Chapter Seven

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Ryujins pov

Tap, tap, tap.

I could hear me and Lia's footsteps as we walked back to our hotel in awkward silence. At the concert, I basically just sat there watching Lia the whole time while she cheered for the Kpop group. I also secretly took a picture of her.

I don't know why, but I felt really jealous of New Jeans today, I wanted Lia to pay attenetion to me, not them.

"That was cool," I said, breaking the silence.

"Really?" Lia raised an eyebrow. "You just sat there the whole time."

I had no excuses so I didn't reply, so we kept walking. After a few minutes, I looked behind me and saw a man on a motorbike, heading our way. Before he crashed into Lia, I quickly pulled her to the side into and alleyway.

"You ok?" I asked.

She blushed and look to the side as I realised how close our faces were. "Uh... yeah."

I quickly pulled my face away and we kept walking, then reached down and held her hand. "Good."

"Ryujin?" I looked at Lia and her face was bright red.

I chuckled at her, gripping her hand tighter. "Your face is bright red!"

She cupped her cheeks shyly, looking the other way. "N-no its not!"

"Cutie," I chuckled, then realised I said it out loud, and blushed myself. 


"We're back!" Lia yelled as we entered the hotel, seeing Chaeryeong lying on her bed, grinning like a werido while looking at something on her phone. As she heard us come in, she sat up and waved.

"Hey guys! Sorry I couldn't come to the concert."

"Why did you not?" Lia asked, running over and sitting next to her. 

"Uh..." Chaeryeong started blushing. "I missed the bus and so I decided to get myself some food and go shopping!"

"You know you could've gotten a taxi, right?" I said as I flopped down onto my bed, putting my hand over my eyes.

Chaeryeongs phone buzzed and she smiled, staring at her phone and she looked like she was texting some.

"Watcha doing?" Lia tried to look over Chaeryeongs shoulder but Chaeryeong just pushed her away.

"Stuff!" She shouted. 

"Yah, tell me!" 

After a few minutes of them fighting, I pulled them apart and Lia went into the shower. Me and Chaeryeong sat in silence for a couple minutes until she locked her phone of and looked over to me.

"Ryu, can I ask you a question?" She asked, sitting up and facing me.

"Uhh, sure?"

"And you can't lie! Ok!" She looked at me seriously.

"Yeah, what is it?"

"Do you like Lia?"

"Yeah, shes my best friends, why wouldn't I?"

"No I mean... love her?"

"..." I stayed in silence, not sure what to say. Did I like Lia? No, shes only my friends, right?

"No, shes only my friend." I replied after a minute.

Chaeryeong just sighed, shaking her head and sitting back down. "I know you lying, Ryu!"

I was about to answer Lia came out of the bathroom, looking a little down.

"You ok, Lia? You look a little sad?" I asked, standing up and walking up to her. I was about to check her tempurature, but she just brushed my hand away, and sat down on her bed.

"I'm fine, down worry. I'm going to bed now, though."

"I will as well then," Chaeryeong said, so I did as well.

Lias pov

"Do you like Lia?" I heard Chaeryeong ask as I was about to leave the bathroom as I had finished in the shower, but as I heard them talking I decided to just listen in for a bit.

"Yeah, shes my best friend, why wouldn't I?" 

"No, I mean... love her?" 

I felt butterflies in my stomach as Ryujin was thinking in silence. 

"No, shes inly my friend." I heard Ryujin reply.

Friend? I mean, yeah we are just friends, but I thought... I shook my head and plastered a smile on my face.

 I heard Chaeryeong say, "I know your lying, Ryu!" but I just sighed then walked out.

So much for love.


A/N: Hi! It's me, Kylia! I hope you guys enjoy this new chapter. Its kinds short, but we dont talk about that. I'm in a rush so I've gotta go, I have a hockey game in five minutes so thanks for reading, take care and dont forget to comment and vote!

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