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Annabeth, Percy, Tyson and grover left for their quest about an hour after breakfast. Everyone at camp was training a bunch, getting ready for anything that could happen. Especially with Luke and his army growing bigger and stronger.

Ciara kept thinking back to her other siblings who had joined Luke's army. Tilla, Arlo, Macy, Imogen, Harper, Alexander, and Owen. They all left and joined Luke's army, the cabin felt a bit empty then what it used to be. But at least Ciara had her other siblings.

Ciara couldn't help but think about Luke's reasons for running away and rebelling against the gods, he did have a somewhat good reason. Though that doesn't justify the things he's done. Ciara had to admit, it was annoying waiting around to be claimed. Ciara didn't get claimed for a year, she got claimed one day when she was playing the lyre at a campfire one night. She remembered how awkward it was moving into cabin 7, everyone stared at her. But Lee and Michael welcomed her and made her feel at home.

Clarisse was at camp for about two years before getting claimed, some camper threatened her and insulted her. So in a game of capture the flag she hunted them down and bashed them, when she captured the opposite teams flag she got claimed. Ciara couldn't help but compare how similar her and Percy's claiming was, both got claimed after capture the flag, percy sort of beat up clarisse and her mates and his team captured her teams flag.

Anyway, Ciara understood how Luke would've felt. Waiting around to be claimed, while the gods worked in 'their time'. It was annoying, waiting on them. But either way, Ciara would've never done what luke was doing right now.

Ciara sat on her bed in the apollo cabin, looking at the Address of her mom. She wasn't sure if she should go or not. On one hand, it'd be nice to see her mom. See what she looks like, even if her mom didn't want her or want to see her. The other hand, it was weird and nerve racking. What if her mom just..denied being her mom! that'd be hella awkward. Even if Ciara did go to see the address, what would she even say.

"Hey, i'm the daughter you gave away years ago. Remember me??" That'd be so awkward! Ciara was busy lost in her thoughts, she didn't notice Quintus knock and come inside, "Ciara?" He said making her startled and gasp. She put a hand on her chest and let out a breath, "My days...sorry, i didn't hear you knock" She said.

"That's alright, I was asking if you were coming to the sword fighting lesson this afternoon? I couldn't help but notice how you skip most of the lessons" He said, ciara sighed. "I'm not a fighter, Mr., im horrible at it. It'd just be embarrassing for everyone. I'd be a clown without even dressing up" Ciara said.

"Can't hurt to try, can it?...Ciara i don't think you understand that a war could be coming, sooner then one may think. What're you gonna do if a cyclops attacks you? sing a lullaby?" He said.

"Well I mean...I fought a Drakon a few years ago, with no training. Survival instincts I guess" She shrugged, Quintus sighed. "Just come to training, please" he said, ciara rolled her eyes. "Fine" she said.

"What's that?" Quintus said looking at the paper, "My mamas address, Clarisse found it. My mother gave me up when i was young, I never met her" ciara said. Quintus looked at her, maybe with pity, maybe with sadness, maybe with a bit of both. "What's stopping you?"

"Everything, what would i even say? what if she doesn't want me??" Ciara said,  looking down at the piece of paper. "...I used to have a son, he died...he was barely thirteen. The thing is, I would have done anything, to get him back. A parents love for their child is strong, you have thoughts where you randomly think and remember you have a mom. Just like your mom would randomly think and remember she has a daughter somewhere" He said.

"Sorry...about your son" Ciara said looking up at him, he shook his head. "Don't be...mistakes happen, it was a long time ago" he said before continuing, "If you want my advice, i'd say go and see your mom. Even if she may not want you, you'd feel better knowing you tried" he said. "I'll see you at training at 1:20 this afternoon" he said before turning around and leaving the cabin.

Ciara got up and looked in her chest, each camper got their own chest to put their clothes and belongings. Ciara picked up a fresh camp half blood t-shirt, she took her pyjama top off and unfolded the camp one. Clarisse without warning walked into the cabin, her cheeks reddened as she saw ciara. she looked away and walked back out. Ciara blushed with embarrassed as a weird feeling stirred inside her.

She pulled the shirt over her head and walked out where clarisse began apologising profusely, "I should have knocked, i am so so so sorry" she said, ciara chuckled, her freckled cheeks still holding a bit of blush. "It's fine, it's fine, you're my girlfriend. I don't mind" she said.

Clarisse nodded and cleared her throat, "Want to uhm... go for a..walk?" she said, Ciara smiled and nodded.

As they walked around camp, it got a bit boring. As they got to the rock climbing wall, a wide smirk spread wide across her face "Race you up the climbing wall!" she said before running to it.

One thing about ciara, is that she wasn't good at sports, she hated them. She'd rather hang herself from the ceiling fan in her cabin. But she also got super competitive sometimes, she liked to be better than other people sometimes.

She ran to the rock climbing wall, quickly securing the harness. Using the rocks to pull her self up. Avoiding the obstacles, as some of the rocks were fake ones and snapped and broke when you stood on them. Clarisse was a bit ahead of ciara, so she did what anyone would have done.

She yanked Clarisses ankle making her fall back a bit, "CIARA WHAT THE HELL!?" She shouted as Ciara climbed ahead of her, "Sorry! I thought your shoe was a rock" Ciara said, Clarisse scoffing not believing one word of that. Mainly as it was a bullshit excuse no one would believe.

Ciara was ALMOST there..she was THAT close, but nooo. Of course she had to not only step on, but she also had to grab a fake rock. She screamed as she fell all the way. to the bottom of the climbing wall. she laid flat on her back on the grass.

Though thankful for the harness, otherwise she was sure she'd of broken at least more then 15 bones. Clarisse making her way back down the wall, wearing her signature cocky smile, she towered over Ciara holding her hand out to her.

Ciara looked at her. Ciara didn't really like to loose, but if she was going to loose to anyone...she wouldn't mind it being Clarisse.

word count: 12222

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