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The rest of the day past quickly. I didn't have any other classes with Phil, so I would walk with him between classes and just daydream and draw during class. I pushed open the wide double doors and began walking down the side street to my house, but was shortly interrupted by loud, abrupt honking. (In the UK they actually call it "Beeping." Like why??) I turned around to see who the hell was being an obnoxious doucheball. A shiny, black mustang with tinted windows slowed down and pulled to a stop by me. The window rolled down and out popped Phils head. He pushed his sunglasses up on top of his head and smirked. "Get in, loser." I hesitated but then pulled the door open, sliding into the passenger seat. Phil flipped his sunglasses back in to place and turned to look at me. "So, where do you live?" He spoke with a soft voice, quieter and less gruff than I had ever heard it before. "Just go this way." I said while pointing at the road that forked off to our left. He laughed and shook his head. "I was just asking, I'm not taking you home yet. You're coming to my house." I smiled and shrugged my shoulders, "Well, okay." He laughed again and began driving the opposite direction. I sent my mum a quick text telling her where I was. He pressed a button and music began blaring through the speakers, it was something that sounded angsty and screamo, so he shook his head and changed it. He turned to me and asked what kind of music I listen to. I shrugged my shoulders again, "I dunno, punk pop or emo. That sort of stuff." He beamed, "Good choice!" He yelled over the song currently blasting throughout the car at max volume-Teenagers by My Chemical Romance. We screamed along with the lyrics, occasionally glancing at each other and laughing. He stared at me for a minute. "Hey, Phil?" "What?" He said with curiosity peaking through his voice. "You're a teenager, you punched someone today. So I guess it's safe to say you scare the living shit out of me." He laughed at my awful joke, and continued. "Yeah, I could care less as long as someone will bleed." I smiled and we held a fist to our mouths, like we had microphones, as we screamed the next part. "SO DARKEN YOUR CLOTHES, OR STRIKE A VIOLENT POSE. MAYBE THEY'LL LEAVE YOU ALONE BUT NOT ME!" We began cackling like those hyenas on The Lion King. He pulled into the parking lot of a small apartment complex. He shut off the engine. "I live here. I moved out after mum died, because my dads became a drunk when she left." He explained while opening his door and then slamming it shut behind him. I opened my door and got out, gently closing it behind me. I followed him to the front door of the building. We stopped at a small front desk where a guy with similar style to Phil sat. I don't know what it was but he looked more aggressive and scary. He smirked at Phil and they fist bumped. Phil loudly started talking to him with the deep voice he used at school. "Hey, Joey. How're things between you and Cindy?" The guy; known as Joey, shook his head and grinned. "Dumped that skank, I got a new bitch." He tipped his head back towards the door behind him that said "Office" and yelled, "HEY, KAT, GET OUT HERE!" He turned back to us. The door creaked open and out walked an intimidating looking girl. She was tall and skinny, her bright red hair contrasting to her black "Sleeping With Sirens" shirt, pure black high top converse, and black super skinny jeans. She had piercings all over her face, and dark makeup. She scowled at us and skeptically glanced at me. "Who's this tool?" Oh yeah, I kinda forgot I don't look scary. Everyone turned to me as if they just realized I was here. Phil cleared his throat, "This is my friend, Dan." Joey smiled at me, it looked kinda funny because it didn't match his appearance and was partially blocked off by his lip piercings. "Well, greetings Dan, I'm Joey, and this is Katarina." He pointed at her when he said her name and she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. Joey turned back to Phil, "Hey, you got this months rent?" Phil nodded and slipped his bag off his shoulder and began digging through it. He slapped an envelope down on the desk with a "Here, Asshat." Joey smirked and tossed it into a drawer. He spun his chair back around to us, "Okay, dudes. I'm going off to the back to have a wicked make out session with Kat. You guys have a bitchin' day, peace." He stuck up his first two fingers as a peace sign salute and grabbed Kat by the hip and leading her back towards the office. Phil shook his head and lead the way up the stairs to his flat on the fourth floor. He pulled a key out of his bag and unlocked the door, pushing it open and beckoning me in. He walked in after me and closed the door behind him. "Look, when my mom died, I was assigned the duty of clearing her stuff out because my dad didn't want to see it. I found a bunch of prescription drugs, stuff like anti-depressants, ADHD meds, a bunch of things like that. I didn't even know she was depressed. Well, Joey was one of my good friends from around my neighborhood, a few years older than us. I knew he did drugs and stuff so I sold them all to him for money. I made a thousand pounds just from those 12 half filled bottles.He got really sick and had to have his stomach pumped and he was stuck in the hospital for four days. I told him how bad that was, and he decided to change his life and got this job about two months ago, and he wanted to repay me for inspiring him to change, and he knew about my situation at home, so he showed me the apartment and so I got it, but he payed 500 of the first payment. And now I get sort of a secondhand employee discount and its a bit cheaper. So I basically owe my life to him because I probably would have died if I had to stay with my dad." I stood in amazement, unsure about how to feel about Joey now. I mean that was an incredibly nice thing of him to do, but knowing part of his past, I don't know. I knew Phil expected me to say something, so I nodded and quietly said "Wow, that was such a kind thing to do, I'm glad he decided to turn his life around." Phil smiled and nodded at me. We stood in an awkward silence until Phil clapped his hands and broke the uncomfortable quiet that felt like it was suffocating us. "I need to check my voicemail really quick, my dad usually tries to call me when he's sober, which is rare. But I didn't give him my new cell number, so he calls the home phone. Then we can play some video games or something. Okay?" I nodded and he walked away out of the entryway. "You comin'?" He yelled. I hurried into the room he went into, glancing around at the tiny living room, millions of video games overflowing out of a large crate next to a huge flatscreen tv. Posters of some bands, most of them I heard of before, tacked up on the pale beige walls. I began reading those while he pressed buttons on the telephone sitting on a small table by a sofa. "You have a pretty good taste in music, Muse, Fall Out Boy, Panic! At The Disco, Sleeping With Sirens, Artist Vs. Poet. Impressive" I said while glancing at each one. He grinned, "Yeah, now hush it so I can hear this." He plopped onto the couch next to the table, and I sat at the opposite end. A small beep rang through the room and a mans voice echoed out of the tiny speaker. "Hey, Phillip. It's your dad. I know you're probably at school right now, but. Call me back when you hear this. Do you remember that nice lady I told you that I met last month? We're beginning to get serious and I wanted her to meet you. She's coming over for dinner tonight, if you hear this and care to join us, come over at around 6:30. Listen, I'm so sorry for how I treated you, and I know I can never make up for it, and you don't have to forgive me, but this lovely woman has helped me become a better person, I haven't drank since I met her. Please Phil, just come tonight if you can. Okay, bye." Another beep sounded and then silence settled through the room. Phil turned and looked at me, his eyes slightly watery around the edges. "I'm gonna call him back, do you mind?" I shook my head and he turned back and began dialing the number with shaky hands. After a few second of silence Phil spoke into the receiver. "Hello?" I couldn't hear the conversation from the other end. "Look dad, I'm not forgiving you, I'm calling about tonight....yeah....okay I'll be there at 6:30 but I'm bringing a friend....okay bye" he slammed the phone down onto the cradle and flipped around to face me. "Do you mind going with me tonight for moral support?" He asked nervously. "Sure, but if you don't mind, what exactly did your dad do?" His deep blue eyes darkened a bit. "Let's just say he was very abusive, verbally and physically. How about some video games?" My eyes widened slightly and I nodded. He slid off the couch and bent over to pick a game out, and let me say, great view. He called out over his shoulder suggested games to play. "How about Bishi Bashi Special?" I had never heard of this game, but I was too transfixed by this heavenly booty in squeezable reach in front of me to say that, so I just "mhmhm"'ed him. He stood up, too soon in my opinion, and put the game into the slot. "Okay, we have half an hour until we need to get ready, do you know how to play?" I shook my head and he tisked at me, "It's simple, but I'll show you before each game." I nodded as he pressed a button and the game began. The next half hour passed, it involves lots of Phil trying desperately to explain them to me, and then screams from one of us when the other person won. Phil shut it off and then ushered me to follow him out of the room. He lead the way to his tiny bedroom, where I plopped onto his bed as he walked into his closet and closed the door behind him. A few minutes later he walked out, but something was different, I couldn't put my finger on it. Oh yeah, he was shirtless. And let me say, "DAYUM!" His pale skin was complemented by a black tattoo that went from one shoulder, across the top of his chest, to the other shoulder. He looked like a little twig, like you could wrap your arms all the way around him twice. I realized I had been staring too long when he awkwardly cleared his throat. "Anyway, which shirt should I wear?" He held a dark maroon button shirt up to himself, and then a mint green and white plaid one. He would look hot in both of them, or none of them, "The green one." He pulled it over himself, hiding his hot body underneath that damned fabric. He buttoned it up and then went back into the closet. He returned with different jeans on, these were a lighter black than the ones he wore earlier, and they hugged him tighter and showed off all the curves around his hips and his small legs. He was holding a pair of pitch black skinny jeans and a black eclipse tee shirt. "No way." I said simply. He nodded and grinned like a mad man. He thrust them into my arms and turned around so his back was facing me. "Come on, Dan. I won't look. You have to look intimidating otherwise or he will call you awful names, like Jason did." I realized what he was saying and pulled my baby blue polo shirt off and replaced it with the soft black tee shirt Phil handed me. I slid my white skinny jeans to my thighs and then tugged at the bottoms until they were off. I pulled Phils jeans on (with great difficulty) and buttoned them up. I looked down at myself and then gave Phil the all-clear. He turned around and looked me up and down. "Not dark enough. Needs these." He pulled a pair of black converse out from under his bed and handed them to me. I slid them on and laced them up, then Phil walked up to me and messed up my hair. "Hey!" I protested. He slapped his other hand over my mouth. I licked his hand and he backed up screeching. "Come on, let's go." We walked toward the front door, he stopped and washed his hands while glaring at me as I laughed. "Hold up." He held up a finger and disappeared into a room, returning with something in his hand. "We're gonna pierce your ears." He said calmly. "HELL NO!" I yelled at him, backing away. He laughed, "Come on, you'll look cool, you can take them out in a month and replace them with little butterfly ones." I scowled at him, "Just kidding, please." He made a puppy dog face at me. I sighed, "Fine, dickhead." He smiled and then ran toward me. "Stay still." He held the little gun looking thing up to my ears. I felt a little sting as he pierced my flesh. He did it to the other one and then stood back to admire his work. He smirked and then pulled two tiny packages out of his pocket. "Now we won't need these." He showed me one of the packages contained fake earrings. "You asswipe! My mum is gonna kill me!" He laughed and ripped open the other package. "These are fake piercings, we're gonna do your lips, nose, eyebrows, and some more on your ears. He separated the tiny rings and stuck them in all of those places and then pinched them together. "You look scary, now let's go." He said after ruffling my hair again. He grabbed his keys and phone and we jogged down the stairs, stopping and knocking on the office door. A flustered and naked Joey stuck out his head and torso and then flipped Phil off as we heard Kat yell in the back off the office "Come back and come, dickhead!" We laughed as he slammed the door behind him. We walked out the door and got in his car. Our laughter died down a bit as he turned on the radio. I instantly recognized the beginning of I Write Sins, Not Tragedies by Panic! At The Disco. We smiled at each other and then began belting out the lyrics. He gave me a bit of a heart attack when he screamed "WHORE" as loud as he could when that part came up. he turned into a gravel driveway right as the song ended. We hopped out of the car and approached the tiny brown house. He knocked and a man who resembled Phil except not as punky opened the door. He smiled at both of us and turned to me. "And you are?" He asked me. "Dan." I said plainly. He pulled Phil into a hug. Phil shoved him off and scowled at him. He stepped aside and walked in. "Phil, I would like you to meet the lovely lady I was telling you about." We headed to the kitchen and his dad lead us in. My jaw dropped. "Mum?!"

Cliffhanger! Not really. I tried to make this longer that my last chapter and longer than any of the chapters in my last story "Don't Tell Lucy." (Check that out if you haven't read that yet!) and I think I succeeded because this one was 2743 words long. Anyways, a lot just happened, but stay tuned to figure out what happens next! And I dropped my phone and the screen cracked into like a million pieces, so if I make a simple mistake like a comma instead of a period, it's because I can't see it.
Here buckybarnesandnoble does this make you happy? It took my forever but I updated it. Lol jk. Bye for now, my lovelies! 💜

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