Wifi thief as a neighbour

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Inspired by a prompt I saw online.

Minho X Jisung (OT8)
Genre: fluff, angst?
Warnings: cursing

Jisung's internet gets cut off and he decides to try his hot neighbor's internet.
"Fuck." Jisung cursed as he hopelessly stared at the top screen of his broken screen iphone.
The symbol wasn't changing. Instead it continuously showed the text 'no connection' and Jisung wanted to curse the internet company or himself for not paying the fee for the internet.

"What the fuck do I do now?"

For an hour he hoped for a miracle, but when none turned up he decided that desperate times calls for desperate measures.
Jisung went to the wifi list of the phone.
The list wasn't big as the apartment complex was somewhat secluded and it only included eight apartments, his own not included.
Stumbling on a familiar name he clicked on it.

Lee Minho is connected.

Minho is his next door neighbour. A very handsome man if Jisung was completely honest and very kind as well. Maybe a bit mysterious but they got along.
They had spoken a few times, nothing much.
At least they knew each other on a full name basis.

What could the man's password be?

LeeMinho? No.
Leeminho? Not that either.
leeminho? Ugh. He seems like a simple man. There is no way he has a complicated password.

Would Jisung have thought a week ago he would be trying to hack into his neighbour's internet? Definitely not.
And did he know it's a crime? Most certainly yes. But he had no choice and his pride was too big to ask for permission.

HanJisung14? What the-, Jisung thought as he saw the text 'connecting' on the screen. He was confused. Why would the hot neighbor put his name and apartment number on the password section? Is he a stalker?
A blood thirsty murderer?
Now that he thinks about it, he does look a bit intimidating.

Minho heard a bling on his phone.
Loking at the notification he noticed something odd.

A new device has been connected to your wireless network.
Show the device name.

Name of the device logged into your wireless network:
Han Jisung's iPhone

Minho giggled to himself, but the smile faded when he remembered his network password.
No, maybe this is a chance for him to get closer to the boy.
He continued on with his day, deciding to confront his neighbour about hacking into his network later.

Later during the day Jisung managed to contact his internet service company.
They had given him no mercy.
He would quickly have to figure out a solution before he is balls deep in trouble.

Jisung looked at his phone when he suddenly saw a pop up window appear on his screen.

"Enjoying the wifi?"

His eyes widened, having not been anticipating the man to actually know he had logged into his network system.
Soon he heard a knock on his door.
Cursing under his breath and gathering his courage he walked to the front door of his small apartment and opened it.

There stood his next door neighbour in all his glory.
Jisung bowed respectfully to greet the man not much older than him.

"So you are the wifi thief huh?"
Minho grinned looking at the shorter boy who looked regretful.
"And you're my stalker" Jisung immediately spoke after, "look- I am sorry, but I've been struggling a bit, because I've been sick so I was unable to work and pay my bills and-"
"Calm down. You're welcome to use my wifi anytime. I pay way too much for it to be used by one person only anyways." The older chuckled standing on the doorway.

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