Chapter 10

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"EW WHAT THE FUCK-!", Hyunjin screeched as he felt his elbow brush against a normal bush.

After about another hour, Seungmin finally finished his research-work for the day. Now the two boys were walking back together to the palace.

Seungmin rolled his eyes. "It's just a bush Hyunjin.", he said.

Hyunjin frowned and rubbed his elbow, but didn't say anything.

"Y'know, I didn't think the Prince of such a fierce Kingdom like Atra would be afraid a leaf.", as Seungmin said that, he also tried to resist to smile.

This made Hyunjin pause.

"Wow, you sure have gotten comfortable with insulting me about now.", Hyunjin pouted. As he took another step on the twisty trail, he felt a rock abruptly block his foot- causing him to lose balance and slip.

God, what was with him falling today? Perhaps the earth really did hate him.

When Hyunjin got back up, his face scowled at the scrape he'd gotten after the collision with the ground. A layer of skin had been torn apart and a bit of blood had oozed out of the wound. "Shit.", he muttered, disgusted by the look of his injury.

"What happen- oh...", Seungmin had noticed that he didn't hear any further footsteps and got concerned, and now he knew what the problem was.

The brunette turned around and saw the other clearly in pain. Hyunjin had his head down, as the said male was just staring at his palm. When Hyunjin tried to touch it, he hissed immediately from the sting.

A pair of hands gently made a way to his own and was being pulled away. Hyunjin looked up and saw Seungmin examining down at the harsh wound.

"Oof. It's bad, but not severe. Come.", Seungmin led the other to a nearby rock to sit while he shuffled through his bag.

Hyunjin sat there confused as Seungmin kneeled and took out a clean piece of cloth along with a bottle of some sort of clear liquid. "Open your hand, and try not to close it.", the latter said.

The ravenette nodded as he observed the male wet the cloth, but suddenly, when the cloth was placed onto the exposed skin, Hyunjin jumped as his other fist tightened in pain. "Y-You at least could've given me a warning!", he winced.

"Sorry", Seungmin whispered.

It took a minute, but Hyunjin quickly adjusted to the burn. And it wasn't until shortly Seungmin took out a roll bandage, he carefully let go of Hyunjin's hand as he unraveled the object, then taking the hand back into his to finally wrap the cleaned wound.

One thing that Hyunjin had learned of Seungmin's personality, was that if he was ever doing something, he always put a hundred percent concentration into it.

How could one be so adorable putting on a bandage?

After securing the bandage, Seungmin stood up and so did Hyunjin.

Seungmin scanned the other's hand once more, but as he did, he noticed how... pretty Hyunjin's hands were.

The Prince's fingers were long and slender, but not too much that it was bony, they were also very soft but not so that it was clammy. Visible veins flowed from the male's forearm to his hand, perhaps Seungmin was developing a hand kink.

"Seungmin...", Hyunjin spoke, lost to why Seungmin was just continuing to hold his hand.

Seungmin quickly let go after hearing his name and turned around, embarrassed at his actions.

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