~ 6 - The Stolls Ask Juniper & Woodrow For Help (Also, Travis Has Acne) ~

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"I have the perfect idea of how else we can try and confess your feelings for Malcolm!" Travis exclaimed as he ran over to his brother who was at the beach at the camp.

Connor looked over his shoulder at his brother who grabbed him by his shoulders and dragged him onto his two feet.
"And we're doing this now-?" Connor questioned, confused why Travis seemed so eager to drag him up and ruin his peace.
"No! We need to talk to the satyrs and nymphs for their help! Plan this out with them!" Travis explained, now holding Connor by his arm and dragging him away to where he asked Juniper and Woodrow to meet them.

"What? B-but don't you remember how they outed out Nico when he asked for their help-?" Connor questioned, feeling nervous about this.
"Yeah, but remember Nico said that we just need to make sure they understand exactly what we want to do! So, as long as we clarify we want this to not be public and romantic, then it'll be perfect!" Travis exclaimed.
Connor felt unsure about this but he let Travis drag him along closer towards the woods of the camp.

Eventually, the Stoll brothers had made it to the quiet secluded spot where Juniper was chatting with Woodrow, who seemed to be quite anxious.
"I'm going to miss out on teaching that music lesson, Juniper-!"
"They'll be here soon, just relax Woodrow, please-"

"Hey!" Travis waved at the two of them, catching their attention.
Juniper turned around and she smiled at Travis and Connor.
"Hello! Wonderful, we should make this quick before Woodrow gets even more anxious and has an anxiety attack!" Juniper exclaimed.

"So, Connor-!"
"I'm Travis, actually." Travis grimaced.
"Ah, sorry! You two look very similar, it's hard to believe you're not twins!" Juniper smiled nervously.

"Yeah, just remember, Connor is the one with the freckles, Travis is not." Travis smiled at Juniper.
"Okay, Connor, freckles, Travis, no freckles." Juniper nodded.
"But you have a bit of acne there..." Woodrow said, looking at Travis's face.
Travis felt his cheeks warm up from embarrassment and Connor couldn't help but laugh.

"Okay, now that we got that out of the way!" Travis growled under his breath, slightly glaring at Woodrow.
"We need help for Connor to confess his feelings for Malcolm."
"Malcolm? The son of Athena?" Juniper clarified.
"Yes." Travis nodded.
"We've tried many times already but... well, our attempts have gone to erm... shit."

Juniper looked at Connor and Connor fiddled with his hands.
"Ah, I think I heard that you gave him a cake which called him a-!" Woodrow began.
"No need to say it!" Connor exclaimed.
"Ah, right... and what else have you tried?" Juniper asked.
"We accidentally hit him in the head with our flying shoes." Connor said.
"And... then Connor gave Malcolm a mug which called him a dork, but meant to give him the matching mug that called him a cutie." Travis said.

"So, we want a private confession! Nothing like what you guys did for Nico!"
"And... where do we want this confession to take place?" Juniper asked.
"Maybe here?" Travis looked to Connor.
Connor glanced around the spot.

"W-well, if we add some fairylights across the trees, a picnic over here... then it could work. And it could be during dinner!" Connor exclaimed.
"Ah, so exactly like how Nico's confession was supposed to go?" Woodrow questioned.
"Yeah, I guess." Connor shrugged.

"Can... can we do that?"
"Of course!" Juniper smiled.
"I'll have to ask the other nymphs for some help to make this place look nice, and Woodrow will be in charge of escorting you over here while I escort Malcolm over here!"
Travis smiled and he looked at Connor. Connor rolled his eyes at his brother and Travis faced Juniper and Woodrow now.

"Wonderful! Thank you guys, we'll trust you to set this up and Connor will see you guys tomorrow!" Travis exclaimed.
"Yeah, thanks." Connor smiled at Juniper and Woodrow.
"Of course. Now, go on! You should get back to doing some of the camp's activities!" Juniper exclaimed.

"Ah? That's it! Then I'll be off!" Woodrow exclaimed, quickly running away.
Juniper sighed as she watched Woodrow run off.
"Alright. On you go, boys! Just leave this to our very capable hands!" Juniper smiled at Travis and Connor.

Travis and Connor turned around and began to walk off.
"See? This is out of our hands, which means it'll turn out perfect!" Travis exclaimed, smiling at Connor as he wrapped his arm around his brother.
"Well, we'll just see, won't we?" Connor mumbled under his breath.


Word count: 777

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