Chapter 11: Cancer

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  Cancer has been working for hours now yet he couldn't find inspiration for his next article.
  When he first started his job, he had thought he would easily rise to higher ranks. He had always been praised for his writing techniques and his ability to uncover articles no one even knew could be articles. As they said, he was talented.
  So when he was first hired for a huge news site, he was over the moon and quickly accepted it.
  There was a clause in the contract saying how the company would have control over all his work for the next ten years. He thought they meant they would own it and he would still get credit.
  But on the opposite. On his first day, he quickly learned that the clause was a double edge sword.
  He wasn't hired as a journalist, he was hired as a ghostwriter. One that sat behind a screen getting exploited by his higher ups.
  There had been many times where he would watch the public read his articles and praise a man who didn't even need to raise a finger. All because his name was on it.
  It frustrated him each time the credit that belonged to him was attributed to someone else, all the awards he should've won were given to someone else, the praise and recognition that he should've received.
  He had promised his parents, who disapproved of his career, that he was going to make by today, but there he was, stuck being a ghostwriter.
  He had made plans since he was a child. All his ambitions were supposed to be fulfilled.
  He thought that maybe he could sue, but after having it reviewed by a lawyer, as Cancer should've done at the start, the lawyer said that there was no case. He had consented to the terms and conditions and it couldn't be undone.
  He resented himself for being so foolish. The many things he should've done to avoid such a fate.
  And he resented the company for setting him up for failure.
  Now, his day consisted of whining in front of a computer, with no motivation whatsoever to work. And today was no exception.
  Nothing came to mind as he thought for long.
  One thing he was grateful for was at least he wasn't stuck doing unworthy. articles like advertising for company who were doomed from the start.
  Many of his coworkers were stuck doing those and he was glad for being able to keep his pride.
"Cancer. There's a group of people at the entrance searching for you." The office's secretary called out.
  He buried his face in his palms before taking a deep breath and taking the elevator down. He knew who it was. It was his parents coming to ask if he had made it yet.
  But to his surprise, a group of three people his age appeared instead.
  They were making a lot of noise much to everyone else's displeasure.
  But who were they? He didn't know them.
  Could they be angels from the heaven who have come to save him from his exploitative job and offer him another one.
"Everyone shut up! He's here." A short haired woman shouted receiving multiple glares from bystanders.
"Excuse me? Are you looking for me?" Cancer asked reluctantly.
"Yes." She answered. "We need to talk."
"Could we do it somewhere else? I dont think your coworkers like us very much." A red haired man asked as if he didn't know how much disturbing he had been.
"Sure." The woman answered.
"Wait?! Do I have no say in this?!" Cancer exclaimed.
"I really don't want to do this." A black haired man sighed. He then walked up to him and took out a pair of handcuffs and his badge. "Chicago PD, Cancer Crab, you are under arrest for murder of Sally Jensen. You have the right to remain silent. You have the right an attorney and if you cannot afford an attorney one will be appointed for you. Anything you say may be used against you in court."
"What??? I didn't do it!" Cancer shouted. He looked frantically at everyone around him hoping they can help him, but unfortunately, no one helped him. Afterall, he had allegedly killed Sally Jensen.
  As he got dragged to a van and shoved into the back, he curiously looked at the group of people.
"Where are you taking me?" He asked concerned.
"Don't worry, just an rbnb." The guy who arrested him said nonchalantly.
  At their arrival, he was, once again, shoved, only this time, it was on a couch.
  Fortunately for him, they quickly uncuffed him.
"So Cancer." A woman with white hair appeared. "My name is Gemini. That's Scorpio, Aries, Saggitarius, Capricorn, Pisces and Virgo."
  She took out the files and explained to him the situation.
  He understood quite quickly and turned to Scorpio. "You're not with the Chicago PD are you? That badge you and was fake wasn't it?"
"Nope, it's real." He answered with a smirk. "But not for Chicago. NYPD. But people believe anything as long as it's gold and shiny. They're not very observant."
Cancer stood up. "Now. I have a job to get back to." He told everyone.
"Cancer Crab. You are arrested for the murder of Sally Jensen." Scorpio repeated.
"You're still going with that story!!!" He yelled out.
"Yes. We can't have you leave. You will help us."
  Despite being displeased with their methods, Cancer was actually cooperative.
"This guy. Leo." He pointed at a blond haired man. "I know him. He's an influencer. I interviewed him a couple years back about the rise of influencer. I still have his number."
"Great!" Gemini exclaimed. "So we're going to Los Angeles?"
"Actually..." Saggitarius raised her hand. " I'm going to have to retire myself. I have missed too much classes so I need to go back to New York."
"Okay. Anyone else have something to say?"
"I'm going back too. I don't have anymore vacation days." Scorpio announced.
"I'll join him." Virgo told everyone.
"Great so, Cancer, Capricorn, Aries Pisces and me are going to Los Angeles?" Gemini enumerated.
Everyone nodded.

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