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As Ciara woke up to an empty cabin she felt confused. She looked around the cabin, but it was empty. The lights off and the beds made as if they hadn't been slept in.

The cabin was dark except for the early morning light that peeked in through the curtains, Ciara wasn't sure why but she began feeling a strong sense of paranoia and anxiety. Which felt weird to her, she's never felt paranoid. Anxiety, pretty much all the time but not like this.

She laid in bed looking around the cabin, her breathing getting heavier as the silence was to loud. The morning birds in the distance singing their songs, the clock ticking. A slight ringing in her ears.

Ciara wasn't sure why she felt this way or why everything felt weird and creepy, she turned over in her blankets facing the wall closing her eyes trying to go back to sleep.

The cabin door then creaked open, as someone slowly stepped inside. Ciaras heart beat faster, she almost screamed as she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned around, her nerves and anxiety calming down as it was just Clarisse. She sat up and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.

"What's wrong with you? Why're your eyes all red" Clarisse stated, Ciara shrugged. "Just tired I guess"

Clarisse stood up, standing on the small tin the edibles were in. She sighed and shook her head looking at ciara, "why is Apollo cabin just a bunch of hippies, my gods" she said picking up the tin and chucking it over into the bin.

Ciara rolled her eyes at clarisses comment, "That explains why you're acting all weird and freakish" Clarisse said as she sat on the edge of Clarisses bed. Ciara looked at Clarisses neck seeing the foundation and concealer over it, which she probably got help from the Aphrodite girls.

Ciara looked at her confused, before Clarisse began to explain further. "Weed or even edibles can sometimes give you heightened sensory perception. Like increasing your hearing and sight making things more bright, or making you hungry. You probably had to much and it made you paranoid or whatever" Clarisse shrugged.

Ciara nodded even though she did not get any of that, "come on let's go", she said grabbing Ciaras hand. "What? Why?" She said, confused.

"Annabeths back" she said, Ciara a bit shocked she stood up, "she and the others are back..? It's only been like a week or two" she said, as she had expected their quest to be much longer then one week and a half.

"No, just Annabeth" clarisse said as she left, "get dressed and come to the big house" Clarisse said. Ciara shook her head, confused. Just Annabeth? We're was Percy, and Tyson, and Grover..??

Once Ciara got dressed she went to the big house and stood with Clarisse, Annabeth talking to Chiron.

"We were in a mountain... or something where Hephaestus told us to go because he sensed someone was there and then these monsters came and-... and then I got out sort of but Percy didn't, the mountain exploded. Chiron! What if he's dead??" Annabeth said worried, sounding on the verge of crying.

"Annabeth, calm. Percy may have escaped, we will send people out to look for him. He might've escaped and is trying to find a way back, he'll be okay I'm sure of it" Chiron nodded, annabeth nodded but still seemed upset and worried.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom quickly" Annabeth said going to the big house bathroom. Clarisse left to go to training as usual, "when she gets back maybe take her
To the infirmary to check on her and get her settled" Chiron said, ciara nodded.

As she sat down on one of the chairs she noticed a painting. It was two boys in old tunics, one of them a smile wider than the Cheshire Cat, his blonde hair was to his shoulders. He looked about fifteen, sixteen. Light green eyes with specks of brown. He sat on a rock, behind him another boy.

A Little Different IV || Clarisse La Rue | BATTLE OF THE LABYRINTHWhere stories live. Discover now