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Ciara woke up to a loud honk, she groaned and rubbed her eyes it took her a minute to process whatever was going on. They were sat in a bunch of traffic, connor getting annoyed by it, honking and yelling at the other drivers.

Ciara was bored, so she got the book about driving instructions. Mainly because she was bored out of her mind and needed something to do so she wouldn't throw herself out the car window. "You know, I never thought I would ever teach myself how to drive a whole ass van" connor said with a proud smile as they began driving again.

Ciara rolled her eyes before smirking, "If you're such a good driver then explain..." she looked through the different things in the driving book, "zipper merging" she said, connor scoffed. "The hell is zipper merging?" he said.

"See! You don't know how to drive...this book is so hard to read" she said rolling her eyes having a drink of water from the water bottle, but she had to carefully drink because connor wasn't as good as a driver as he made out to be and she probably would've spilled it all over herself.

Connor furrowed his eyebrows at her comment, "Sound out the words, I can help. I was in the first grade spelling bee in elementary school....and for your information, I know how to drive...unlike this asshole in front of me!" he yelled hitting the steering wheel, "A handicap placard doesn't meant you don't have to signal, you stupid bastard!" He yelled honking the horn. Ciara looking at him before looking back down at her book.

"so what were you having trouble with again?" he asked sighing a bit in annoyance, "your tone" she said looking at him. She sighed a bit and looked down at the book sounding out a word, taking her time as it had like thirty letters in it.

A car then honked, "Shut your ass up" connor said in an upset and annoyed tone, ciara closing the book. "sorry!" she said putting it down looking out the window. Connor glanced at her, "I'm not talking to you. i'm talking to this jackass trying to cut me off!" he yelled,

"This ain't my car, you wanna hit me? Then hit me! There ain't nothing in here I care about!" he shouted to the car that kept breaking in front of him, Ciara looking at him. "...your friend?!" she suggest, connor rolling his eyes before honking the horn again for the twelfth time in the past 20 minutes.

After about an hour they pulled up at a gas station, to go to the toilet, and have something to eat. Before they got going again. "How do you think things are going at camp right now?" connor asked pas they sat outside the gas station on a bench eating the food they got. Ciara shrugged, they knew a war was coming and how it could happen at really any moment.

"We're gonna be gone for like a week or so, what if it happens while we're here. Unable to do anything to help out" connor said, feeling a bit guilty at that thought. Ciara started thinking to, how people could die. Even if it wasn't the full war that was to come, there would still be battle. Chiron said he was sure of that.

"There's not much we'd be able to do anyway" she shrugged, as she took a bite out of her bettered sav and had a drink of coke. Connor tried thinking of something else to talk about, so it wouldn't bring their moods down but also so they wouldn't be sat in awkward silence.

"Do you think you're gonna go to college with clarisse?" he asked, ciara shrugged. She'd never really thought about it that much, there wasn't many colleges she would get into except the cheap community ones. Considering how she's been kicked out of a bunch of schools, and never really had that many good grades.

Clarisse been kicked out of a lot more schools then her, but she had good grades in those schools like B's and A's, ciara usually only got D's or C-'s. so ciara just shrugged in response, connor nodded. "I don't know what i'm gonna do when Trav goes to college" he sighed.

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