Chapter 3

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Abhimaan's POV

She fainted. She fucking fainted. When will this long day end man?

Ever since I grew up, I have seen my father building this empire with so much pain, bringing all of this together stone by stone. Facing the consequences of every problem and still not backing down.

I know the repercussions and consequences of my move. It is a risky decision to marry her. I don't even know where she is from, her parents, her family and the fact that there was no love between us and it never will be.

Love is a word, which is no present in my dictionary.I know her since the first day of college, when her anklets echoed the whole campus and everyone was just staring at her, the moment when I wished, if I could suck out everyone's eyeballs. But I backed down hoping the feeling to vanish and it eventually did, until I saw her again in my office.

But that time in college, I was just a fucking idiot who would get hurt when somebody questioned about my privileged identity.

I don't know if it is love or anything else but the way my stomach flips by just looking at her is a feeling that I haven't had ever before.

It's nothing, Abhimaan! You're overreacting. My subconscious mocked me.

I certainly can't risk my whole business which my father has built due to some random photos. My dad, Mr. Harsh Singh Rathore has built the Rathore empire with utmost sacrifices and helped the Rathore industries to reach newer heights. From working on everything from scratch to becoming the No. 1 businessman in the world.
I know people will think that I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth so be it! My father is getting old and it is my duty to help him make his dream a success!
"She has fainted due to extreme stress. I have given the medicines. Make sure to take good care and do not let her take any more stress as it might worsen her condition." The doctor said while handing me the prescription.
After an hour she started gaining consciousness getting panicked while looking at the surroundings.
"Where am I?" She meekly whispered.
"You're in my house, darling!" I said while looking at her messed up face.

"You can wash your face, I've called Naina, she is coming to pick you up. Make sure to take your medicines!" I said while leaving the room.

"Is this guy bipolar?" She asked herself slowly.
"I heard that!" I shouted from outside the room.
This girl has still not changed.

I was walking down the corridor when Dev Bhaia, my big brother shouted my name from his room.
"Abhi, I want to talk to you about something important." He said in a harsh tone.
I know what this is about brother. I thought to myself.

"Yes bhai, what's up?" I asked while opening my coat.
"Are you sure about this?" He said in a soft tone.
"Sure about what?" I asked him.
"I heard the conversation between you and Kiara and I don't think it's a good idea. Why are you being so stubborn and ruining a girl's life. After the marriage, it's not you whose life is going to get changed, it's hers." Bhaia said.

"What about my life Bhai? My life is also going to change as I don't love her, and my sole reason to marry is to protect my family!" I said in an irritatingly.

"That doesn't mean you go and marry her or anyone for that matter. Dad would never agree to this alliance and you already know what happened the last time you both were on the same boat."
Memories flashed in front of my eyes of that day. I still remember each and every detail.

I know my brother very well, his ideology revolves around name, status and family and I hate that my brother is the exact replica of my father.
I haven't even thought about the long game.

"Think about it, Abhi!" Bhai said in a calming tone.
"No bhai! I am going to marry her and I know exactly how much of a relationship you have with your wife."
I shouted but immediately regretted of what I just said. His face changed into a dark expression.


"I am sorry Bhai, I shouldn't have said all this. I don't care about this Bhai, these things are not important to me as I don't believe in them. My decision is final, I AM GOING TO MARRY KIARA SHARMA BY THE END OF THIS MONTH."
I declared and left the room feeling agitated.

"WHAT, you are marrying Kiara di? Dude why didn't you tell me, I am so happy for you!" Ansh, my little brother shouted in my ears while hugging me followed by Riya, my younger sister and the youngest clan of the Rathore's.

They all know about Kiara very well , I guess because of the past.

"I am so happy for you Bhai, finally!"Riya shouted while jumping.

It was a happy moment for all of us actually. After our grandfather's death, things went downhill.
Bhaia got married to Ayesha Singhania, the daughter of Vineet Singhania, dad's business partner. The marriage started on a rough patch as it was just for the sake of a deal and they were having difficulty in starting a family, so it was a good distraction for everyone.

"Hmm, kya ho rha hai yahaan koi much bhi bataega."
(What is all happening, can somebody tell me?)

Mom said while standing at the door.

"Mom, Abhi Bhaia has decided to get married.!" Riya shouted in excitement.
"WHAT? Abhi, what is she talking about? Who is the girl? And why didn't you tell me first?" Mom shouted while hitting my shoulder hard.
"Ouch.. maa I'm sorry. Things happened too fast, I didn't have the time to tell." I said rubbing my arm.

I can't tell her the truth now, otherwise she will freak the hell out.

"That doesn't mean you can marry anyone without my choice. First, I will meet her then only I will take the decision whether she is the right choice for you or not." My mom being my mom.
"Ok mom. Done."
"How will you convince your dad first?." Mom asked in a dead serious tone.
God I live in a mad house for real.

"I will ask him about my marriage, please chill out." I said feeling my headache increasing.
"You want to do, What?"

Here we go.....

The longest chapter till now.
Hope you Guyss liked the chapter, you all can let me know in the comments.

What's brewing between abhi and kara?? 🧐🧐 do they know each other?
What happened that day? What day is abhi talking about??

Stay tuned to know all these spicy answers to your questions.
Next chapter every Sunday.

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