Don't Let Go

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I ran away from the scene, pushing my way through huge crowds of people, in attempt to reach the front yard. When I stopped by the edge of the curb, I sighed, and cried. I cried a lot. Because the first couple of days Martin arrived, he was this sweet guy and I thought we could've been the best of friends. Just one day later, he's a total retard running around breaking hearts.

My heart.

Yes, I know I don't like him. But that doesn't mean I don't care! Well now I don't...

What really got to me was that he promised. Not a big promise, but I thought he was better than that. Then he just brushes me off like I'm dust on his shoulder. But the thing is... I didn't see what I saw yesterday when he was sitting in the road. Then, I saw regret, and shame... Now?

The regret and shame in his blue eyes were beginning to fade away.

I looked back to the house, only to see everyone dancing as if nothing happened. I shot up, and wiped my tears. Quickly, I began making my way back to the house. What if Hunter is still sober? He could take me home! I raced inside to meet the raging volume. "Hunter!!!" I called several times. I still couldn't find him. Maybe someone else knew where he was?

I jogged over to one of the guys I saw Hunter with earlier by the beach.

"Hey... uhh..." I said. He was so tall while I was too short.

"Hey." He replied in his deep voice and ran his fingers through his black hair.

"Have you seen my brother, Hunter?" I shouted over the loud music. He nodded and pointed to the kitchen. Shit... he was probably drinking.

I ran toward him before he could take another drink.

"Hunter!!!" I yelled as I approached him.

"Hunter, are you drunk yet?" I asked. That was a very weird question honestly.... how would a drunk person answer that?

He shook his head. "Nah. I was just grabbing my first drink but you interrupted me." he scowled down at me.

"Listen, I really need you to bring me home. Please please please plea-"

"No." I gasped at his forceful answer.

"Take me home or else." I knew just the thing... blackmail.

"Or else what?" and he acted scared.

"Hmm... I guess you wouldn't mind if everyone knew your nickname, Huny cakes!" Our mom and dad always called him Huny cakes when he was little, and until this very day! So all I needed to do was grab the microphone and-

"Fine, i'll take you home Bri Bri the Bumble bee!" he growled while leading me out of the house. At least my nickname wasn't too bad because I wasn't a nineteen year old guy.

When we reached Hunter's silver car, I sat in the passenger seat and he started it up. When we took off, I thought I would've been able to make it without talking to him. But Hunter's just too damn interested in my life.

"Why'd you wanna go home? Didn't you say Martin would take you?"

I felt the first tear form at the sound of his name, and when I spoke you could hear my voice crack.

"The party was lame and he uh... I couldn't find him so... yeah." Hunter pulled over to the edge of the woods, and turned his head to glare at me.

"I will not tolerate lies in my car. Especially not ones I can't believe."

"He promised, Hunter. Then he stomped on that promise. I almost got fucking raped, then saw him drinking and smoking even when he promised that he wouldn't. I needed to get out of there."

He only nodded, then we were on our way again, but this time without a word.


I woke up at 10:30, to my Roar ring tone. I groaned and slowly sat up, picking up my white iPhone.

Martin was calling me. I declined the call, and it opened my lock screen. I gaped at the sight.

Martin- (39) iMessage

Martin- (8) Voice mails

Martin- (24) Missed Calls

I listened to the voicemails first.

Voice mail one: "Listen, Bridget I'm so sorry. Please let me explain. Call me back."

Voice mail two: "Bridget, I really need to talk to you please call me back. I'm sorry."

I couldn't even listen to the rest. I didn't dare open the messages. I pulled myself out of bed and walked to my closet, taking out a blue tank top and blue floral print skirt. Then brushed my blonde hair, putting it into a side braid. My eyes still looked red and my face still tear stained, so I rinsed it off before checking my phone once again.

Three more messages, and another call in two minutes. I threw my phone down and the sound of our doorbell filled the house. I waited for a moment, and didn't move. Someone else could get it. But nobody did. I heard the doorbell ring again, and I groaned, getting out of my room.

Unfortunately, I already knew who it was.

Mom and dad must have been at work already, Hunter is probably sleeping, Aaron is still at the sleepover, and Ryan is most likely on the floor at the house of the party experiencing hangover.

I turned the knob, and there stood Martin, a red rose in hand. I was just about to shut the door in his face, but his hand held it open.

"What?" I said rudely. He sighed, and I finally saw once again, regret.

"I'm sorry." He said. I rolled my eyes, hoping they wouldn't tear up at the sight of him.

"Yeah, I've heard that before. You haven't even been here for a week and you've already done enough damage to crush the empire state building."

"I know, I know, and I'm really sorry. It was stupid of me to be like that," he started. I finally let him continue.

"Chris offered me a Monster. I took it, because they make you hyper, but have no alcohol. Turns out, he put a ton of stuff in it that quickly made me drunk and being drunk made me smoke and be rude to you. I didn't try to act like an ass."

I just stared at him, making him feel ashamed.

"Okay. Why are you here, Martin?" I asked. The tears came rushing down my cheeks again.

It took me by surprise when he pulled me into a tight hug, and what surprised me even more, is that I didn't let go.

"Because, Butterfly..." I wrapped my arms around him, an indirect way of accepting his apology. It was a mistake, and mistakes are made.

"I care about you, too." Then my mind went back to last night, when I told him I cared. I let my tears roll out, as he continued to hold me. But he pulled away for a quick moment, and before I knew it, his lips were against mine. They tasted like peppermint. I kissed back and it was slow yet sweet. Perfect.... I forgot. I forgot everything that was going on, why I was even upset in the first place. Because this, was a beautiful moment.

"Eh- ehm..." I heard someone clear their voice from behind us, and I instantly turned around, to see Hunter standing in sweatpants and a t shirt, arms crossed.



Hmmm? You likey???

Notice a trend? She keeps coming back ;)

I guess he's just... too irresistible.


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