~ 8 - Connor Freaked Out And Bailed ~

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"Seriously dude! I've been looking all over the place for you!" Travis exclaimed as he climbed up the tree where Connor was sat up in.
Travis sat down on the branch, next to Connor, and Connor was fiddling with his hands as he stared miserably at the ground below.

Travis frowned as Connor seemed to look so down.
"... Woodrow took me to the spot and Malcolm thought I was confessing. Thankfully he shut me down right away." Travis said.
"Why didn't you show up? Mmh?"
Travis gently nudged Connor in the arm. Connor sighed and he ran his fingers through his hair.
"I just... I got scared, Travis." Connor mumbled.

"Why would Malcolm like me? He's the son of Athena! He is so smart, and intelligent, and just so... amazing... and then there's me!"
Connor held his palms out and looked at his hands.
"The son of Hermes. All I do is stupid stuff, do stupid pranks, and I can't even confess to someone!"

Travis felt his heart break at the words of his brother. How he was talking so... badly about himself.
"Connor. You are one of the most amazing people I know! Obviously, me being the first. You're... a close second." Travis said.
Connor gave Travis a small smile and Travis smiled.

"Look, Malcolm is pretty cool. Yeah, maybe he's cooler than us. But...you won't know if he likes you unless you tell him how you feel." Travis said softly.
"And if he doesn't like you? Then he is a fool!! My brother is one of the most greatest people in the world. And Malcolm doesn't deserve you if he doesn't reciprocate your feelings."

Connor looked at Travis and he grinned.
"That's a big word for you, 'reciprocate'. Wow, look at you, Mr. Fancy Vocabulary!"
"... I will shove you off this tree and break all your bones."
"... I love you too, Travis."

Travis then clapped his hands.
"Right! I have one final idea for a confession. And I think it is genius!"
Connor felt the anxiety build up in him again but he smiled at Travis.
"Lay it on me."


Word count: 356

Many Different Ways (Not) To Confess | Malconnor Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now