Chapter 6

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Startled, the taller male locked eyes with the other with at loss for words.

"Oh- uhm, I actually didn't know this was your room in the first place.", he stuttered out.

Seungmin nodded, tilting his head to look at the door behind the male.

"I see, I'm sorry but can you excuse me? I'd like to go into my room now.", the boy said, confused as to why Hyunjin wasn't budging away from the door.

Seungmin was about to turn open the knob until a hand stopped him-

"Wait! Don't you think it's a little rude to leave a guest unattended? And besides, I had a question for you.", the Prince did have a point though, Seungmin thought.

But he so did not want to socialize at the moment.

He sighed.

"Okay.", the blonde stated.

"Okay what?"

"You said you had a question. I prefer you make it quick."

Hyunjin's eyes widened, then hardened again.

"Why did you leave dinner so early? You clearly hadn't finished your food- no, it looked far from done."

The blonde shrugged, not wanting to show off his irritation.

"I wasn't that hungry. Now can you please move?"

This made the taller scoff. Seungmin's eyes furrowed when Hyunjin unexpectedly shifted his body so that it was blocking the door to Seungmin's chamber.

"I'm not budging 'til you can start actually talking to me.", Hyunjin bluntly explained.

Seungmin's facial expression was just a little annoyed at first, but now he was becoming more frustrated due to a certain restriction in front of him.

A few seconds had passed and the younger still had not uttered a single word.

"Damn, you need speech therapy or something?", Hyunjin might've accidentally said his thoughts aloud.

Seungmin's gaze had snapped to the other Prince now, offended by his comment.

"I can talk just fine.", he said.

"Okay... so why won't you speak to me?"

"Because I only speak to those who are worthy to be spoken to." , those words had came out a lot harsher than Seungmin wanted them to be.

Hyunjin dramatically clutched his heart- "Ouch-! You just had to go there, and fyi, I'm also a prince! ", he exclaimed.

This kind of made Seungmin feel a little bad now, he lowered his head to avoid looking at Hyunjin's eyes.

"Sorry, that was mean.", he mumbled.

Honestly, Hyunjin was a little surprised by the sudden apology, but it made him chuckle a bit by the shyness in the other's voice.

"It's okay, I was only kidding."

Seungmin shook his head,

"I guess now I have to make it up to you. You said you wanted to talk right? You want to come in?", Seungmin actually had no idea why he was even inviting another prince, who he'd just met, into his own room.

This although had made Hyunjin smirk, it was like a wave of victory had just washed over him .


When Hyunjin had finally moved out of the way, Seungmin walked forward and opened the doors, revealing his chambers at last.

The latter guided the other prince into the gorgeous space, he let the former Prince look around as he made sure no one else had just seen him have him come into his room.

As Hyunjin was gazing at basically every detail of the room, Seungmin took a seat on his enormous bed. He made himself comfortable before he spoke-

"The real reason why I left dinner so early was because I didn't want to hear my father's rambling of marriage again."

He sighed again before continuing-

"Recently he's been very persistent on the whole subject. But too bad for him- it's not what I want so I keep rejecting it...", the boy's words gradually died off into a whisper the more he said.

Little did he know, a certain pair of siren eyes had been very focused on him as each word slipped out of his mouth.

There was a moment of silence between the two.

"That was the most I've ever heard you speak since the first moment I saw you.", Hyunjin blurted out.

Seungmin brought his hand up to cover his mouth before he smiled and scoffed at Hyunjin's comment.

"And you have a cute laugh too, it's the first time I've heard you laugh since I've met you."

Those words were not meant to be as complementing as Seungmin thought they would be. But he felt blush arise on his cheeks as his heart fluttered for just a split-second.

*Knock knock!

"Seungmin? It's me Jeongin! Can I come in?", a voice spoke from the other side of the door, and of course-
it was Seungmin's one and only (servant) friend.

Seungmin panicked- he was never able to predict Jeongin's visits- but the timing just had to be so "perfect" this time.

"One moment Jeongin!", he shouted.

He jumped up from his bed and grabbed Hyunjin's hand- he dragged the dumb-founded male, and before Hyunjin realized- he was now in a...closet?

"What're yo-", the taller's words were quickly cut off when a finger shushed his plump lips.

"If you make a sound, and you get caught- I will kill you myself." , and just like that- the closet door was slammed close right in Hyunjin's face.

Seungmin took a deep breath, hoping Jeongin wouldn't suspect anything. He opened the door and saw Jeongin with the biggest- but really the most silliest smile on his face.

"Hyung, hyung! Guess what happpened!", he cheered as he stepped into the prince's room.

"What?" , Seungmin asked.

"I just saw the most handsome man that anyone can ever imagine- walking in these halls!", the servant boy giggled.

"I doubt it.", the brunette replied.

"I think his name is Chan? He came along with the Prince! He was looking for him earlier, and came up to me to ask!"

Seungmin mentally face-palmed himself- " his advisor is tryna look for him when he's in my closet.", he thought.

In amongst to all of this, Hyunjin had been eavesdropping while still trying to stay still in the packed closet. But it was getting more and more difficult due to the lack of space in the cramped area.

"Oh my god! Why couldn't I just been in the bathroom?!", the male whispered-yelled. And due to the darkness of the closet- Hyunjin's hands scrambled around trying to find something he could hold onto.



The door suddenly busted open as he fell face flat to the floor, causing a loud clash.

Seungmin and Jeongin's heads snapped towards the root of the sound- and there they saw... the Atran Prince, sprawled out on the floor.

It took a hot second for Hyunjin to get up- and now all what was in front of him was the Lucernian Prince glaring at him while an unfamiliar boy was standing next to him.

"Uhm... hello?" , Hyunjin said awkwardly.

"SEUNGMIN WHAT THE-", before Jeongin can scream any further- his mouth was immediately shut up by Seungmin's hand.

"Jeongin... please calm down. I can explain.", the prince said calmly- but inside, he was definitely stressing.


Oh snap... Seungjin got caught...

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