~ 4 - CONFESSION ATTEMPT #3: Matching Mugs! ~

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"Is this a good idea?" Connor asked as he and Travis made their way to the arts and crafts building.
"Yeah. I mean, it's just a bit of arts and crafts, while Malcolm is in charge! It'll show him that you're interested in his interests." Travis smiled at Connor.

Connor sighed. He had a bad feeling about this, but... how much worse could these confessions go?

Connor and Travis entered the building and there were only a few other campers there, mostly the younger campers. Will Solace and Nico di Angelo seemed to be here too though, so it's not as if Travis and Connor were the only older campers here.

Malcolm was in charge of pottery painting today, so he was talking to the younger campers, explaining everything until some young campers looked over to the Stoll brothers, making Malcolm look over to see who had entered.

Travis waved at Malcolm, smiling widely. Connor averted his gaze, feeling embarrassed as he fiddled with his hands.
"What do you two want?" Malcolm seemed to sigh out.
"C'mon. Are we not allowed to take this pottery painting lesson?" Travis questioned, crossing his arms.

Malcolm stared at Travis and glanced at Connor. He saw no signs of mischief in their expressions, which slightly surprised him.
"Get an apron from the back. Go join Will and Nico, they're already all set up. I'll check on you guys after I set these campers up." Malcolm said, looking away once he instructed the Stoll brothers what to do.

Travis nudged Connor in the arm. Connor rolled his eyes as he and Travis made their way to get an apron. Travis instantly placed the apron on and tied it from behind. Connor placed his apron on but he didn't tie it. I mean, he didn't find it necessary.

Travis and Connor both went over to Will and Nico, who were smiling like two idiots in love.
"This like a date or something?" Travis asked.
"Was going to be super nice as well until you two fools came along." Nico stated, looking at the two brothers.
"You're as sweet as ever." Connor nodded, smiling at Nico.
"Ah, don't mind Mr Grumpy over here." Will said, waving his hand in dismissal.

"What are you two going to paint? Nico and I can get it for you."
"Oh uhm..." Travis looked to Connor.
Connor shrugged before he looked to Will.
"We've never came to the arts and crafts building to do stuff like this so..." Connor said.
"... We'll get you some mugs." Nico said, backing away from their little workstation.
"Don't touch anything until we're back." Will said, also backing away.

The couple walked off to the blank pieces of pottery that were ready to be painted. Connor took a seat, as did Travis. Connor scanned the table and noticed that Will and Nico had picked out these little bowls to paint.

"We interrupted their date." Connor mumbled.
"Oh come on, it's not as if they were going to be completely alone. There are other campers here." Travis rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, but those campers are literally on the other side of this place. So we are interrupting-" Connor began.

"Can you not tie your apron?"
Connor looked over behind him to see Malcolm there, his arms crossed.
"Get up." Malcolm said, uncrossing his arms.
Connor blinked and he reluctantly got up. Travis was grinning mischievously and Connor shot a glare at his brother.

Connor stood in front of Malcolm and Malcolm placed his hands on Connor's shoulders for a moment, turning him around.
"What-?" Connor began.
"Stay still." Malcolm instructed, his hands resting on Connor's waist for a moment.
Connor's face turned red and he stayed still. Malcolm then took the strings of the apron and tied it.

Connor gulped as he felt Malcolm tie the strings of the apron. Malcolm then stepped back and Connor turned around.
"Thanks." Connor said, rubbing his neck nervously.
Malcolm looked at Connor and he noticed that his cheeks were red. Malcolm seemed to smile a little.
"You're welcome." Malcolm said.

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