Pinky Promise

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Hyunjin X Felix;

Contents: Angst, slight mention of blood (literally just a droplet), fluff

"So you promise to be home early? It's our weekly movie night." Felix looked at his boyfriend expectingly as he stuffed his mouth with the breakfast sandwich.

Lately Hyunjin had been working later and later, which was always out of their time together.

Felix himself was working as a photographer, while Hyunjin worked in a highly appreciated magazine called Fashion Gazette. The magazine was actually how Felix and Hyunjin met. The younger had been hired to film some models for about a week, as the magazine's own photographer was on a maternity leave.
Hyunjin saw Felix and as he would call it, fell in love at first sight and had to chase the blonde for a while before he was able to convince Felix that he was serious and not just toying with him before the latter even agreed to a date.

It's been three years now. The two live together in a two bedroom apartment near the center of Seoul. They are not married, nor are they engaged, but regardless live a happy life together, having a weekly movie night.

"I promise love." Hyunjin smiled after finishing his own breakfast cereal.

"Pinky promise?"

"Pinky promise." The two boyfriends linked their pinky fingers together as a sign of an unbreakable promise. The older put his plate in the sink and started to make his way to the hallway. Felix got up and quickly kissed his boyfriend on his lips before skipping to their shared bedroom to change into better clothes. His work starts later than Hyunjin's anyways so he really did not have to hurry.

"I'm leaving now!"


Hyunjin entered the large office building and was greeted with lots of hellos and heys. He is quite popular in the company and people liked him. One reason was his kind personality and second was his incredibly good looks.

He headed to the art section where his work would be.

You see, he is the one in charge of the designs of the magazine as well as the cover.

There was a pile of designs and cover suggestions on his table waiting to be checked. And he knew his boss wanted them to be done on the upcoming Monday, so he really needed to get to work.

Felix was on his way to work. He could have taken the car, but he decided to walk today. It was a nice day after all so why not take advantage of it. He would only have a six to seven hour day because he only had four clients, to whom he had to make preparations and shoot for. So he would be home early too to prepare for the movie night. Felix had decided he would cook and clean as well before his boyfriend would come home.

"Tilt your head slightly to the left and put your hand under your chin."

The male was a master of giving instructions while shooting, which is why his studio was popular. The clients loved that they were getting clear instructions, because that often meant that the photos and videos would turn out to be good as well.

"Thank you Felix, you always know how to take your client's photos." Changbin laughed as the younger showed him the pictures he had just taken. "Well photography has always been my passion, so I always intend to take it very seriously." Felix let out his deep signature laugh and glanced at his client, trying to see any signs of unhappiness towards the pictures. Changbin paid a glance back at him gathering his courage to ask him the thing he had been thinking since the last time Felix took his pictures.

"Would you wanna go grab a coffee sometimes?"

Being a bit taken aback by the request, Felix truly had to think for a moment about what even was being said.

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