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My jaw was practically laying on the floor. My mum? With Phils dad? A million questions were swarming my mind, like why? She stayed in her spot, smiling but clearly in surprise. "Oh, Danny. How nice of you to join us. So now you've met my boyfriend, Derrick." I couldn't move. I felt sick. I forgot all about Phil and Mr. Lester, or "Derrick" as my mum said. I shook my head and walked up to her. "Mum, can I have a private word with you in the other room?" She nodded and walked up to Derrick, kissing his cheek and telling him that we would be in "their" room talking. I almost threw up on my feet, they had known each other for like a month and they shared a room and act like they had been married for four years. She lead the way into a dim room at the end of a small hallway and she sat on the large, unmade bed in the center of the room. I felt disgusted as I looked around and saw a pair of her underwear laying on the floor. "What do you need, sweetie?" Words began flying out of my mouth at a mile a minute. "Why are you dating him? Why didn't you tell me?" Her smile faltered a bit., "Well, I was lonely and I met Derrick at the bar one night and we really hit it off. He's a great guy, and you're already close with his son." She was just making me more angry than I already was, and I hid my head in my hands and yelled. She frowned and placed a hand on my back. "Aren't you happy for me?" That pushed me over the edge. I stood up and whipped around to face her."Aren't you forgetting about dad? He loved you, and he wouldn't have wanted this." Her eyes began watering up around the edges, but I wasn't finished. I reached my hand into my back pocket and retracted the small folded up paper I grabbed from my bag. I tossed it to her, it landed perfectly in her lap with a soft thud. She picked it up and unfolded it, her hand fluttering to her mouth. "Oh, Dan. It's beautiful." I stomped my foot on the ground and snatched it away. "You don't care anyway." And with that I ripped the drawing of my dad that took me a month to finish, right down the middle. I continued shredding it as she silently cried in her spot. I threw the bits to the ground and stepped on them and ground them inbetween the cracks in the floorboards. I returned my gaze to her and got up into her face. "That took me a month. A month I spent in pain. Bullied, called 'gay' because I was drawing a picture of another guy. I took a month of pain just to try to make you happy. You didn't realize the bruises I had scattered across my body, but you sure as hell noticed someone to use and lose." She looked down at the floor and fat tears began rolling down her face, leaving trails in her makeup. I walked over toward the door and pulled it open. I turned around one last time and quietly added, "Three months and you have already forgotten about him." I walked out, pulling the door closed behind myself. I shuffled back down towards the kitchen to find Phil was having a similar argument with his dad. When they saw me walk in, his dad became quiet and stared at the floor. Phil glared at him and walked over to me and grabbed my arm, "Come on, we're going home." I turned around and followed him out the door, slamming it shut behind me. We got in his car and sat in silence for a few seconds before he started it up and pulled out of the driveway. When we were almost back he sighed and turned to me. "Look, Dan. I know we're both feeling the same way, and I know you probably don't want to go home tonight, so why don't you just stay at my place?" I nodded and muttered a thanks. He turned into the small parking lot of the apartment complex, to find it was being roped off with yellow tape that said "DO NOT CROSS." Police officers were on the scene, an ambulance whipping in behind us minutes later. We stared at each other in confusion and walked up to one of the officers. Phil asked him what happened. "Well, we had a murder." We both sat in shock. Phil raised an eyebrow. "Who was it?" The cop shook his head, "Sorry , kid. I'm not allowed to give out that information." Phil stepped closer, "Well, Sir. I live in that building and I may be able to give some information of the individual." He sighed, "The victim has not been identified, but he was stabbed in the chest nine times, left to die, naked in the office. The perpatrator was identified as Mary Smith, and she refused to turn herself in, so she committed suicide to avoid being convicted of the crime." Phil and I glanced at each other, our eyes wide and our mouths agape. What would have happened if we were there and we were murdered? What's Phil thinking? Who was it? A million questions whirled through my mind. The cop glanced between both of us. "Could you try to help us identify the body?" I looked at Phil and saw he already was nodding at the officer. The cop turned around and began walking to the two body bags on the ground. Phil took one glance and gasped. I looked down and instantly felt sick and horrified. In the first bag laid Joey, his black and electric green mop of hair matted with blood, a bloodsoaked towel wrapped around his naked and skinny waist, his lip piercings bloody from where he probably coughed up blood. I saw Phils eyes water up, he turned around and vomited on the asphalt. I patted his back, and turned back to the bags. I gazed inside the second bag and was more shocked at it than I was at the first one. In that bag laid Kat, you couldn't really tell by her bloody face, but it definitely was her. She still had on her blood covered Sleeping With Sirens shirt, probably covered in a mix of her and Joeys blood. Phil turned back around and faced the officer. "I-I know them. He's Joey Witzigreuter. He was my one of my best friends. He told us that she was Katarina. She was his girlfriend, although she didn't even tell him her real name appearently." The officer signed and pressed a small button on his walked talkie, "We got someone to identify him, get over here." We were suddenly swarmed with twenty officers up in our space, asking a million different questions. In the confusion I got separated from Phil. I was later informed he was taken somewhere else to be questioned by all the officers. I still panicked slightly, unsure of wether to go find him or not. I glanced around worriedly, when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I jumped and turned around to find Phil with red blotchy eyes and small wet trails running down his face. He put on a small smile. "Hey, one of the officers said we could go in. Come on." I nodded and followed him toward the building. He sighed and took a shaky breath and opened to door to the lobby. We were instantly hit with the unmistakable metallic scent of blood. We looked over and saw the wooden floorboards smeared with blood. Phil let out a small sob and he quickened his pace. We walked the narrow stairs into his apartment. He turned to me. "I'm going go take a shower, you can watch tv or something." I nodded and he turned around and walked towards the bathroom. I turned on the tv, but got on my phone instead. After about twenty minutes Phil walked back into the room. He sat down next to me silently and focused on whatever was on the tv. I stole small glances at him occasionally. His wet hair was sticking up everywhere in the front, and plastered to the back of his neck in the back. His face no longer had tear trails on his face, but his eyes were still slightly pink and puffy. He now has adorable black glasses on, which I didn't knew he wore. He had on a skin tight Pokemon shirt paired with a pair of black basketball shorts, showing off his heavily tattooed arms and his skinny and pale legs. He looked absolutely gorgeous and he wasn't even trying. HOLY SHIT I HAVE A CRUSH ON PHIL LESTER AND HIS HOT BODY! I mean I already knew he was really fucking hot, but I'm just now realized I actually like him. Well, shit. This is problematic. Why are the hot ones always straight?! I sighed inwardly, knowing my love is doomed. As if hearing my thoughts, Phil shifted his gaze to me. "Do you want to borrow some clothes?" I nodded and he stood up and turned around and held out his hand to pull me up. I grabbed his (surprisingly soft) hand and he tugged me up and I followed him to his bedroom. He opened one of his drawers and scrounged around for awhile and handed me some clothes. "Here, we look about the same size, will these work?" I nodded and he tuned around while I got changed. I took off Phils clothes he lent me earlier and pulled on the ones he just handed me. It was a super soft black shirt and lion pajama bottoms. I gave him the all clear and handed him his clothes from earlier. He smiled and looked me up and down. "You look good in my clothes, Howell." I felt myself blush and I looked at the ground as he chuckled to himself. "Wait." He said and quickly walked over to me. He reached for my face and I was unsure what he was going to do. I shyed away from his touch but he poked me in the face. "Hold still, Howell." He pulled off all of my fake piercings and tossed him in the drawer of his nightstand. He yawned and told me, "I've had a long day, and I'm tired. Let's go to bed." I told him goodnight and began walking out of the room to go get on the couch. He placed a hand on my shoulder and stopped me. "Where ya going?" He asked with a questioning look across his face. "To the couch." He shook his head, "No guests of mine is sleeping on the couch, I have a big bed get in here with me." I shrugged, "Okay." He crawled into his bed and ushered me over. I slid in after him, staying as far away as possible, clinging onto the edge of the bed. After a few minutes I heard his breathing get heavier and slow down. I sighed a breath of relief and moved around to get comfortable. I began thinking about today's events. So much has happened. Jason and his gang almost beating me up, meeting Phil, finishing that drawing, going to Phils apartment, getting my ears pierced, going to Phils dads house, finding out him and my mum are in a relationship, yelling at my mum, ripping up the drawing, leaving Phils dads house, everything with Joey and "Kat", and now. Wow, it feels like this has been like a week worth of events all in one day. I let out a yawn. Okay, I need to sleep. I sighed and closed my eyes. Within a few minutes I was out like a light.

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