11- final

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Jace curled his finger under the edge of my baby blue sweater, pulling it up as slow as he could, trying to see if I would notice. I pulled away from our kiss and stared at him slightly annoyed. He does this all of the time.

"Jace I told you that I don't want anything to happen, I just want to kiss you. Is that too much to ask?" He huffs and moves away from me. "But come on, we've been dating for like a month, you can't just leave me hanging. I thought you loved me?" I hate when he does this to me.

My relationship with Jace is bittersweet, quickly turning sour. He comes over after school and usually leaves in a bad mood after we argue. It seems like all we ever do anymore is fight and I don't like it. I thought he was nice, different, i don't know. He wasn't. He was lusty, only wanting me to screw him. I tell him I don't want to, and he freaks out and we scream at each other until he leaves.

"I don't know how I feel Jace, just please stop doing this." A car door slams as I say this. I look down at my sleeves, pulling them over my hands. I don't want to look him in the eyes. "I think you should go." He practically leaps off the bed and starts yelling. I look away as the endless stream of words begin. He loves to call me a prude, or a tease, or any other word he can think of really. I grip my sleeve and turn to him, standing up but not near him. "Just leave! I don't want to see you! I'm done with this toxic relationship!" I don't know how I found it in me to say it, on the inside I'm crushed.

He turns after calling me many more names and leaves, slamming my door behind him. The door opens back up and I prepare for it to be Jace coming back, so I turn away from it and wipe my tears.

"What was that about?" A soft voice says to me. It was Phil. Damn I forgot he lived here too. "Oh as if you care, you haven't said a word to me in weeks.  You hated Jace." I say to him bitterly. He sighs. "I thought it would be easier to avoid you than you see me get jealous." I whipped around and looked at him. "What? Jealous? Of what?" He steps closer to me.

"You and Jace." He sits down next to me. "But wh-" I'm cut off as he crashes his lips onto mine. I'm shocked, but eagerly start kissing him back. It's funny because Jace's lips were there five minutes ago. He pulls away from me. "I kinda realized that I liked you that first day we hung out. I tried hiding it for so long. I even dated Scarlett to cover the fact. It didn't work out, she actually left me to see Jace. They got together like a week ago, I thought he came here as a friend but I was wrong."

"So he was cheating on me?" I said quietly. He nods solemnly. "Sorry you had to figure it out this way." I shake my head. "It's okay I guess, but you like me?" I say, a little too desperate sounding. He smiles and nods. I squeal in delight and kiss him again. He laughs into it. "So I guess it worked out for the best."

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. "I'm sorry I gotta take this." It's Vi. I slide it open and hold it up to my ear. "Guess what!" She's screaming at me. I laugh quietly. "What?" "Zari just asked me out!" She squeals. "What about your girlfriend?" She scoffs at me as if I'm dumb for mentioning it. "We were over awhile ago, sorry I forgot to mention it." I congratulated her before telling her about Jace. "I'm going to kill him!" She screams in my ear. "No it's okay, because now I found out Phil likes me too." I say quietly to her. She screams. "OMG NO WAY! I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!" I smile even though she can't see it. "Sorry I gotta go, I have other things to attend to." I say to her. I can almost hear her winking. "Not like that! Geez." I hung up on her before sitting back on my bed.

"So I guess this all worked out for the best?" Phil says, smiling at me. I grin back at him and kiss him. He pulls away and looks at me seductively. "Let's just not tell our parents."

I'm so sorry, this is the end. I couldn't drag this out any longer and I was getting bored of it. I wanna start my other fanfics but I wanted this one to be out of the way first. Thank you all so much for the feedback, I loved it and I'm sorry to disappoint you. This ending was kind of all over the place and probably didn't make sense because I was in a rush. Please stick around and read my other fics, I hope to publish one by tomorrow. I love you all and I'm sorry that I'm such a let down as an author.

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