Chapter 8

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   Scorpio was currently searching up for Capricorn while the others were in Vermont.
  According to the files, Capricorn was currently detained for drug possession as well as trafficking. He could try to use his connections to get him out, but the dude was scary. He wasn't sure he would like for him to be out in public.
  But it wasn't like he had a choice.
  He needed everyone involved in order to stop the information on it from being leaked. There were things he wasn't proud of that he would much rather keep private.
  He tried looking for solutions.
  He knew a few lawyers who could get Capricorn out of jail, but it was going to be a complicated process. The criminal was caught red-handed and immediately plead guilty which doesn't play out well with the jury.
  There were four options.
  1. Break him out of jail. This was the least ethical solution of the four. As a detective who had pledge to protect America, he would be going against all his values.
  2. He could alter the evidence and frame someone else. With a good lawyer, this could work. But again, unethical.
  3. He could have the convict request a retrial. Then they could set the courtdate as far as possible and bail him out as he awaits his trial. The problem with this one is the time limit
  4. Parole. Despite only doing 3 years of his sentence (out of 10 years), Capricorn has had a good behavior in prison. Which means they could advance his parole date and get him out early.
  Pisces walked behind him and noticed his deep focus in Capricorn's case.
  She too had done much research on his case and decided to share the information she had.
  She dropped some documents on his desk harshly.

"Capricorn's case. He was arrested here in Manhattan, but was transferred to Detroit."

"T-thank you." He replied a bit shock.
  He quickly went through the papers and noticed how detailed it was.

"Pisces, this is amazing." Scorpio exclaimed, nose still burrowed in the files.

"They were in the system. All I did was filter the useful intel and recopied it." She told him humbly.

"Still. I could show this to the parole officer and he would be let out easily. Like look." He pointed at a page. "This describes exactly his behavior in prison as well as the community service he did. I've been so preoccupied with coming up and finding different solutions I haven't even started on the research! This is going to save us so much time!"

  Pisces smiled.

  It felt great helping others.

"We're going to need a parole attorney, unfortunately." Scorpio grimaced.

  Cops and parole attorneys weren't exactly on good terms.

  Cops could arrest criminals red-handed and the lawyers would manage to let them go before their sentence is over.

  He used to wonder why they existed and today, it seemed he had found his answer.

"Wait I know someone!" Pisces announced. "Her name is Sophia. She owes me a favor."

"Great! You can call Sophia and ask her to review Capricorn's case, I'll get back to work, Captain is staring daggers in my back." He did a slight look at his boss. "And then we'll have Capricorn transferred to New York for his parole."



  Pisces had set a place to meet with Sophia.

"Hello, Detective." A tall woman greeted.

  She was well-dressed in a marine colored bodycon dress and possessed a menacing demeanor, as expected from a lawyer.

"Sophia." She replied firmly. She refused to be overwhelmed by a parole attorney. She needed to set her ground.

"It seems you need me. Who wouldve expected such a thing?" She told her. It was clear she was moking Pisces.

"Yes. There's this guy. I need you to get him out." She slipped the case file to Sophia.

  As she read the document, Pisces stared her down. She was attempting to read her emotions, but of course, she was stone cold.

"What'd you think?" The detective asked concerned.

"Will this count as returning the favor? I don't like owing you something."

"Yes." She replied annoyed. "After this, you won't owe me anything. We will forever forget how I leaked you evidence for that Danberry case."

"Fine." She agreed. "I will help you, but please refrain from speaking of our secret out loud. Anyways, it's an easy case. Its rare for an inmate to." She read the file again before continuing. "Water the plants everyday. It'll be hard for a parole officer to refuse this kind of convict."

"Do whatever you can." She ordered.
Pisces left and called Scorpio.

"I finished what you told me to do."

"Good. Now, can you get down on fifth street?" He asked her.

"Did you find Capricorn or something?" She inquired.

"Remember when I said I needed to get back to work? We'll Captain gave me a case about a missing grandma. Unfortunately, Dotty here seems to be quite... hostile."

"I'll get there as fast as I can."


"Capricorn. You are allowed to go in front of parole. Get in the car, we're getting you back to Manhattan." A guard ordered.

  He got up from his cell and did as he was told.

  He had learned from his numerous years that this was the best way. If he respected their commands, he could get out early. And it seemed to have worked.

I'm back with this book!!!

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