Chapter Six

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Yejis pov

"Oh, uh, no biggie!" I said, waving my hands. 

Has she recognised me yet? I thought frantically. Probably not...

Chaeryeong looked down at her purple, pleated, skirt which had a small rip in it.

"Ugh!" She then looked over to the bus stop, as a blue bus with advertising on it drove off. "My bus... the next one is in half an hour, I'll be late."

"It was also my fault, I wasn't looking where I was going." I assured her. "You ripped your skirt and missed your bus because of me, so I'll buy you a new skirt, and if your hungry, I could buy you a meal?"

She looked surprised, but grateful. "I would love that, I'm supposed to be going to a concert but I don't really want to."

"New Jeans?" I asked, remembering her telling me earlier.

"Yeah, wait, how'd you know?"

"Oh, uh..." Shit. "My... little sisters going tonight!"

"Ah, that makes sense." She pulled her phone out of her bag. "Let me just text my friends so they know I can't go."

She started typing, and I peeked at her screen.

'Sorry guys, I can't make it to the concert tonight!' She texted, on a group chat called three dumb hoes.

'Why?' One of her friends texted.

'Because, I'll see you guys later.' She then put her phone back in her bag, looking back up at me.

"You done?" I asked.

"Yep," She said smiling at me as we started walking. "Hey, I never got your name. I'm Chaeryeong."

"Pretty name," I mumbled. "I'm... Lucy."

I said, thinking of my english name as if I said my real name she would probably know it was me. If she knew I was a celebrity, like all the others, she would probably get shy, and act different towards me, like I was a goddess. I just a normal human though, I didn't like being treated like that so its better off her not knowing.

We started walking, and it was awkward at first, but I asked her what shop she wanted to buy a new skirt in, and we started talking about clothes and fashion, which she is into a lot.

We arrived at a clothes shop called Fashion First, and we looked around a bit.

"Hey, Chaeryeong, what do you think of this?" I asked, as I walked up to her, showing her a baige mini skirt. 

"Its so cute!" She squealed as she walked towards the changing rooms. "I'll go get changed, let me know what you think once I'm done!"

As I was waiting, a young lady, around my age walked up to me.

"Are you shopping with your girlfriend?" She asked. "She's cute, I'm jealous!"

The lady then walked away, leaving me a blushing mess, before I could respond. Chaeryeong then came out of the changing room, showing off the skirt.

"How do you like it?" She smiled cutely to me.

"I- uh-" Good thing she couldn't see me blushing through my mask. "Its pretty..."

Chaeryeong chuckled and ran up to me, bumping into my arm, looking me right in the eyes, our faces quite close. "Are you nervous?" She teased.

"Uhm..." I looked away awkwardly. "No, I uh..."

She laughed, walking back to the changing room. "I think I'll get this, I'll get changed back and then we can pay!"


After we got the skirt and had dinner at a barbeque place, it was 9:30. Me and Chaeryeong got along quite well and we exchanged phone numbers. 

"Bye, Chaeryeong!" I waved to her as she got in a taxi. "I'll call you later today."

She smiled and nodded, waving as she drove off. I sighed and turned around, seeing a person right in front of me.

"Ahh!" I jumped back, but it was just Sana.

"Yeji! Where were you!?" She said as she pulled my hand and we started walking. "I called you and texted you but you didn't answe!"

"Sorry, unnie, I was..." I looked away, trying to think of an excuse.

"I saw that girl," She raised and eyebrow and smirked. "Wasn't she the girl at the fan meet today? What happened there?"

I told Sana what happened, but promised her not to tell anyone. She walked me home, then left me alone in my condo. I made went in the shower and changed into my pajamas, then flopped down on my bed, pulling out my phone.

I looked at my photos, seeing the ones I took of her in secret.

"Cute..." I whispered to myself as I zoomed in on the photos, to see her face clearer. I then got a message from Chaeryeong, which snapped me out of my faze.

I stood up, grinning like an idiot as the both of us texted back and forth for the next two hours.


A/N: Guys its me (obviously) and my boyfriends 6 month anniversary soon, but I had to get my friends to remind him. What should I get him though? Anyways, thanks for  reading, don't forget to comment and vote <33

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