I Promise

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When I woke up, the beaming sunlight blinded my blue eyes. I slowly picked myself up and threw my legs over the side of the bed. I watched a butterfly pass my window and then my eyes landed on our never-busy street. It felt so serene... so calm... like some fantasy in utopia. I smiled as I stood up to open the curtains more. Usually, I wasn't a morning person. At. Fucking. All. But today was different. I don't know why, but the green leaves and morning sun brought a smile to my fac-

"Ugh!" I heard someone groan from the other side of the room. Quickly, my eyes shot over to the person on my sofa holding a pillow over their face. A frown came over my smile.

"Martin!" I yelled. "You ruined my once-in-a-life-time morning happiness!" My loud reaction made him flinch.

"Yeah, well your morning sunlight ruined my sleep, Butterfly." He retaliated, and I laughed in disbelief.

"I thought I would've made your morning better." He added.

I scoffed and walked over to him, taking the pillow from his hands and hit him in the face with it. "How's your morning now, ass hole?" I laughed and walked out of my room.

I could hear him get up and follow behind me. In the hallway, I quickly turned around and Martin almost bumped into me. "Why are you so mean to me all of a sudden?" and he faked pain in his heart.

"Didn't you say I shouldn't try to be perfect around you?" I smiled at him and continued my way down to the kitchen. Fortunately, breakfast was already made and only Ryan was in the kitchen. He still didn't know that I took Martin in....

"Umm... Bridget? Can I like, talk to you?" he said. Dammit.... I followed Ryan into the living room.

"What is Martin doing here?" He said. I looked down at my fingers then back at Ryan.

"I felt bad for him... he was outside and had nowhere to go!"

"What if mom finds out?!" He said his volume increasing.

"She already knows," I rolled my eyes. "She caught me bringing him upstairs. I... kinda told her that you invited him. She was fine with that though... So neither of us are in trouble okay? I'm going to help him get back into his house by tonight, alright? I'm sorry." I said crossing my arms and walking away, in which he followed me back into the kitchen.

"Theres eggs and bacon on the counter if you guys want some. I'm out." Ryan said then grabbed his keys off the key rack and walked out the front door.

I'll be honest with you, I am very fortunate. Not a millionaire but just a lot more than average. Each family member had their own car, and they were nice ones too. That's five cars. Plus Ryan's motorcycle. Plus each of our dirt bikes. Our house was.. big. Alright, that's a lie. Our house is basically a mansion. Very modern and very big, with a huge garage, backyard, pool, 6 bedrooms and... yeah. ANYWAY!!!!

I turned back to Martin who was laughing at the sight of Ryan being all pissed. I walked over to the cabinets and grabbed two glass plates.

"Sorry about him. He's on his man period." and both Martin and I burst out laughing.


"Okay, are you ready?" I asked Martin as we walked up the walkway to his front door. He slowly nodded. It was about seven in the evening and Martin finally got enough courage to face the aftermath of his mom. I looked at him, then reached to knock on the door. Linda answered, smiled at me, then glared at Martin.

"Yes?" She said in a rude tone.

"Mom... I-I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have done that and I never will again. I promise. It was stupid of me and I regret it. I'm sorry... May I please come home?" and he finally looked up into his mothers eyes. She pulled him into a tight hug.

"Oh, Martjin... I don't know what got into you, but as long as you never do it again, you can come back." and she cried into her son's shoulder.

"I won't." and Martin gave me sweet smile before going back inside his house, leaving me outside alone. I walked across the street, and decided to take a walk before going home. My mom had went to work a night shift at the hospital, Hunter and Ryan are at their friends' party, and Aaron is at a sleepover or something...

I walked down to the stop sign towards the middle of the street, when my phone rang from a text.

Hey - Martin

Hey. :) Home sweet home - Bridget

Yeah... but... - Martin

But what? - Bridget

I don't wanna be here. Wanna go 2 a party ;) - Martin

Wouldn't ur mom kill you??? - Bridget

I'll tell her I'm going to check out the town or something. - Martin

What has gotten into u? Suddenly ur this bad boy... - Bridget

Ya. U wanna go or not? - Martin

..... Alright I guess. Be at my house in 10 mins. - Bridget

;) K - Martin

and with that I was off back to my house, which wasn't very far at all.

I ran upstairs to change my clothes. I put on a pair of light blue high waisted shorts and a black crop top with the gold words #selfie on it. Then I added some black strapped stilettos, and put my blonde hair in a high ponytail. Just as I got finished, I heard a knock at my door. I went downstairs to answer the door as fast as I could with my shoes on. I can definitely walk in them, just not run.

"Hey." I said with a smile, as I opened the door to Martin and he walked in. He was wearing a black t-shirt, dark jeans and white converse, his brown hair in a messy style.

"You ready, Butterfly?" and he smiled back.

"Actually, I have to do make up. You can stay down here, but you could come with." I said as I walked upstairs, and heard Martin follow. We went into my room, and Martin took a seat in my desk chair and watched me as I applied my foundation and powder, then eye make up. I did a golden to black smokey eye look with black eyeliner, then mascara. Plus, bright pink lipstick. When I put my last item down, I grabbed my phone and stood in front of Martin, busy on his phone.

"Okay, ready. What party are we going to?" I asked.

"The one your brothers are at." but he still didn't take his eyes off his phone.

"Oh okay. Are you going to drink? Cause I know Hunter and Ryan will, and I don't want you to. I have trouble driving in the dark, so I need a sober ride home." when I finished, he finally looked up and smiled.

"I won't." He reassured.

"You sure?" I asked again and raised my eyebrow in question.

"I promise, Butterfly."


Yes, I am aware!
I'm sorry it's taking me so long to update!

And give you such a short chapter....


Can we get to 200 reads by tomorrow? :D tanks!

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