Chapter 12: Leo

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  After an intense search, they had finally managed to book tickets for Los Angeles.

  Cancer had sent Leo a message asking for an interview and the content creator, desperate to get more publicity, immediately agreed.

  Everyone had their bag and were currently sitting at their gate.
Since they had gotten five hours early, they had all decided to enjoy themselves.

  Gemini and Pisces had left to get massages. After their adventure, they both needed a nice calming moment to release the stress.

  Aries was buying himself some wings at a store right next to the gate since he was hungry. Unfortunately for his stomach, the line was long and God forbid he find himself another place. He did not have the energy to walk.

  Cancer was taking a walk across the airport as he wondered how the hell did he get roped into this situation. Everything had came to a shock, still, he felt as if he should trust them. There must be a reason why someone was searching for them. Could they be the chosen ones?

  While everyone else was busy, Capricorn decided to take a nice long nap. One where he could sleep without a care in the world. He inserted his noise canceling headphones, put on some white noises and started started sleeping.

  He dreamt of the life he couldve gotten if he had never gotten involved in drugs. Soon, he was lost in his head which revealed to be an awful mistake.

  He heard someone's touch on his bag. In one swift move, he grabbed the stranger's wrist and pinned him to the floor.

  The man was a pickpocket who was probably attempting to steal his wallet or something. Unfortunately for him, Capricorn was a light sleeper. After years in jail, you learn the importance of always having your guard up, even when asleep.

"What the hell?!" The thief shouted, alerting security of the situation.

  Uniformed officers marched towards them and tried to get Capricorn off the man.

"He tried to rob me!" He defended himself as the officers finally pushed him off the man.

"So you twist my wrist?!" The pickpocket shouted.

  Capricorn was in disbelief. How could someone be this deep in the wrong and yet still believe they were right.

"It's called reflex." He answered nonchalantly, not sparing a glare to the other guy.

"Sir. This is a warning." One of the officers warned. "Next time, you're off the flight."

"That's right motherfucker!" The stranger mocked him straight in the face.

  The security guard glared at him. "The message was adress to both of you."

  After separating the two man far away from each other, the airport atmosphere returned to normal.

  Aries then returned with a box of chicken wing's and sat next to Capricorn.

"What happened? Saw rhe whole scene from over there."

"Asshole tries to take my wallet and then blames me when I attack him." He spitted out.

"Wings?" Aries offered him.

  He agreed and started chewing on one.

  Slowly, everyone started coming back to the gate until everyone was munching on Aries' wings, much to his discontent. He didn't like sharing.


  After what felt like an eternity, they finally stepped foot in California. The weather was much warmer than Chicago's and the sun was shining brightly in their eyes.

  They walked out of the airport to find a limousine waiting for them.
The door opened and a handsome blond man, who they assumed was Leo walked out.

"Hello, Cancer." Leo waved at the journalist. "Heard you wanted an interview."

"About that... I lied." Cancer replied before showing the group of people behind him.

  The influencer was quite shocked. It was clear he did not comprehend the situation.

"What's going on? Who are they?" He frantically asked.

"Let's go in that limo of yours. We'll need to talk in private." Gemini suggested.

"And you are?"

"Gemini. This is Pisces, Capricorn, Aries and you know Cancer." She introduced them before opening the door to the car and sitting in it.

"Excuse me! Don't go into my car!" Leo scolded her.

  Unfortunately, he was too late as everyone had already settled in there.
Refusing to cause a scene, he accepted the strangers trespassing and joined them in the limousine.

"Can anyone answer me? What the fuck is going on?!" Leo shouted since he still haven't gotten a clear answer.

"We received files with information about us." Cancer explained. "You're one of them. We are twelve in total, but we've only found eight."

"Nine, actually." Gemini chimed in. "You just haven't met Taurus."

"So, nine." He restarted. "And were currently trying to find everyone. Can you help us."

"Sure." Leo answered with a smile much to everyone's surprise. It seems he was the first to cooperate without a fight.

"Wait, really???" Pisces exclaimed still I'm disbelief.

"Yeah. It sounds fun." The blond said before leaning back in his seat. "I don't have anything to do anyway."


  Leo was back at his house where the strangers had ended up invading it.

  Lucky for him, his house was large enough to welcome the entire group. It might not be a mansion, but it was still quite big compared to regular houses.

  He still wondered why he decided to join their adventure. Maybe out of boredom?

  His life was bland. He is grateful to have a great flexible job that pays well, but God was he miserable.

  He couldn't stand his everyday routine. Wake up, picture, filming editing, and back to bed.

  It didn't help that he lived alone and had no motivation whatsoever to clean up.

  He wanted excitement. And this seemed to be his chance.

  Did he like getting lied to? Definitely not.

  But maybe this can be entertaining.

  Even after spending only a couple of hours with them, he could tell they were an interesting bunch.

  Aries was like a crazy knucklehead who us very reckless. 

  Gemini. Well her sass was probably unmatched and her confidence was tremendous. Like the way she entered his car with no second thoughts.

  Cancer. Well, he already knew him, so there isn't much to say.

  Pisces seemed like a nice hard-working girl. She didn't speak much so he couldn't really know her personality.

  And then there was Capricorn who he found impossible to read.

  An interesting group indeed.

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