Hope for a better tomorrow 2/2

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Sequel to "A year worth of torture"

⚠️Previous Chapter's warnings apply⚠️

🎈Note: I think it goes without saying, that this too is a heavy themed chapter and follows the foothpath of its first part, so if you were unable to read the first part, you are unable to read this as well.🎈

Note 2: This is a work of fiction. I do not wish any harm to Stray Kids by writing this. The characters are just name and face claims.

💭There's quite a lot of dialogue, just so you know.💭

It was a rough night for Jisung. Physically and mentally.
He had cried the entire night in his sleep.


"No. No,no, no. Go away! It hurts!"
It was hard not knowing where he was hurting and if he was dreaming or not.
"You're safe now. No one is going to hurt you."
One thing noticable was that Jisung wouldn't lay on his back. He would only lay on one side, so one would guess his back is hurting.
This was also the most he's spoken his feelings out furing the entire small stay in the hospital.

"It's too bright- I can't- can't breathe-"
"You need to calm down. Breathe in and out."
His breathing came out noticably more stable and the nurse made sure to praise him for it, "That's right. It must feel better right? Do you want me to dim the lights?"

The nurse kindly dimmed the lights and Jisung felt instantly better.
With a weak voice he whispered a small thank you.

"Your family is here to see you. They came yesterday too but you were sleeping."
"Your mom, dad, brother and two of your friends. Do you want to see them?"
Does he want to see them? Of course. But he looks horrible. They wouldn't want to see him like this. Not with bruises and cuts all over his body.

A wince escaped his mouth. He couldn't speak out loud about his wants and needs, not when it was about his family.

"How about I will bring you some food and you can eat it while they are here? You have the nausea preventing meds on the whole time so you should be able to eat without it coming back up. Would that be good?"
"I can try."

A smile grew on the nurse's face. She told Jisung she would get him some light food and come back with it soon.

She left the room and saw the five outside waiting for a permission to go in.
"I'll let you guys in soon. I'm going to get some food for him."

Jisung tried turning to lay on his back, but the intense pain was definitely not agreeing with him.
Why was he even hurting this much?
Oh yeah because he was sexually assaulted and abused for a year.

The hot tears threatened to spill from his eyes when he even tried to turn because the hard bed was not a good combination with his pain.

"I'm back. I brought some soup and a couple juice boxes."
She set the tray on the movable tray and set it more on the side so the boy could move to sit up.
"I can't sit up. It hurts too much."
"Your back and your butt?"
Seeing Jisung nod, had the nurse moving.
"How about we do it this way. I can put a pillow under your back and butt so it will be softer."

And that she did. She carefully set the extra pillow behind him before helping him turn to lay on his back and this time it didn't hurt.
The woman set the tray in front of him so he could eat.
"Are you still okay if I let your family in?"
Jisung went silent once again. He stared at the food in front of him as the nurse went to let his family in.

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