Chapter 5

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Kiara's POV

"Is there anything you want to tell me?" Suman aunty asked me while tapping my shoulder.

She sensed my dilemma, that's why mothers are called wonder women.

"It's nothing Aunty, I'm just not really feeling well." I said with guilt evident in my voice.
"You seem to have fever too Kiara, you should take proper rest beta. Abhi, go and drop her home." Aunty said checking my forehead.

I could hear his footsteps becoming fast as he stood behind me. I shivered a little.
"Come, I'll drop you home." He said holding my wrist with his rough hands.
Just when I thought this night would end, Suman aunty asked that very question I almost dreaded the most, for days.

"Kiara and Abhimaan, you both will go tomorrow to meet Kiara's Chacha(Uncle) and Chachi (Aunty) for your marriage." She said.
Panic arose in my body and my heart dropped in my stomach upon hearing her.
"Okay mom." He said glaring at me, breaking my thought process.

The entire ride I was not able to speak a single word as I was already getting chills.
"Why did you got so tense when Mom asked you about your family?" He said starting the first conversation of the night.
"Huh... um nothing, I was not feeling well today." I almost blabbered as he shot a doubtful glance to me.

What do I tell him.. that they'll be jealous and will never let me live in peace.

The car came to a halt.
"I think.... I should go.." I said and quickly got out fumbling.
"Hey!! Don't forget to take your medicines. Goodnight princess." Saying this, he drove off.
Princess??? PRINCESS?
As soon as I entered, Kanishka and Naina nearly jumped on me asking me infinite questions.
"How was it? How was it, tell me? How is his family? Are they all grumpy,just like him ? Or are they sweet? Whom did you liked the most?"
"Oh god... SHUTUP.... It was fine!" I shouted at both of them and sat while grumbling.
Just then kanishka's phone started ringing and she went out to take it.
"Listen, Abhimaan is going to meet Chachi (Aunty) tomorrow."
"What? I think you should tell him Kiara. If he finds out later, things might take a turn." Naina said in a concerning tone.

"What do I tell him? That she doesn't consider me as her family. That she only cares about her daughter... when I needed her the most in college, she left me saying that she only cares about money?" I shouted nudging her shoulders almost crying.
"Calm down.... Kiara, don't worry, nothing is going to happen, I'm always here for you!" She said hugging me as tightly as possible.
I need to get this fixed. I will go tomorrow and tell her about my marriage before he comes and drops the bomb.
Next morning, I quickly got up early and got out of the house. I cannot let this happen. She might create a scene if I go with Abhimaan and I wouldn't be able to control it. I got out of the cab standing at the door already feeling my legs shivering.

"Arey, my baccha you are here, after so long." Rajeev sharma, my chachu opened the door and quickly engulfed me in a hug. The only person who cares about me and loves me.
He is my favourite person, he was there for me when I felt like giving up, he made me smile when I felt like crying, I celebrated each and every victory with him.

"I missed you chachu." I said hugging him back.
"Oh so you finally remembered us!" A voice boomed from the kitchen area and I knew who was there.

Speaking of the devil and the devil is here.

"I always remembered my family unlike you." I hissed as my anger boiled by just looking at her face.

"That's what your parents taught you? To talk to us like that? We have given you so much, still you are so ungrateful!" Chachi shouted.

"What exactly did you give me? Except your taunts, what else did you shower at me?. I just came here to tell you that you're finally getting rid  of me just like you always wanted ! I am getting married by the end of this month!" I shouted with all my strength.

"With whom?"
"Abhimaan." I meekly whispered.
"WHO?" She shouted.
"Abhimaan Singh Rathore." I said shutting my eyes.
"Is this some kind of a joke? Why would he marry you out of all the girls? Or did you do some magic just like your mom?" She said smirking.

"Watch your language chachi or else I will forget than an elder is standing in front of me, and talking about my dignity. You and your daughter had lost all the respect for your family and long time ago!!." I hissed coming dangerously closer to her.

Out of nowhere, I got a massive blow on my left cheek and I immediately stumbled back, when two protective arms came around my waist from behind.

All of this happened so fast that I wasn't able to comprehend what just happened.

I know this cologne. I immediately peeked my eyes up, only to see my worst nightmare, there he was, standing tall, anger clearly visible on his face.

No no no... this can't happen.... Not him. When did he came? She slapped me in front of him. Did he hear everything????.


I guess it has to be the most dramatic chapter of the book isn't it? 😉

There are more such spicy drama chapters ahead. So hold on to your seat belt and stay tuned for more ♥️

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