Chapter 2: Saggitarius and Virgo

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  The yellow car stopped allowing the two girls to hop in.

  In the car Gemini instructed the cab driver their destination. "Columbia University please."

  The driver nodded and drove away.
The two sat quietly in the backseat. This whole adventure and searching for all these strangers seemed exhausting.

  The car parked in front of the campus. Pisces paid the cab driver while Gemini went around asking for directions to the medical department. Her friend eventually joined into the search.

  After interrogating multiple different people, the finally saw a helpful guy.

"The medical department? It's not to far. I'll go with y'all."

  Pisces, being the kind soul she was, wanted to refuse his help. "Oh no, it's alright. I think we can take care of ourselves."

  The guy reassured her. "It's alright. I swear. I have a class there anyway."

  As they walked to the class, they all engaged in a conversation about their jobs and education.

"So none of you went to college?"


  Just then, the guy who was named Cayden, spotted a familiar face. "Hey Saggitarius!"

  The name obviously triggered the girls' reflexes. She was the whole reason they were here.

"Hey! I'm Saggitarius, and you are?"

  Pisces took out her badge. "I'm Pisces, this is Gemini. I'm with the NYPD. I need you to come with me."

  The student started getting nervous.
"Am I in trouble?"

  The detective shook her head. "No. Not exactly."

  They exited to a nearby Cafe before sitting down.

  Saggitarius was still processing the new information. "So you received these papers with informations about us along with other people and you guys think it's some sign to gather each other up?"

  The two friends nodded.

  Gemini then continued her explanation. "Her partner, Scorpio." She pointed at Pisces. "Is currently searching for one of the woman in Brooklyn. Good news is, most of us are in the state of New York. Bad News is, the rest are in California, Vermont, etc." "Point is, we have a long road to go and we need you to come with us."

  Despite the thorough explanation and the physical proof, Saggitarius was still reluctant to follow the blind words of mere strangers. "I don't know. I can't just leave my studies for people I just met, let alone, strangers with absolutely no clues for what they're getting in."

  Gemini sighed. "How can we convince you?"

  The young student thought a little bit before giving a clear answer. "I want to meet the others."

"You mean Scorpio and Virgo?"

  She nodded.

  If she could meet them, the chances the girls in front of her were lying would be much lower.

  The bartender leaned back on her chair. "Fine. That isn't too hard. To be honest, I was kind of expecting an unusual request. But seems quite simple enough."

"So when can I see them?"

"Tomorrow, 9 am. At this adress."

  She slipped a small post-it with her adress written on it.


  While his friends were at Columbia, Scorpio was driving in direction of Brooklyn.

  The search was going to be long considering the lack of details on the girl's file.

  He got out of his car. It was early in the morning so he decided to stop for coffee.

  The barrista handed him his order and he sat near the window.

  As he was sipping on his drink, he saw a young lady walking across him.

  He quickly took out the file. It was her. That was the girl he was searching for.

  He grabbed his things hastily and ran after the girl who has already crossed quite the distance.

  When she saw him following her, the girl started walking faster.
The girl, Virgo, made a turn in an alley way and quickly ran towards some apartment building.

  She opened the door and locked it swiftly.

  Scorpio was frustrated. He ran towards the door and started banging on it. "NYPD! Open up!"

  When Virgo heard that, she opened the door slightly, taking a peek at the man outside her door.

  Before he could do anything, she pulled him into a kiss.

  Scorpio was a bit shocked at first, but he eventually gave in. He didn't knew why, he was just attracted to her.

  She wrapped her arm around his neck and brought him into the bedroom.

  Those simple embrace from the girl was enough to make the detective forget everything. His purpose, himself, everything.


  Realizing what he had done, Scorpio quickly jumped out of the bed and grabbed his clothes. This was a mistake. A huge mistake.

"Aren't gonna pay me?"

  The girl's voice he heard. He didn't understand what she was trying to say.

"What do you mean pay you? What are you, a prostitute?"

  She looked at him with a blank stare.

  That's when it hit him. "Oh my god, you are."

  Virgo jumped out of the bed. "Wait, then if you didn't knew, then why were you chasing me?"

  Scorpio quickly covered his eyes. "Please put some clothes on. I can't talk to you like that. It's... distracting."

  Annoyed, she did as she was told.

  They both sat on the bed.

  Scorpio than proceeded to explain the situation. Everything from the files with their face on it to the other strangers.

  Virgo wasn't thrilled. She was reluctant when it came to listening to strangers. She crossed her arms and gave him a defensive glare. "I don't trust you. Tell me one good reason why I should follow you."

"Well, because I can arrest you for illegal prostitution if you refuse."

"Damn. Some detective you are, resorting to blackmailing."

  He let out a small chuckle. "So why?"

  She looked at him. "Why what? Why am I a whore?"

  He nodded.

  She let out a sigh. "It pays the bill, believe it or not, much better than you think."

  He slipped to her an envelope. "Here's your payment. There's also a rendez-vous adress in there. Be sure to arrive at 9 am sharp."

  At that, he left.

  Virgo watched him leave. Interesting guy. Looks like she had just started catching feelings for her one night stand.

So second chapter is out. Honestly, very proud of myself. Two chapters in two days.

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