~ 12 - After Multiple Failed Confessions, Connor Somehow Gets The Boy! ~

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"Malcolm~ Connor is here to take you out on your date~!!" One of Malcolm's siblings teased as they went over to Malcolm, who was sat on his bed, reading a book.
Malcolm looked up and he glanced at the entrance of the cabin, seeing Connor fiddling about with a flower in his hand, trying not to peek inside the cabin.

"Alright, I'll be back before it's time for bed, so make sure you guys behave yourselves." Malcolm said, shutting his book and setting it down on his bed as he got up.
"Oh yes, because we are totally going to destroy the cabin while you are away, Mal." One of Malcolm's siblings rolled their eyes.
Malcolm huffed and he went over, exiting the cabin and shutting the door behind him.

"Hey." Malcolm smiled at Connor.
Connor looked at Malcolm and he smiled back.
"Hey! Erm, I got this flower!" Connor exclaimed, holding out a daisy towards Malcolm.
"F-for you, of course."
Malcolm felt his smile grow, seeing how nervous Connor was. Malcolm gently took the daisy from Connor.
"Thank you. So, what do you have planned for this date?" Malcolm questioned, tilting his head.

"How do you feel watching the sun set and having a picnic on the beach?" Connor tilted his head.
Malcolm hummed and he nodded.
"Sounds romantic." Malcolm said.
"Great! Now, let's go. I don't trust Travis to watch over our spot any further, he may eat everything if we don't hurry up." Connor said, holding his hand out.
Malcolm rolled his eyes and he took Connor's hand.
"Alright, let's go." Malcolm said.
Connor smiled and he instantly walked off, Malcolm following alongside him.

Malcolm kept a hold of the daisy in his free hand and he couldn't help but glance at it. Malcolm raised an eyebrow as he stared at the daisy and recalled that recently the Demeter cabin had planted some daisies nearby their cabin.

"... Connor, please tell me you didn't steal a daisy from the Demeter cabin."


Connor and Malcolm were sat on a blanket at the beach of the camp. Travis seemed to be on his best behaviour when the two of them arrived, and he left once Connor and Malcolm set themselves up on the beach.

The two of them were alone, no other campers were nearby. Connor was setting out some of the snacks he and Travis managed to sneak into camp, and some of the strawberries that they managed to pick and steal from the camp's strawberry fields.

"I'm curious, why do you like me?" Connor asked as he picked a strawberry out of this little container he had the strawberries in.
Malcolm leaned back, using his hands to hold himself up as he looked at Connor.
"You're quite cute when you're nervous. I mean, when you gave me that mug, I think that was when I really realised I liked you." Malcolm said.

"I used to think you were insufferable though."
"... Gee, that's great. Thanks Mal."
"Haha, but my feelings and thoughts have changed now."

"You're very sweet, Connor." Malcolm said, looking at Connor as Connor was munching on a strawberry.
Connor blinked as he finished eating the strawberry and a blush formed on his cheeks.
"Really? Annoying and chaotic is how I would describe myself-" Connor began, fiddling with his hands.
Malcolm shuffled closer to Connor and rested his head on Connor's shoulder. Connor tensed up and he glanced down at Malcolm.

"Well, you can be a little annoying, especially when you shoot arrows at my legs." Malcolm said.
"Y-you said you've forgiven me for that! Plus technically Travis did it, not me!" Connor exclaimed.
Malcolm laughed and Connor felt his heart do a backflip.
"I'm just messing with you." Malcolm smiled up at Connor.

Many Different Ways (Not) To Confess | Malconnor Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now