ran through my mind. I guess I'll just have to wait and see. The first day of the festival was tomorrow and Martin was playing on the second day as the closing set on the main stage. He was excited and I was so happy for him. I'm surprised that Coachella hasn't put an age restriction up yet.

In my suitcase I had a few pairs of shorts, tank tops, and tee-shirts. I also packed flip flops and a bathing suit. We didn't plan on only staying for the few days, but for a week instead. Although, Ryan was leaving the day after the rave. That was our big agreement-- Ryan could come, but had to leave so Martin and I could stay in California without him for a while. Now, I'm not exactly sure how, but my mom and dad agreed to let me go. Alone. With a boy. To a different state. Not that I'm complaining.

Suddenly I felt the plane jolt and a loud noise reached my ears as we landed on the runway. Not long after, we walked off the plane. The tunnel from the airplane to the airport was hotter than I'd expected it to be, and as soon as I reached the large, noisy area I found a screen that read, 78 degrees Fahrenheit. The temperature from LI to CA had jumped up a whole twenty degrees! No wonder I was sweating bullets already. I can only imagine what it's like in the summer months.

" I need to pee." My annoying brother said. Martin pointed to where the bathroom was and we waited for him outside. Several people had gone up to Martin to take pictures which made me feel sort of awkward, but I wasn't surprised either. Being with him made me see him as less of a celebrity and more of a normal person. But at the same time, I can't forget that he is in fact famous.

"Can we get something to eat? A bag of peanuts isn't enough to hold me down for five hours." I asked. Martin laughed lightly and nodded.

"I agree. On most of my international flights I get a lot more food than that."

"When's the Uber supposed to be here?" Ryan asked. I jumped from being startled of his sudden appearance. I looked at my watch and the time read 3:47pm.

"About forty minutes. So let's just grab something to go, get our bags and eat in the car." I suggested. Everyone easily agreed and we all got Subway. It took nearly twenty minutes to get our bags off the baggage claim but everything seemed to take forever because of the people coming up to Martin to say hi. But he never complained once about his fans, which I respected him for. We eventually found our Uber and were off to our hotel in Palm Springs. My parents booked a room for Ryan and I meanwhile Martin had his very own suite. We were there for the first weekend of the festival which started on Friday, or tomorrow. Looking out the window I could see all the busy people and lights. There were more palm trees than I could count and it was amazing. I saw a lot of people skateboarding on the sidewalks, which is something I like to do. Everything made me smile. Thinking about tomorrow made my heart jump out of my chest. I couldn't wait any longer. I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight.

Soon enough we pulled up to a grand hotel with a waterfall in the front and warm colored flowers everywhere. The Uber pulled up to the entrance where we got our bags from the trunk and entered the beautiful hotel. There was a middle-aged woman standing at the front desk who smiled at us when we walked in.

"Good evening, can I help you?" she said to no one in particular. I walked up first and smiled back.

"Yes, I have reservations for four nights."

"What name is the reservation under?" she asked me as she began typing on the computer.

"Bridget Johnson."

"Okay, dear, here are two keys and you will be on the third floor in room number 311."

"Thank you." I happily accepted the room keys and stepped off to the side, handing one to my brother. Once Martin got his key we parted separate ways and agreed to meet at Martin's room on the 5th floor at 8, which is in approximately an hour.

Our room had two full sized beds and I claimed the one closest to the door. I then opened my suitcase and began to set everything out. I laid out my three Coachella outfits on the bed and turned to Ryan for help.

"Ry, which one should I wear tomorrow?" I asked him and looked at each of the outfits. He turned around and studied them for a few moments.

"Do you think I care?"

I frowned and lightly hit him on his shoulder before deciding that I'll just go with how I feel tomorrow morning.

"Should I shower tonight or tomorrow morning?" I asked him.

"Definitely tonight. That way I won't have to wait for you as long." I groaned at this. Why is he such a bitch?

"Shower now before we go up to Martin's room. Don't take too long either I have to shower, too."

I grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a tank top from my suitcase before stepping in the bathroom and starting the shower. My life is so unreal. I met, fell in love with and kissed the one and only Martin Garrix. Then I went to New York City with him and I am currently in California with him. I don't think life could get any better. But if it does on this trip give me fair warning.

I don't know how much I can take.


Hey guyssss I know, I know it's been like..... a year. What can I say? Time flies. I really just lost all passion and thought for this story. I've been meaning to write but I started another story and honestly just forgot. But then something life changing happened...


Alright, well I took a picture with him, BUT IT"S STILL AMAZING.

He passed me at first but then came back because I was sad GOD WHAT A SWEETHEART. Then I got to see him perform and it was the greatest thing to ever happen to me. I cried. For thirty minutes straight. Then after his performance. Then the next morning.

Don't judge me I love him.

Anyway, that gave me motivation to write again. PLUS I just saw that people still read my story and vote and add it to their reading lists so... Let's give the people what they want, shall we? I know It's not much at all but the next few chapters will be pretty cool:)

Andddd now I'm ranting again. Thanks for reading

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