Chapter One

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Chaeryeongs pov

Beep beep!

I yawned, opening my eyes as my alarm went off. I sat up, rubbing my eyes and stretching my arms as I turned off my alarm, and picked up my phone, looking at the time. It was 6:30 on a monday morning.

Last week was the last week of school before the summer holidays, and I have 2 weeks off school. Since me and my 2 best friends, Lia and Ryujin, had no plans for the holidays we decided to go to Korea together for a week, since we can all speak the language and are from there.

I jumped out of bed, walking to the other side of my bedroom where my violet suitcase was, which I packed last night. A small pile of clothes lay next it for me to where today, so I picked up the clothes and got changed. I wore an oversized black shirt, and a pleated white skirt.

"Chaery, breakfast is ready!" I heard my mother call from downstairs so I ran out of my room, down the corridor and into the kitchen where my mother had some cereal for me.

"Thanks, eomma," I smile at her as I start eating. "Is dad at work?" 

My mother sighed, taking a seat next to me. "Yes, he left an hour ago."

I sighed as I continued to eat. My dad is a rich doctor, he owns 2 hospitals but is always at work and I rarely see him. I guess I can't see him until I get back, then.

Once I finish eating, I go back up to my room and sit on my bed. It's now 7am and Lia's mother would pick me up at 10am and drive us to the airport, and out flight leaves at 12:30.

Since I have 3 hours, I lay down and picked up my phone, seeing a notification from v-live, Yeji was live!

Excitedly, I entered the password on my phone and went into the app, clicking on Yeji's live. I was met with a beautiful girl only a year older than me. She had long brunette hair, cute brown eyes, and pale skin.

Hwang Yeji is a Kpop Idol, a soloist under JYP Entertainment. She is my favourite Idol, and I have a celebrity crush on her. I hope that I can see her in Korea, maybe if she has a fan meet or a concert, but I remind myself not to get my hopes up as its unlikely.


"Ryeongchae!" I heard my little sister, Yuna, call. 

I sat up off my bed, looking at the time, it was 9:45. "Yes, Yuna?" I asked as she walked into my room. She had long black hair, a pale complexion, and she was tall and skinny. Yuna is 2 years younger than me, and nearly as tall as me.

"I've come to help you get ready," She smiled cutely. "Tell me what to do!"

"My suitcase is packed, so I just have to pack my bag that I'll bring on the plane." I said. "Can you bring my suitcase downstairs while I do that?"

"Ok!" She ran over the my suitcase, closing it and pulling it out of my room. I went to my closet, grabbing black and white bag and threw in my phone, headphones, a book, and some other random things then I heard a car beep outside so I ran downstairs, meeting my two best friends: Lia and Ryujin.

"Hey, Ryeong." Lia smiled. 

"Hi!" I jumped excitedly. "Omo, we are going to Korea!"

"Hard to belive," Ryujin chuckled. 

We walked over to Lia's mother car, and I saw Yuna pushing my suitcase in the boot.

"Thanks Yunacorn," I smiled.

She smiled at the nickname and hugged me. "Bye bye, unnie, I wish you could take me!"

I scruffled her hair and jumped into the car, next to Ryujin. "Bye!" I waved and we drove to the airport.


We arrived at the airport 30 minutes later, then got our luggage and said bye to Lia's mom, walking inside.

We printed out our tickets and checked in our bags, then found some seats next to the gate and waited. 

"I wonder where we are sitting..." Lia looked at her ticket. 

"We got first class tickets, my mom insisted." I said, leaving the two speechless. 

"Wow, I've never been in first class, it's gonna be so good!" Ryujin gasped.

"Me too!" Lia grinned.

"All passengers for flight 26437 to Seoul, South Korea, please start boarding now," We heard someone say through the speakers, so we excitedly stood up to get on our plane to Korea.


A/N: Hi again, Its Kylia! Thanks for reading chapter one, I hope all of you guys are having a great day! Thanks for reading and take care, don't forget to comment and vote!

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