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The next morning, when Ciara and connor woke up breakfast was made and set with a note on the table. "Shawn and I had went out to the markets, help yourself to breakfast. Francine" Ciara put the note down and looked at the pancakes and bacon, she gently pressed her finger on top of the pancakes and picked the plate up. Putting them in the microwave for 10 seconds as they have brown a bit cold. Connor woke up after a while, and sat down opposite of where Ciara sat on the table and downed his breakfast .

"Since we're staying here for a few days, i was wondering if we could go check out the markets. Last night Shawn told me they have wonderful things" Connor said, Ciara nodded. "I guess we can have a quick look, i just-... don't you feel guilty? I mean what about camp, we just left them. They could be fighting Kronos and luke right now while we're here enjoying the comfort of a small town" Ciara said, although she knew the war wasn't happening right now, or that it's unlikely. She couldn't help that gut feeling in her stomach something was wrong.

"Ciara it's fine, besides there's like- fifty, maybe a hundred campers back at camp im sure they'll manage being down two people" Connor said, ciara sighing in response. "I suppose it wouldn't hurt to take a look at the shops" she said, Connor smiled taking a sip of his orange juice.

It was a very nice day out, today, the sun was shining but it was not to hot. Slightly cloudy but not too cold either, it was a nice warm breeze. The markets were at an empty land, at least fifty or so stalls, tarot reading, small stages for small bands and artists, jewellery, candles and crystals, fresh fruits and vegetables, spices and herbs, food stands, face painting, a small petting zoo. It was nice, connor, being childish kept insisting on going to the face paints and petting zoo and the jumping castle which ciara reminded him for the 300th time that those were for kids, not childish teenagers.

Ciara walked past a stall which caught her eye, "Hecate's Tarot readings, crystal & witchcraft" the sign read out front. it had a small purple velvet tent, the stands outside the tent had herbs and crystals and packs of tarot cards and a pack of  "magic spells". Ciara looked at the tent and slowly walked in. A woman sat on some cushions, inside the tent was very comfy, candles lighting up the tent. The woman who sat on the cushions behind the small coffee table looked very beautiful.

She had dark eyes, and curly black hair. She wore a loose orange-yellow dress with a red scarf over around her neck, yellow rhinestoned bangles flashing her wrists, bright red lips that shone in the candle light. She wore a diamond headpiece and a bunch of rings. "Hello" she greeted, her voice cutting through the air like a knife in butter. "Hi" ciara said, the woman flashed a smile.

"Would you like a tarot reading, young witch?" The woman said softly, Ciara hesitated but nodded, grabbing two dollars out of her pocket putting it in the small donation's box, ciara slowly sat down on  the cushions. She then noticed a black french bull dog in the corner asleep.

The woman took out some cards, shuffling them and spreading them out. "Choose one" she said, ciara looked at the cards that were a cream yellow and a dark orange, a circle in the middle of the card with twin torches in the middle of the circle. "that one" ciara said as she pointed to one of the cards.

"This card, resembles your past, what you've gone through and what you'll need to face the future, what controls how you act, what you do now" the woman said turning it over showing a man in a night gown, holding a long lantern. "The Hermit" the woman said, "You are alone, you've had an abandoned childhood. Making you feel like no one loves you, ever will love you, you're unloveable. You feel like no one will ever understand you, and it is that, that makes you push everyone away" The woman said in a soft eerie tone. What she said, she really hit the nail on the head.

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