Chapter Two

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Chaeryeongs pov

"Ryeong, wake up," I heard a soft voice call and someone poked me.

I sat up slowly, yawning as I opened my eyes, seeing Lia and Ryujin standing next to my seat. 

"Did we land?" I asked, and they nodded so I got my backpack and stood up, following the other two off the plane. 

We went through security then got our suitcases and a taxi to our hotel. 

In the taxi, Lia fell asleep, leaning on Ryujin's shoulder, and I chuckled as I saw her blush. I listened to music, Yeji obviously, and also slept a little. As we arrived I was woken up once again by Lia and we checked into our hotel, finding out room and walking inside.

"I'm so tired!" Lia called as we walked into out hotel room. 

There was a small corridor with two door to the left, one bathroom and one wardrobe. At the end of the corridor was a big room with three doubled beds to the right, a tv on the opposite wall. A small, round table was below the tv with four seats.

"I dibs this bed!" I shouted, running to the bed farthest away from the entrance, jumping onto it. Ryujin took the bed in the middle, and Lia took the remaining bed.

We unpacked our stuff then sat down at the table, planning of what to do for the next six days we were in Seoul. It was a Sunday night, and we left the next Sunday.

"So, we have 6 days in Seoul," Lia said. "What do we do?"

We all gave ideas untill we had a plan of what we would do.

Day one and two, we're sightseeing/shopping around Seoul. Day three we are going to Busan to do similar stuff. The next day, we would go to an amusment park in the morning and go to a concert that night. For the next two days we could go or do anything we wanted, either in a group or by ourselves.

"Now that thats done, lets get some dinner!" Lia stood up from the table and picking up her phone. "Where should we go?"

"Always thinking of food," Ryujin chuckled. "I dont know where to go, what do you think Ryeong?"

"Lets just go to a GS25 or something," I shared, and the other agreed so we got ready.

I got my small white and gold handbag and put my phone, headphones, and wallet inside then we left. It was a five minute walk to the closest one, and when we arrived it was 7:32. 

"Welcome," The cashier greeted as we walked inside. 

There was only 3 other people inside at the time, and we all headed of to the Ramyeon, grabbing different flavours, and a drink, I got strawberry milk.

Ryujin bought the food for us and we went to make our Ramyeon, then outside to the tables to eat.

"Thanks, Ryujinnie." Lia smiled as we sat down and started eating.

"No problem," She replied.

I ship, I thought and chuckled to myself. 

"What?" They said in unison.



After we finished eating, we headed back home. Lia and Ryujin watched tv, some k-drama called Buisness Proposal, while I scrolled on my phone.

It was getting boring, so I was about to put my phone down when I saw something that caught my eyes.

I gasped, reading it and stood up suddenly.

Ryujin paused the tv and looked over to me. "What happened?"

"Yeji has a fan meeting on Thursay!" I shouted excitedly. "It's from 1:30 to 4:00!"

"Omo, Ryeong, You have to go!" Lia stoog up, walking over and seeing the post on Yeji's Instagram. "Oh, but I guess you can't go to the amusment park... can you still make it to the concert? The gates open at 6:00, and we want to be early so we can get a good place."

"Yeah, probably. Do you guys want to come to the fan meet?" I asked.

"I dont mind," Ryujin said, looking to Lia. "Do you?"

"No, lets just go the amusment park, the two of us." 

"Ok," Ryujin smiled at Lia, and I looked at the time.

"It's 9:00, we should get to bed," I said jumping off the bed and walking to my suitcase. "We have a busy day tomorrow."

I got out my pajamas and got changed in the bathroom, then brush my teeth hopped into the bed.

"Goodnight!" Lia said then turned off the lights and we all fell asleep.


A/N: Hello everyone, thanks for waiting for this update. I'm in the middle of class right now so I'm risking my life you guys. Thanks for reading and take care, don't forget to comment and vote!

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