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For the first part, everyone took turns trying to beat Quintus. No one could, Quintus won every single round. Well, except for a few. Mainly the big Ares boys beat him, but still.

Ciara looked at the people ahead of her, only 3 more people before it was her turn. She was gonna embarrass herself in front of anyone, she felt her heart beat faster and she started to sweat a bit. She usually always got like that when she got super nervous and her anxiety played up on her, as it was close to her turn. She quickly snuck out of the line and snuck away, she looked back seeing Quintus look at her with a bit of disappointment on his face.

She undid her armour, taking it off. Lee came up to her as he saw her sneak off from training, "You can't keep skipping, you know?" He said putting his bow and arrow away, Lee was one of the people who were really good at combat. Along with a handful of some other campers, she rolled her eyes at him.

"What if I teach you? I'm a good swordsmen, I can also teach you better archery" he smiled, "The last time someone gave me sword fighting lessons he betrayed the camp and the gods and threw me into a endless pit of darkness feeding me to a giant ass dragon" Ciara said sarcastically, Lee rolling his eyes.

"Come on. A wars coming, Ciara you need to be prepared. Instead of using your girlfriend as a shield, try holding one yourself first" Lee said, Ciara sighed as she put her armour away. "Sure, fine, whatever" Ciara said.

"We'll start tomorrow, I have to help Chiron with some stuff" He nodded before leaving, Ciara kept wondering how Annabeths quest was going, how they were doing down there in the Labyrinth. It would've been scary.

That night after dinner everyone was getting ready, as the Aphrodite cabin wanted to host a camp fashion show. Most people participated as it would've been super fun, the theme was Gender-bender. You dress up in the opposite gender clothing. Each cabin got their own dress code, so they had to dress up in the opposite genders clothing but in the dress code they were given.

Apollo cabin was given 'Fancy dinner' dress code, some of the girls dressed up in suits and dress shirts with jeans. Their brothers were...wow.

Kayla did their make up, and Ciara helped. Lee was dressed in a strapless cherry red dress, with black heel boots. clip on diamond earrings, and a bright red lipstick to match the dress. Michael wore a sequin glittery silver spaghetti strap crop to, with a white skirt that went to his knees, the skirt embroidered with roses and sunflowers, he also wore white closed in shoes.

Ciara went to the amphitheater and sat down with the other campers who didn't want to participate, Ciara sat with Clarisse in the front row. Chiron and Mr. D were the judges, whatever cabin won the Fashion Show got off camp chores for a month. So everyone dressed their best, wanting to win.

Silena and Drew from the Aphrodite cabin who were hosting the show spoke, "Campers and Centuars, welcome to the first Camp Half Blood fashion show! Remember, don't forget to cheer if you love the fit, and boo if you hate it" Drew spoke, they always went above and beyond for stuff like this.

The "runway" wasn't much, it was just a few giant sheets sewn together held up by some long sticks Nyssa from the Hephaestus cabin created.

"First of all, we have the Demeter cabin, whose dress code was Mother Nature" Silena said, before her and drew parting the sheets showing 3 boys and 2 girls from cabin 4.

Mia and Lila, the twin girls dressed in a simple boys T-shirt which was green, and some Cargo shorts. Though they made the basic look, actually look really good. The three boys, in dresses and a skirt.

Tyler dressed in a green dress with puffy sleeves, William in a white t-shirt with a long light brown skirt and sandals and Blake was wearing a long white dress. Everyone laughed and clapped, drew gave tyler a weird dirty look.

"Now sadly the Ares cabin doesn't know how to have fun, so unfortunately no one from Cabin 5 are participating" Silena said, drew scoffed before saying, "Don't feel bad Silena, they don't participate in anything that doesn't include blood or violence" she said, Clarisse glaring at drew. Ciara smiled at her and held her hand.

All the cabins had really good outfits, Athena cabin dress code was 'formal', Hephaestus cabin was 'workshop', which most of the campers from cabin 9 just stayed in their clothes but switched them with each other. Each cabins dress code was based on their godly parent.

Cabin 10 probably had the best dressed. Their theme was 'Date Night', Felix was dressed in a pretty silver mini dress with white heels, which he walked pretty well in.

Cabin 11 was 'Adventure', which only the stoll brothers participated in. Ciara did have to say, Connor worked it well in a mini skirt and crop top. 

Cabin twelve, Castor and Pollux, Dionysus' twins were dressed in their theme. 'Day at the Theatre', Castor wore a light purple jacket with a leopard print skirt. Pollux wearing a matching outfit, but a bit opposite. Leopard print crop top with purple jeans.

Chiron and Dionysus talked, Mr. D giving his sons a high score obviously because he was being Biased. The cabin that one though was Demeter cabin with theme Mother Nature, they got a higher score mainly because more people from that cabin participated but they also had really good outfits. Second place was cabin 10 and third was Apollo cabin.

cabin 4 seemed happy they had won, smiling that they didn't have to do any camp chores for a month. Lila seemed the happiest that she didn't have to clean the girls toilets including the sanitary bins, and the boys toilets. Ciara remembered she got assigned to clean them one time...they were BEYOND the definition of DISGUSTING and GROTTY. It was so gross, just thinking about it she almost gagged. 

Kayla and Ciara sat in apollo cabin, Kayla brushing and braiding Ciaras hair. "You'd look really good with pink highlights" Kayla said as she braided Ciaras hair into double dutch braids, Ciara shrugged. She never dyed her hair before, she never really wanted to, she liked it how it was. "You think so?" she asked kayla, relaxing into the feeling as kayla brushed through her hair and parted it.

"Hell yeah" she smiled, "After this we'll do face masks and paint our nails" she added. Kayla and Ciara often had a girls night where they did face masks, nails and hair. It was super fun sister bonding time.

"Out of everyone in our cabin, who would you be the saddest of if they died?" Kayla asked as she picked up a sour strap and put it in her mouth eating it, they both often asked weird questions. It was fun to think about your answer and stuff.

Though, with this question Ciara didn't need to think. She already knew. "Lee" she said, she wouldn't know what she'd do if Lee was gone. It made her sad to think about if Lee died, knowing he'd never come back. Good thing that'd never happen.
.........👀.. (who gonna tell her?)

Kayla making a fake hurt face with a fake gasp. Ciara chuckled, "I'd still be sad if others died, but Lees like my best friend. he's the first person who made me feel welcome here" she shrugged, kayla smiled and nodded. "I know, i was just joking" she chuckled.

"For me i'd be the most sad about Michael, he's annoying but," she shrugged, "you know" she said, ciara chuckled and nodded, "yeah know, I know". 

They were then putting on face masks, "Oh, you have a pimple on your nose" Kayla said, Ciara looked at her as if kayla just thrusted a knife through her chest. "What??" she said, ciara picked up the mirror looking at it. She began touching it and stuff, kayla sighed grabbing her hand pulling it away. "Stop picking at it, you'll make it worse" she said.

"Get it off, get it off! it's so gross! it's ugly" Ciara said, she always hated getting zits. "Ciara it's normal, it's puberty. You're gonna get pimples, get over it" she said, ciara whined and groaned. She hated it, how was she supposed to leave the cabin looking like this!?

Kayla sighed and got a pimple patch, "Here, this'll get rid of it. I don't know why you're so worried about acne, you're fifteen it's normal" Kayla said. Ciara rolling her eyes as she put the patch over the pimple. "Just because it's normal doesn't mean it's not ugly" Ciara said, Kayla rolling her eyes at her sister obsessing over her looks, she knew Ciara only started caring how she was seen by others since she went out with clarisse, wanting to look her best for her girlfriend to impress her.

word count: 1540

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