Chapter Three

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Lia's pov

I woke up to the sound of Chaeryeong running around our hotel room, getting ready for the fan meet that was in seven hours.

Its now Thursday, and for the past three days we have been shopping and sightseeing around South Korea, spending 15,000,000 Won each, the money being a gift from Chaeryeongs parents.

"Ryeong..." I heard Ryujin mumble from in her bed next to me. "Why are you up so early, your fan meet is in seven hours."

"Sorry!" She said, as she walked out of the bathroom with a hairbrush in hand. "I just couldn't sleep! I can't belive I'm going to see Yeji!" She cupped her face with hands as she put down her hairbrush and put on a coat. "There's free breakfast downstairs from 7:00 to 8:00, I'll get some food and bring some stuff up for you two, bye!"

She waved and rushed out of our hotel room. Me and Ryujin both lay in bed resting until about 10 minutes later when I decided to get up. I sat up and slipped of the side of the bed.

"I'm going to get ready," I told Ryujin, and she nodded and sat up as well.

"I will as well then."

As she stood up, she tripped over her bag that was lying on the ground and fell into me, pushing me back onto my bed and she was on top of me, our lips just inches away.

It seemed like our faces where getting closer and Ryujin was about to kiss me when Chaeryeong came inside and Ryujin suddenly stood up, pulling me up as well.

Chaeryeong was holding a plastic bag, probably filled with food, and looked at the two of us smirking. "What where you two just doing?" She asked as she put the bags down on the table.

"N-nothing," I stuttered.

"Okay then..."


 After eating breakfast we chilled for a little in our hotel room, then got ready to go out, the three of us are now walking to a Cafe for lunch. Once we had lunch, Chaeryeong left on a bus to get to Yejis fan meet, so me and Ryujin headed over to the amusment park.

"Um..." I said awkwardly, not knowing what to say. We walked in silence until we got there.

"Here we are," Ryujin said, walking up to the gates. We got our tickets and went inside.

"What do you want to do first?" She looked at me, and as we made eye contact I looked away blushing. 

"L-lets do some rides, then have some food." I suggested, and she nodded so we headed over to a rollercoaster.


After going on a couple rides, we found a food stand, so we lined up to get some food. 

"What would you like?" Ryujin asked me, facing me. 

"Can I have some Tanghulu?"

"I'll have the same." Ryujin smiled to the lady who chuckled. 

"You two are a cute couple," She she as she started making our food.

I blushed and looked over to Ryujin, but she just said, "Oh, no, we are just friends." 

I felt disapointed, but we were just friends after all.


After finishing our food and doing some more rides, we got a taxi back to our hotel and hung around there. It was now 5:00 and we were getting ready for the concert, the gates opening in an hour.

"I can't belive we are going to see New Jeans!" I squealed excitedly as I brushed my hair in the bathroom. "Who's your bias, Ryujinnie?"

"Minji." She replied in a cold tone, sending shivers down my back.

"T-that's cool. Mine is Haerin..." Ryujin didn't reply so I just kept getting ready. 

I wonder why Ryujin is annoyed... I thought. Maybe she doesn't like New Jeans, I'll just have to wait untill Ryeong gets back.

Just then, both me and Ryujin's phones went off. I picked up my phone, seeing a message from Chaeryeong on our group chat.

Three Dumb Hoes

sorry guys but I can't make it to the concert tonight!

Ryu Ryu<3

becuase, I'll see you guys later though bye

I heard Ryujin sigh. "I guess it's just the two of us now."


Chaeryeongs pov

'Because, I'll see you guys later though bye.' I quickly typed up and sent, then I put my phone back into my handbag.

"You done?" The girl infront of me asked.

"Yep," We started walking. "Hey, I never got your name, I'm Chaeryeong."

"Pretty name," The girl said. "I'm... Lucy."


A/N: Hi, its me, Kylia. I hope all of you enjoyed this chapter I felt like it wasn't the best but I had fun writing it. Thanks for reading and take care, don't forget to comment and vote!

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