Here Goes Everything

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Martins POV


I heard the front door close. Tommy was back. It seemed too soon for him to come home. Had something gone wrong?

Finally cooled down from what happened before, I raced downstairs to see Tommy, taking off his shoes.

"Hey, man. Did something go wrong?" I asked sincerely.

"Dude.." He said, surprisingly smiling. He added in an airy laugh of disbelief.

"What?" I asked. He looked away and claimed it was "Nothing."

I just sighed. I kind of wanted to know what happened between him and Bridget. Did she hurt him? Was she being rude? Did Tommy mess up? Did he hurt her?! I'm going to kill him! - wait what? Aren't I supposed to hate Bridget?

Oh, Martin. You know you love her.

I sighed.

"Hey, Tommy?" I started. His head shot up at me and I gestured for him to take a seat, while doing so myself.

"Yeah. What's up?" He replied. I was actually going to ask for advice? Well.. Here goes nothing. You know, I never understood why people say here goes nothing when they are about to do something major. Why not say here goes something instead? It makes more sense.

I need to stop stalling.

Here goes everything.

"If you... Got hurt..." I began to talk but was quickly cut off by Tommy.

"Physically or Mentally?" Everyday detail. He needed to know every detail.

"Emotionally? Anyway, if you were emotionally hurt from someone..."

"A girl?" He asked too many questions, I swear.

"A girl, yes. So what-"

"A certain girl?"

"Yes, Tommy! A certain girl!" I was growing frustrated now.


"Yes, it's Bridge-" I stopped mid way.

"Yes. Bridget blew me off for some reason I didn't understand. I got upset, and took drugs, smoked, drank alcohol, that crap. She got upset because I did that stuff. But I..."

Now he was just being a smart guy.

"Martin, I can finish that sentence for you.

But you...

a) Love her.

b) Miss her.

c) Want her."

I paused before replying,

"D. All of the above."

Tommy had a smile on his face. Did I just confess my love for someone I was mad at just a couple hours ago?

"Do it." He said.

"Do what?" I asked, confused.

"You know what I mean."

I did. I knew exactly what he meant. So I got up and opened the front door. Without a second thought, I let my feet carry myself to Bridget's front door.

I rang the doorbell, and heard feet shuffling on the other side. The door opened, revealing Bridget's older brother, Ryan.

"What?" He said with disgust.

"I-is Bridget allowed to talk?" I can't believe I was asking him for permission! And I was nervous, stuttering, and very intimidated by him.

"Not to you." I frowned at his words.

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