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Today I and the girls decided to go for our monthly spa day, we usually pamper ourselves once every month.

Presently in the spa we were having a discussion, I was telling them about Nafisa's visit.

"Kar ki yarda"(don't agree) stated Ummi sternly
"ai kuwa"added Khairy
"She is just his cousin and I don't see anything wrong" I replied
"Kohh, don't you see all those cases on social media were 'she is just his cousin ' becomes second wife " Ummi said with all seriousness

"Guys chill" Hafsat spoke for the first time since the conversation started "I have good news"
"Go on" I urged eager to hear the news
"Well guess who just got engaged" Hafsat said blushing profusely
"Wait, you're getting married" Yusrah yelled in excitement
"soon to be Mrs Ibrahim"I said while she was acting all shy "Awwwn" we all chorused
Congratulations were flying around with everyone congratulating Hafsat i can't wait

We were done with our secession so we all went to our various homes, not without teasing Hafsat continuosly.

I was back home ,I  knocked on the front door expecting Lantana to open but instead a scowling Nafisa , I said "Hi" since she refused to say anything, but she ignored me and went to the couch and sat down scrolling through her phone okay , brushing it off I head upstairs to check if Yarima was back but he wasn't around which means he stepped out, so i went to my room .

Hearing the front door open indicated that Yarima was back, glancing down the stairs, i proceeded towards the door as i guessed he was back, without hesitation i went forward to welcome him, but Nafisa beat me to it, dumbfounded i stood there wondering what just happened.

"Welcome back " i said barely recovering from the shock "Noor" he replied walking past Nafisa towards were i was standing. Nafisa stood there with a scowl, i lead him to the dinning since dinner was ready , he sat down , Nafisa also came and sat down ,while I started serving, first with Yarima's then Nafisa lastly me.

"Fix your face" Yarima said referring to Nafisa in between meals, without any waste of time she fixed her face removing the frown she was holding.

We were done eating so i  cleared the table. At exactly 9pm i retired to my room sleep time .

MONDAY .....

The next day Yarima went to work and i was bored, so I decided to watch a movie, but seeing Nafisa in the parlour i rather not , on my way out she spoke "you've been married for six months and no child, if it was me........"
i cut her off "it's between me and my husband besides I'm the one married to him not you, wake up " i said

"But he is entitled to four wives"she spat

"That is for him to decide, look you are in my house, this is my husband's house don't overstep and stop daydreaming " i concluded exiting, what she said made me annoyed i can't imagine how someone can be so foolish.

Contemplating whether to tell Yarima about what happened or not, I later decided to go with the latter. Shoving everything she said aside.

I was in the kitchen putting the meals into food warmers since I was done preparing dinner, Nafisa walks in with a smug look on her face i don't even have her time she just took bottled water from the fridge and left better .

I took the warmers and placed them on the table one by one , as usual waiting for him.

Lost in thought, I didn't even hear the gate being pulled let alone when he opened the front door, he entered with a taslim, i was about to stand up and welcome him but Nafisa like one flash beat me to it strike two so I sat back down paying no attention to them.

He was seated, before I could move She stood and was about to serve him , I quickly collected it without a word and did it myself. she snorted wordlessly, we ate in silence, no one uttering any word.

It has been 2 weeks already and thankfully Nafisa finally left , the 'few' days she spent we terrible, don't get me wrong but she is so annoying, i can't count how many times I caught her snooping around Yarima's room shamelessly. There was that one time I forgot my phone in the parlour so I went back to get it but upon reaching there I saw it in her hands.

I honestly don't know what I've done to her she's out to get me also Yarima recently went on a business trip to Germany, he said it might take two weeks or more depending on the pace at which everything is concluded.

I have been so bored for the past few days, watching Korean films was one of my favourite things to do but it has become boring, I miss him so much even though we talk twice a day with video calls every night.

Remembered I haven't started working on my class presentation, which carries 20 marks uggghhh I'll start tomorrow

*Buzzz buzzz* the sound of something vibrating snapped me out of my thoughts, I moved searching for the cause of the sound, moving closer i found it inside my bag my phone it was on vibration, seeing the name on the screen MY YARIMA made a smile appear on my face "hello" i said after picking the call. That's how I spent most of the night on call with Yarima.

Third chapter down.
Please this is purely a work of fiction and imagination.
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