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(Sorry if some parts in this are in correct, it's been so long since I read BOTL I need to reread it )

If you'd of told Ciara five years ago that she'd be the girlfriend of Clarisse La Rue, she'd of looked at you as if you escaped the psych ward. Ciara wouldn't say dating Clarisse is easier than when she was her friend, like she thought it would be. If anything it was more difficult.

Not that she was complaining or anything, but Clarisse always insisted on doing everything together. Always wanting to be in charge. Not like it was a bad thing, but sometimes Ciara wished it could be like before when they'd throw playful banter at each other and such.

Clarisse was in the arena, us per usual. Quintus, a new guy at camp was giving her some tips and pointers. He was a demigod too, but an adult. Which most were surprised about as most demigods died at a young age, it was rare for them to survive until adulthood.

Quintus was the new swordsman, he was very good. He also had a pet hellhound, Mrs. O'Leary, she was adorable. But also scary with really bad breath.

Ciara looked at Clarisse sparred with Quintus, they were both equally good. Quintus was just better. Ciara wouldn't admit that out loud, Clarisse would kill her.

Once the training was done and Clarisse stubbornly quit after being beaten 6 times they headed to the lake to clear off. They sat on the end of the deck, Ciaras head in Clarisses lap with her hand lazily dipped in the water feeling the cool calming liquid on her fingers.

"I'm hungry", Ciara sighed. Clarisse chuckled "you're always hungry. What's new?" She said looking down at Ciara. They usually did this stuff in private like in their cabins when they were empty, mainly since they could be alone there since the rule was. "No opposite-sex from different cabins can be alone in a cabin together".

But Ciara and Clarisse weren't the opposite sex, Clarisse told Ciara that when Ciara wasn't sure if they should be alone in Apollo cabin together when it was the campfire. Ciara just didn't want to get in trouble. But the reason they did this stuff like laying in each others laps and kissing and stuff in private was because ciara didn't want people to know about their relationship.

She felt kind of embarrassed, as bad as that sounds. She wasn't used to dating another girl yet, and while most people at the camp were supportive of that stuff she couldn't help but having the feeling there'd still be some people to make fun. It was easy for Clarisse, if anyone said any homophobic bullshit she'd just punch them in the face or in the crotch. But Ciara wouldn't do that.

Clarisse didn't really mind keeping this secret, but sometimes she did wish they could do some stuff in public like hold hands and that stuff. But oh well.

Clarisse was usually a tough mean girl, but ever since they started dating she had a huge soft spot for Ciara. Being all nice and lovey-dovey, so Ciara called her a softy which annoyed Clarisse.

"Have you thought about going to your mom's address yet?" Clarisse said softly, Ciara looked away from the water and up at Clarisse. Last year for Ciaras birthday Clarisse gave her her moms name and address as Ciara had said she wanted to find her mom someday and such.

But she was nervous to. "I don't know. I mean I imagined it... I'd go to her house knock on her door, she'd recognise me or something. Or id tell her I'm her daughter... she'd hug me, invite me in. We'd talk... and I'd have a mom.. go home for the school year and we'll be a family, a mother/daughter" she said, pausing. That's how Ciara had imagined it would go, or hoped it would go. Mainly because it's sort of unrealistic and more something you'd see in a movie.

"But what if it's not like that... what if she disowns me, well... she sort of already did but you know what I mean" Ciara sighed. Clarisse looked down at her, examining her facial expressions.

A Little Different IV || Clarisse La Rue | BATTLE OF THE LABYRINTHWhere stories live. Discover now