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(Y'all are really gonna love this chapter 😊)

(Sorry not sorry)

The drive back to camp blood was nice, as Travis was quiet for once and thinking about whatever it was he thought of. Ciara looked out at the passing trees and other cars, thinking about camp half blood and if Luke and his army had attacked yet.

She felt a weird gut feeling that something was wrong, but she just pushed the feeling down and ignored it. It was probably nothing.

There was then a loud ear piercing roar, it was high pitch it sounded like a fork scraping on a plate but in a roaring kind of way. Travis cringed at the sound, "what in the name of Zeus was that" He winced. Ciara shrugged, rubbing her ear hearing the ringing noise.

"Oh shit.." Travis said, looking in the side mirrors, Ciara slapped his arm "language" she rolled her eyes. "It's a Basilisk!" Travis exclaimed as he beeped at the car in front as they were staring to enter the city which meant a bunch of traffic.

(Idk if Basilisks are from Greek mythology but we'll just go with it)

"A what?" She said, confused. She leaned over and looked in the side mirror of the strawberry van seeing a giant large... snake?? Following behind them in the far distance. It had green piercing eyes, and light yellow scales with a white belly and blue horns.

Travis yelled at the cars in front, "Basilisk are like giant snakes- or-... imagine a Drakon, without legs or wings just a long giant snake. That's a basilisk, if you look it in the eyes you'll die instantly" Travis said, panicking as he tried looking for a way to get away from the giant snake.

Hearing him say staring into the eyes of a basilisk would kill you instantly, she looked away from the mirror and winded up her window. She wondered what mortals were seeing at the minute.

"Hold on" Travis said, as he reversed the van, accidentally hitting the car behind them in the process. As he pulled out and began driving along the side walk, maybe or maybe not hitting some pedestrians... but it's fine, they'll be okay.

"Travis!!" Ciara exclaimed as he began driving along the side walk, trying to avoid lamp posts, sample stores outside of shops and little kids walking with their mamas and dads.

"They'll be fine! They can easily mend their bones, once we're dead that crap can't be fixed" he shouted back at her. He then smiled "we could use some badass music right now, that'd be so cool. You know, we gotta fit the vibe and a– it's catching up! It's catching up" he said as he began driving faster.

"THEN FUCKING DRIVE, HOE!" Ciara yelled as she glanced in the mirror seeing the Basilisk catching up to them, letting out another ear piercing roar. Ciara scoffed and reached into her pocket, picking up the crystal she got from that stall yesterday. "Tch, 'Protection'... absolutely bullshit" she muttered to herself.

"You talk to me about cussing" Travis rolled his eyes, as they drove faster, he turned into an alleyway, taking a shortcut maybe.

Ciara held onto the little handle thingy above the door as he took the sharp and sudden turn, driving faster. "Is there anything that'll kill it?!" Ciara exclaimed as the basilisk then caught up, taking out the back of the van, and making the front part crash and slid on the side.

Travis and Ciara held on. As it stopped they quickly got out and began running as the basilisk chased after them. Strawberries and trays the camp used at markets for samples everywhere all over the floor. Ciara had tripped on one of the boxes making her fall to the ground.

Travis turned around, debating heavily whether to help her or keep running. On one hand, if he helped her they would both be dead. The other hand, if he ran he would be safe. Before he could decide, Ciara grabbed a tray and held it over her head, a dumb way to protect herself, but whatever.

She shut her eyes tightly, waiting to feel its cold sharp teeth sink into her skin as it killed and ate her. But nothing happened.. she slowly lowered the tray and looked at where the basilisk once was. Seeing dust flow everywhere, confused she stood up and looked at the disintegrated basilisk.

"Oh yeah, they also die if they see their own reflection. You know.. cuz they look into their eyes and stuff" Travis said, panting and going over to her helping her up. Her knees bleeding from when she had fell. They sighed and walked over to the broken van, "how are we going to get back to camp now?! On foot?" Travis scoffed.

Ciara shrugged and looked at him, "no choice" she said. He groaned and ran a hand through his hair.

As they walked through the city, trying to find their way back to camp half blood- on foot. Ciara felt her knees sting and ache a bit. "Wait, why don't we just get a cab?" Travis said, Ciara slowly looked up at him. "Cuz we ain't go no money??" She said, pointing out the obvious.

Travis sighed and rolled his eyes, as they kept walking. It was around 11, maybe 12. As they walked down the sidewalk beside shops they could smell bath bombs from the bath and body works shop, and candy, and popcorn and all other stuff. Ciara froze a bit as she saw a familiar face walking out of a shop.

Dylan? She hadn't seen Dylan since last year when she left the school, and hadn't came back. He probably thought she died or something, she moved a bit slower and hid behind Travis. She wouldn't know how to explain to Dylan how she just suddenly left and never came back, what was she meant to say?

'Yeah I left school to go to a labyrinth with my girlfriend and find a fountain of youth and got attacked by some guy who betrayed this camp- for demigods- oh yeah I'm a daughter of a god to' they'd probably call the security on her

"What're you doing?" Travis said turning around to face her as she hid behind him so Dylan would not see her. "Nothing" she shrugged, "that's my friend over there; from my school last year. I kind of left without giving goodbye or saying anything, it'll be awkward if we saw each other again" she said.

"Who?.. him?" Travis said pointing over to Darren, she grabbed his arm putting it down. "Don't point!.. and yes, and them" she said, Travis looked confused as he looked back over at Dylan. "Them? But there's no one else, it's just him" he said, confused as he looked back at Ciara.

"No you dolt, they're non binary. They go by they them" Ciara said, Travis nodded "Ah. Got it, sorry my bad" he said, Ciara nodded.

They continued walking through the city until they got to a forest area and began to walk through it. Unsure if this was the right way. As they hadn't been this way to camp before. They just hoped for the best.

After a bit they saw the back of.. cabins? They looked all destroyed, well some of them. Ciara and Travis looked at each other, concerned as they ran to camp. Going through the barrier and going into camp. Seeing the destruction, must've been Luke's army.

The cabins were destroyed but being repaired currently. Ciara saw a bunch of kids hanging by the infirmary, and her siblings helping out. Travis put a hand on her shoulder and smiled and giving a nod before heading over to the Hermes' cabin to check on his siblings.

Ciara said bye and jogged over to the infirmary, as she went in. She saw Kayla, Austin, Michael, Layla and Will rushing around helping the injured. "Ciara! Thank Zeus you're finally here, where have you been? Actually- no time. Can you get ambrosia for some of the kids. Lots of them are injured, Luke's camp attacked. We won though, our whole cabin has to help" Kayla said, rushing around and such.

"But this isn't our whole cabin.." Ciara said softly, already knowing the answer to why. Kayla slowly looked at the floor, Ciara then furrowed her eyebrows and looked around. "Where's Lee? Is he in the back or something" Ciara said, Kayla's expression dropping and becoming one of sadness and sympathy.

'Oh..Three of Swords, See? your heart is being pierced by the three swords. Grief, Loss, and Heartbreak- basically you're going to suffer loss and deception'

"Ciara I-.." Kayla said softly, Ciara felt her stomach fill with dread and her heart drop. She already knew what was coming next. She softly shook her head, not wanting to hear Kayla's next words

"Lee's dead.."

Word count: 1490

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