~ 7 - CONFESSION ATTEMPT #4: Travis Is Now Apparently Confessing To Malcolm?? ~

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Travis whistled to himself as he made his way to the dining pavilion. He hadn't seen Connor, so he assumed Woodrow had already escorted him to the spot where Malcolm would be escorted by Juniper.

"Ah! There you are!"
Travis blinked as he looked over and saw Woodrow coming over and grabbing his wrist.
"You need to come along with me now!" Woodrow exclaimed, dragging Travis away.
"W-what? Why? Is there something wrong-?" Travis began.
"Yes! You are going to be late!! And we don't want that! Do we, Connor?" Woodrow questioned, not looking back at Travis.
Travis blinked.

"What? No! Woodrow, I'm Travis!!" Travis exclaimed.
"The one with no freckles and..."
Travis took a deep breath before sighing out.
"... And with acne on his face."

"You can't back out of this Connor! You must face your feelings!! There's no point in trying to pretend you're your brother!"
"I am not Connor! Seriously, Woodrow, listen to me!!"

Woodrow did not listen.

Woodrow dragged Travis all the way to the spot, despite his claims that he was not Connor.

Eventually Woodrow dragged Travis and then left him as they reached the spot and Malcolm was looking around, a little nervous as he was unsure where this was going. Travis tried to looked for Woodrow, see where he had run off to, but he was gone. He was a quick runner it seemed. Travis sighed and he made his way over to Malcolm.

"Hey Mal." Travis said, leaning against a tree.
Malcolm looked over and he furrowed his eyebrows.
"Travis?" Malcolm questioned.
"Wha- what are you...? Juniper said someone wanted to confess to me... did you...?"
Travis felt his cheeks warm up from embarrassment.
"Ugh, Malcolm look-" Travis began.

"I'm sorry to say this Travis but I don't... like you in that way." Malcolm said, adjusting his glasses as he looked away awkwardly.
"I mean, the set up here is beautiful. But... Travis, I like someone else and yeesh, this is just weird..."

Travis blinked as he looked at Malcolm.
"... I didn't want to confess to you. Nor would I ever confess to you. Woodrow got a bit confused and he dragged me here, no matter how much I tried to convince him I wasn't the one who was supposed to be here." Travis explained.
Malcolm looked at Travis.
"Woodrow confused you for someone else? How would that...?" Malcolm furrowed his eyebrows.

"Look, just... I'm gonna head back. I gotta find Connor and... have a conversation with him about what happened!" Travis smiled at Malcolm.
"Feel free to enjoy the peace and quiet here though! Or we'll see you at the dining pavilion! Later Mal~!"
Travis then ran off and Malcolm watched as Travis seemed to be scowling something under his breath.
Malcolm thought about it for a moment.

No one else in this camp resembles Travis, other than-

... Oh.

Malcolm felt his cheeks warm up and he ran his fingers through his hair.
Connor wanted to... Has this what Connor has been trying to do these couple past weeks?

The shoes... why would the Stoll brothers hit him in the head with their flying shoes unless if those shoes had a message in them?

The cake. Travis has dyslexia, perhaps he wrote a message and it acted up, making Connor accidentally call Malcolm a... well, you know what. But what word could have Connor been trying to call him?

And the mug. Connor was surprised by the mug calling Malcolm a dork. And Malcolm's siblings claimed Connor had a matching mug that they saw him use. Did Connor's mug have the same sort of message the cake should have? Connor did say that the cake should have said that...

That Malcolm was perhaps cute?

Malcolm felt himself smile and he couldn't help but laugh out softly. Connor has been trying to confess to him, with the help of his brother. That's why it hasn't been going so well.

Malcolm looked at the set up, the fairylights making the spot seem quite beautiful. Malcolm sighed out softly as he made his way out of the woods and towards the dining pavilion.

Malcolm was going to let Connor have another shot. He was sure Connor would try to confess to him in another silly way, so if that didn't work out, then Malcolm would take things into his own hands.


Word count: 731

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