Chapter 5

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"I should go home." Pisces told the two other girls.

  Both Virgo and Scorpio had stormed out a couple of hours later and they were left by themselves for the research.

  She had an early shift the next day and it was for the better.

  As she walked back home, she passed through Scorpio's apartment building. At first, she decided to ignore it, but she quickly changed her mind and did a u-turn. And there she was. At his door.

  She long debated wether she should knock or if she should leave. It was clear he was mad at her and she wanted to apologize despite her pride.

  Pisces took a deep breath and knocked. She was prepared for a lecture, but to her surprise, Scorpio opened the door with an indifferent face.

"Hey..." She said awkwardly despite the tension.

"Oh. Hi." Scorpio answered confused by her presence. "What are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to apologize, for the things I said."

"It's nice of you to do so," he said monotonely, "but I'm not the one you should apologize."

"I don't think she wants to see me..."

  Not knowing what to do with the uneasy feeling between them, he decided to invite her in. "How 'bout you come in?"

  Pisces simply nodded and followed him in.

  She had been in his apartment numerous times. They were friends after all. Well used to.

  They both stood in silence, staring at each other not knowing what to say.
Pisces finally decided to speak up.

"So? Did you speak to her?"

"Um yeah. I asked her out to be exact."

  This took her aback. She wasn't expecting them to enter a relationship so suddenly. Her unrequited love for him has always felt like a stab in the heart. But learning he loved someone else, was like someone twisted that knife. It hurts. A lot.

  As he saw her expression, Scorpio grew concerned. "Pisces? You alright? You look pale."

  She tried quickly to covered her feelings and she immediately denied. "Yeah, I'm alright. I just didn't know she liked you."

"Well, she wasn't sure, but I told her we could take things slow."

  That made Pisces hurt even more. This woman didn't even love him and he still didn't give up on her. She had tried for Scorpio's sake to leave her alone, but now it felt like Virgo was taking advantage of him.

  She decided to confront her crush. "So let me get this straight. She doesn't know if she wants this relationship and you're still going to pursue her."

  Scorpio nodded.

"That's bullshit!" She exclaimed.

  This made Scorpio mad. Who was she to question his love life. "Well, it's none of your business, so I don't get why you're mad." He told her bluntly.

"It is my business!" She retorted. "I have loved you for years! I tried to gain your attention and love, and you! You decide to give it to some woman you barely know over someone that has been there for you this entire time!" She took her time to catch her breath before continuing. "Why can't you love me?!" She cried out.

  As much as Scorpio knew he was going to regret the next words that were going to come out of his mouth, he also knew he couldn't keep it in.

"Because it doesn't work that way dammit!" He exclaimed, letting all his anger out. "No one chooses who they love! I don't understand you." He sigh as he realized he was getting nowhere.
  He took his time thinking what do do next before using a much calmer approach. "It would be one thing if we had dated, but that's not the case. I don't know why you're trying to paint me as some jerk, but I can't return your feelings Pisces. I don't know if you can accept that, but right now, we're about to travel the country together so I would much rather you leave on better terms with me and Virgo, please." He begged her.

  Pisces thought back at his words.

  He was right. This wasn't the time to get clouded by her emotions, but instead, be professional and mature adults.

"Fine. I'm leaving."

  Before opening the door, she turned back to tell him one last thing.

"Gem wanted me to tell you this, we're going to meet Aries in Long Island tomorrow."


  Aries was sitting in his parents basement. This was definitely not how he pictured his adult life looking like, but here he was.

  He had many past regrets. How he wished he had paid attention in school...

  He was currently searching for jobs in his area. It was hard since most decent jobs required a minimum or a high school diploma, something he didn't have.

  He could do those minimum wages jobs, but most of the ones he tried had awful bosses who would exploit desperate fools like him.

"Aries!!!" His mom's voice suddenly screeched. "Come eat your supper!"

  As much as he was annoyed, he still obediently listened to her. As long as he lived under her roof, he still had to follow her rules. This was one of the reasons he wanted to move out.

  He sat down and stared at the plate of spaghetti in front of him.

"Eat up. Don't you dare complain. Be grateful I still let you live with me. Your father should be home soon."

"Yes, mom. You remind me everyday of the failure I am."

"Well good." She spitted back. "Glad you realize."

  This was his life. His mom would constantly reproach him for the disappointment he was and his father was too scared to stand up to her.

"Honey! I'm home. I also brought these younglings who were looking for Aries."

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