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Clarisse and Ciara were in the Ares cabin, making out while everyone was at the camp fire. The cabin empty. The cabin walls painted a light red, the beds built against the wall, the head part against the wall, the beds stacked above each other. Beside each bunk set was two bed side tables for bottom bunk, the top bunk had a wooden part sticking out of the wall for the bed side table part.

Clarisses bed was on the bottom bunk at the end of the cabin. Which was super comfy, the beds in the apollo cabin were kind of lumpy.

the Ares cabin was actually pretty nice, a fluffy white rug was placed in the middle of the cabin on the slick floor boards. A small coffee table in the middle with a few bean bags. At the end of the cabin was a big desk with a large mirror, a few chairs tucked into the desk.

Ciara gently pushed clarisse down into the bed, climbing on top of her still kissing her lips. Ciaras hands on her face, one on Clarisses jaw the other on hee cheek. Clarisses hands placed on ciaras hips. Ciara moved her mouth to clarisses neck, placing a kiss on it giving a gasp out of her. Ciara smirked as she kept kissing.

"Ahem" A voice was heard.

Ciara felt her face heat up as she sat up and quickly got off Clarisse, a familiar centaur standing in the middle of the room looking at ciara and clarisse with a raised eyebrow. "Girls", he said before turning around gesturing them to follow.

Chiron gave them a huge lecture that he created the rule about couples not allowed to be alone in a cabin together for safety, how mistakes are made, and doing that stuff will be your biggest regret.

"Look girls i'm not going to punish you, but i better not see it again. Alright? I would hate for you girls to do something you'd regret" he said, in his best fatherly tone. Clarisse rolled her eyes, Ciara looked guilty and embarrassed.

"I know you girls are teenagers, and dating. I understand that you girls are going through puberty and how sex may be on your mind during those times but you need to unders—" ciaras face was burnt up, she never had a single thought about that until he bought it up...well maybe she had a couple thoughts. But that didn't make this any less embarrassing or awkward, she was thankful when Clarisse cut him off.

"We were NOT going to do that, Chiron! gross, oh my days" she groaned rubbing her eyes. Ciara did have some thoughts in the past about...that stuff, i mean, you're a fifteen year old teenager in puberty dating someone, you're bound to think of it sooner or later. She still felt guilty and embarrassed of those thoughts however.

"Right, we'll either way. Im just looking out for you girls, it would be sad for you to do something that you would regret...and clarisse, You may want to uhh", he gestured to his own neck to show what he meant, before continuing "-Cover that up" he finished, before giving them both a nod and walking off.

Clarisse covered the purple-ish red-ish mark on her neck. Ciara covered her face in embarrassment about what had just happened. "So see you in the morning" Clarisse smiled before rushing off, "Bye" Ciara said quickly before going off to her own cabin.

She groaned as she went to the Apollo cabin. The sun carving on the two wooden doors. Bows leaned up against the porch. She entered the cabin. Cabin 7 was like the other cabins, but different. The beds were at the end of the cabin, two bunk beds against the wall that was beside both of the doors as well. 

Ciaras bed was the one by the door, the bottom bunk. Her little brother Will had the top bunk of hers.

Ciara threw herself on her bed burying her embarrassed blushing face into her pillow. "What's wrong?" will said leaning his head off his bunk looking at Ciara. He came to camp last year around September, he was 12 and a pretty sweet kid.

"Nothing" ciara said, muffled into her pillow. "Huh?" Will said, not understanding what she had said. Ciara sighed and sat up, "nothing" she repeated. Will got off his bunk bed, jumping down and sat beside her.

"Are you alright?" He asked, Ciara smiled and nodded. Kayla and the others came back from the camp fire, and they all did their own thing. But first, everyone sat in a circle playing 'Charlie Charlie', it was a pretty fun game. Even though it was obviously not real, it was still fun.

"Oh yeah, guys, I was in the big house and Dionysus was asleep in his armchair and he some some of these beside him" Will said holding a small thin tin, he then opened it showing some gummies.

A wide smile spread across Ciaras face as she took the tin, the others smiling as well. As they all took some of the gummies.

Everyone in the Apollo cabin began playing around, when magical music started playing everyone gasped and started dancing around. Honestly they looked fucking stupid, they were just swaying their bodies around. Kind of like jellyfish.

Will sat on his bed looking at them weirdly as they swayed around in the quietness of the night, the only sounds were them giggling and moving their bodies. Also the sound of crickets. he was the only one who didn't eat any of the weed gummies. Probably because he was the only normal logical one.

"Guys! look, it's a portal" Austin said pointing at a glowing blue hole. Everyone gasped and muttered, Kayla got on her hands knees and began crawling through it. "Woahhh! Dudeee you guys gotta see this!" she said, mesmerised and amazed. They all crawled through. Walking through the blue sparkling portal, they were now in a land of a bunch of mushrooms but the white spots were eyes. Everyone gasped and stared in amazement.

Around the giant world of mushrooms they still had their beds and the weapons that usually hung on their wall was floating.

Will stared at them with a cringing look as he watched them crawl around the cabin floor like a bunch of blind mole rats.

"Hey guys, so chi—" Lee said as he entered the cabin, staring at everyone beginning to stand up and look around the cabin. For them, it was the other magical world. He frowned and looked up at will, who explained. 

"Lee!" Ciara shouted excitedly and giggling as she jumped into her brothers arms, he caught her. holding her bridal style as he looked at her confused, she was wearing her sunnies and a red bandana as her hair was getting in the way.

"Jesus, Ciara. What are you? A hippie?" he said putting her down, Ciara giggled and slapped his chest, "you're funny" she gently shoved him. He furrowed his eyebrows and looked at Will who just shrugged. Ciara could probably pass for a hippie.

word count: 1200

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