Chapter Eight

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Yejis pov

Beep beep beep!

I yawned, sitting up and stretching my arms as I turned my alarm off my phone and getting out of bed. 

Today I have a half-day, work is from 8:00 to 1:30, so I can enjoy time off work. 

I took a quick shower and got changed into some grey sweatpants and a plain white short top. I did my  hair and makeup, then grabbed a bag and chucked in a bottle of water, some snacks,  my wallet, and headphones. 

My phone pinged, and I got a message from my manager, Sana, saying that she was outside and ready to pick me up so I put on a black cap, putting my bag over my shoulders and running outside to meet Sana.

I saw a black van parked down the road a couple meters, so I walked down and saw Sana on her phone, leaning against the van.

"Unnie!" I shouted to her as I ran up. "Watcha looking at?" I tried to look over her shoulder at her phone, but I only got a small glance of her texting someone before Sana put her phone in her pocket, her face bright red.

"Finally Yeji, took you long enough!" She pulled the door to the van open and I got inside, placing my bag to the side as I sat down, clipping my seatbelt in. Sana got in the drivers seat and we started driving to the company.

I pulled out my phone, looking at my schedule for the day. I had training until 11:00, then a photoshoot. After that I was free to go and do whatever I wanted to.

As me and Sana arrived at the company, Sana opened the door for me and handed me a mask as I got out. 

"I'm gonna go get myself a drink, you want something?" She asked me. 

"Yeah, I'll have..." I thought back to my conversation with Chaeryeong last night. She said that she loved Iced Coffee, and I've never tried it before. "Iced Coffee for me today."

I waited for Sana to nod and drive off to get me one, but she just stood there staring at me in shock.

"Unnie?" I waved my hand in front of her face. 

"Yeji, since when have you liked Iced coffee?" She asked me, brushing y hand away.

"What, can I not like Iced coffee?"

"Last time I got you Iced coffee when I was new, you got mad and threw it over my new clothes, saying you hate Iced coffee and to never get it again for you."

"Um..." I scratched my head looking away. "I don't remember that! Anyways, I have training, see you later!"

I waved and walked to the entrance of the building, making sure that my fans, who were walking outside the building hoping to meet their favorite idols, didn't recognize me.

I walked into the building, greeting people as I walked past. I got into the elevator and went up 3 floors, then got out and walked down the hall, taking the 2nd door on the left. I pushed the door open, walking inside the almost empty room.

The wall across from me was a wall of mirrors, so I could watch myself dancing. Opposite from the mirror, in the corner was a dusty, blue couch and next to that a small table. 

I walked over to the table, placing down my bag and unpacking my things. Today I'm just training by myself, so I'll probably just run through my dances. I took my phone out of my pocket and connected it to the speaker and put on a playlist of my most recent come back, running through the dance.

After a few minutes, I heard a small bang on the door, and Sana walked in, holding two drinks. I quickly paused the music, running up to her.

"Here you go, Yeji," She passed me my drink. "Don't through it on me this time!" She laughed awkwardly.

"Thanks unnie," I took a sip and smiled. It was sweet, and reminded me of her. I started thinking of Chaeryeong, her cute smile and soft voice.

As I was zoning out as Sana bumped my side.

"Yah, who has you blushing like that?" She smirked as I took another sip of my coffee

"N-nothing no one!" I said quickly as I put my drink down. "Are you gonna stay and watch, or do you have something else to do?"

Sana slumped down onto the couch. "I don't have any plans today, so I'll just stay here I guess."


"Well done for today," Sana said as she pulled up by my condo, getting out and opening the door for me.

After I did a few more hours of training, Sana drove me to my photoshoot which I had just finished. I now had the rest of the day free.

"See you tomorrow, Unnie!" I waved to Sana as she drive off. I entered the building, going up the elevator and unlocking my room. I unpacked my stuff and flopped down on my bed with my phone.

I lay there for a moment until my phone pinged. I picked up my and and saw a text from Chaeryeong.


wyd today

Not a lot
I just finished work

ooh, where do you work? 

i work at a cafe

Thats cool
So you free today?

Yeah, why?

Well, both of my friends ditched me at the mall to go see this movie that I didn't want to watch, so I was wondering if you can meet me at the mall in 10?

Yeah, ofc, I'll be right there


A/N: Hi, its Kylia, I'm back from my hiatus. I'm so sorry for not updating, one of my friends pushed me into the water(off a freaking bridge) and it was shallow so I broke my leg and haven't had the time to update I'm sorry!!! Anyways, enjoy this chapter but Its 1am and I'm already half asleep so byee! Thanks for reading and take care, don't forget to comment and vote!

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