Chapter 14

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Double update it is... ❤️✨

Kiara's POV

"No...No, please NO!" I woke up with a sudden jolt from the bed.
I got up rubbing my eyes meanwhile wiping the cold sweats off my forehead.

Man I forgot to fill the water jar!

I need to take the medicine.
I got up from my bed in order to find the medicine and instantly my eyes went to his side.

Empty. Like always!

He didn't come today either. It's been like this for over a week now. He often sleeps in his study  and I wake up to an empty room!

I kept walking towards the kitchen, when I heard something break in the study!
I tried to peek in, only to see several documents scattered all over the floor, several documents scattered on his table as well but he was engrossed in his laptop while massaging his head.

"You haven't slept yet?" He asked me without even looking up from the screen.

How does he magically sense me?

"No, I was just going to the kitchen for water! Do you have a headache?" I asked pointed towards his head.
"Just a little bit." He replied finally looking up towards me in my eyes.

I moved towards him standing behind at the back of his chair and started to slightly massage his temples with my hands.
"You don't have to do this!" He said grabbing both my hands.
"But I want to, you will feel better!" I managed to say as I got little scared with his actions.
He instantly left my hands keeping his laptop aside.
I kept massaging his head until his eyes closed.
We quickly got back to our room and I couldn't help but let my thought wander to Naina, from the other day. Just then, Abhimaan came out of the washroom and sat down on the bed next to me.
I don't know the feeling but I always feel my stomach drop when he is near me.

"Why were you hugging veer?". He asked me moving sideways.

"Why? He is your friend, not some stranger!" I replied keeping my cool despite internally laughing.

"You can hug my friends, but you cannot look me in the eye, while talking to me?" He said putting his hand in my chin to match his eye level.
There was very little distance between us: However, Our lips were almost like an inch away for ten seconds.

I was too stunned to speak anything with my eyes wide open, but it sure did create a million butterflies to flutter in my stomach. I'm sure I was red as a cherry by now!
I quickly averted my eyes and laid on the other side of the bed.
I woke up to a beautiful morning as the sun was out piercing through the curtains of our room. The pain in my shoulders was probably healed by now.
I got dressed and quickly went downstairs towards the dining hall as Abhimaan wasn't present in the room.

"Kiara beta(Child), come here!" Papa called out on my way towards the kitchen.

"Ji papa, kuch chahiye aapko?"

(Yes dad, do you need anything?)

"I wanted to talk to you about something." He said as I sat near him.

"Are you happy in this marriage?". He asked in a concerned tone.

I was in a complete dilemma till now as they were really nice to not ask the reason as to why I fled from the wedding.
But it was evident they want to know the answer!

"Ji papa, aap tension mat lijiye, Mai khush hu iss rishte se." I assured him not wanting to extend this conversation.

(Yes dad, don't worry. I'm happy from this marriage.)

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