Chapter 4

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Abhimaan's POV

"Dad, I know this is a risky decision. I have thought about it all." I said explaining to him.
"I'm not talking about your decision. I'm talking about your life. Marriage is a big thing. Your Entire life can change due to this one step." He said.

I know my father. A certain part of me knows that he cares for his family but also cares about the future consequences.
"Dad, I know what I'm doing. Please have faith in me. I won't let you down." I said comforting him.
"I know beta. I trust you. Don't ever betray or hurt her feelings." Dad said putting a hand on my shoulder.

Kiara's POV
My mind is not working properly. What should I do? Why doesn't my past leave me alone?
It still haunts me and will haunt me for the rest of my life now.

My panic attacks are back, I work in a company where the CEO is Abhimaan, and now he wants to marry me?
I haven't heard from him since the day I fainted at his house. Did he change his mind?
God I can't stop my mind from imagining the worst.

Wait? How will I tell chachi (Aunty) about this? How will she react?

I jolted up from my bed.

Since I was fifteen, I had been residing at my Chachi's house. Why? Because my family isn't flawless. I have always believed that my family is perfect and they will never change but I was wrong.
My parents are not to blame, it's not their fault. It is repulsive to even consider the issue that previous generations have created by holding women to such low standards, and now I had an option, and I chose to break free myself from them.

It's not like I don't love my Mom, but she chose my father over me. Just because it's your family, doesn't mean anyone has to tolerate their toxicity, manipulation and disrespect.
By my life wasn't easy either, I got good grades and quickly moved to another city, where my Uncle and Aunt lived, but they never really cared about me nor they even respected me because of apparent reasons, a girl who leaves her home has no identity, that's what the society thinks.

But they can't stop me from chasing my dreams. I always considered them as my family but they always showed competitiveness with me and her daughter. Now I live with my best friend, Naina.

Let's not think about all this Kiara. Stop.

I was making breakfast when my phone pinged. It was from an unknown number.

A- You look good in suits.

K- Who's this  ?

A- Normal people say thankyou for a compliment by the way!
Abhimaan here.
You didn't saved your future husband's number?

The audacity!!!! I thought to myself.

Calm down, Kiara!

K- Is it something important? I am busy in some work!

A- I am coming to your house today!
Taking you to meet my family!

Is he serious? WHAT? No!

K- I mean I'm not ready.

A- Did you forget our conversation from the other day?
I don't have time for any of this.
Be ready at 7.
I'll come to pick you up!

K- What if I don't go?

A- Then I'll kidnap you!

I switched off my phone after feeling frustrated with everything happening. I was about to cry when Kanishka dashed into my room unannounced.

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