Chapter 11

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Kiara pov
"Okay first let me explain it to everyone. So 2 pairs have to sit facing each other and they have to ask each other questions about their favourite things. And whoever gets the maximum number of questions right will have to take their partner for shopping."
Riya explained while clapping hands at the end.
"Let's start with the newly weds."

We sat down nervously facing each other. Obviously he wouldn't be able to guess my likes or dislikes because he never really cared.

"Okay let's start.

First question.
What is bhabhi's favourite colour and bhabhi, what is bhai's favourite colour. It's an easy one."

- black

We both said at the same time followed by narrowing our eyes. His gaze was so powerful as if it could see through my soul.

"Great Okayy.
Second question.
"What is bhabhi's favourite comfort food and same goes for bhai as well."

-rajma chawal

I had no answer because I never really knew what he liked as I never got time to understand him.
But how did he know about my comfort food?

"Wow bhai. Okayy.
Third question for you bhabhi. Whom does bhai love the most?

- his mom and his work.

He was stunned by my answer.
Haha tit for tat.

Fourth question
"How many tattoes does bhabhi have?."
He can never guess....
- one, on her lower back left side.

There was a pin drop silence in the house and the only thing I was able to hear was my own gasp.
"How do you know." I whispered by he never answered.

"Okay. Fifth question.
Bhai, why is bhabhi's favourite hobby?

- meeting rich guys for their money.

I wasn't sure if I heard it right.
I could literally feel the earth getting ripped away from my feet and tears starting brimming in my eyes followed by intense anger.
How could he say something like that?
And the next second he just walked off from there and his whole family was watching us.
I instantly got up and ran away as fast as I could.
In the room, I sat on the bed with tears rolling down my face uncontrollably as I heard footsteps coming near the door.

As soon as he came inside the room I lashed all my anger out on him.

"HOW DARE YOU." I shouted and was about to slap him but he caught my wrist.
"Not again." He hissed twisting my hand behind.
"How could you say something like that in front of my whole family and on what basis are you humiliating me again and again." I spitted out.

"Why? This isn't all new to you. You married me because of money and you damn well know it very well." He shouted  jerking my hand away.

Does he have a split personality? He practically forced me to get married.

"This. This is your fucking problem. You never trust anyone, you just care about yourself. Have you ever once asked me as to why I don't wanted to marry you? Why I fled away from there? What exactly is your problem with me?." I yelled, shoving him away with both my hands.

"MY PROBLEM. My problem is you. You ran away from your own wedding. You didn't even cared about your family's reputation let alone mine. You're just a hypocrite who can't make decisions on her own." He yelled gripping both my arms pushing me back.

"Look who's talking about fucking hypocrisy. You are the one who practically bought me by giving money to my family. And let me tell you Mr. Abhimaan Singh Rathore, I am not an object that you can buy. Get this in your head." I growled, my face was smeared with tears by now.

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